Lesson Report-Advancing-Jun.30th

Dear Advancing Classmates,
Now, you might have learned just one technological innovation doesn't change the whole world. It could influence substantially but chain reactions are necessary to make a big change.
Printing revolution surely triggered historic changed followed for the next a couple of centuries.
And those reactions collaboratively made history.  
Daily 1500 15 min.m
Review #18 Online Criminals Attack PayNet=> J to Eng
#19 Online Encyclopedia:What are unique about Online Encyclopedia compared to ordinary encyclopedia.
Open Forum Chapter 12 Law  Radio Call-in Program about Legal Questions
Pronunciation: Exercise 1, Exercise 2 => Listen and Write the questions
Speaking Skills: B: So my question is, did I steal this painting? I mean, they threw it out, but now I know it’s worth something, and I’m worried about it.
Speaking Practice
My Global Learning Program 2 – Part 1: Printing Revolution #3
Revise/Rewrite Writing-1  Explain what the Printing Revolution is about in 100 words
Discussion-2  How fast and drastically did those changes occur?

Lesson Report Junior-2 June 28th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Sunday, June 29, 2014.
It's mostly cloudy today.
What are you going to do this summer?
Do you have any plans already?
If so, what are you doing?
Our speaker yesterday were Kota and Hinako.
Kota talked about his exams starting on Wednesday.
Hinako talked about visiting nursary school as a school job experience program.
The next speakers are Haruka and Shun.
Get ready for your speech!


<Lesson Review>
基礎英語3 Lessons 45 & 46
Chapter 17 Unit 1 Grammar and Communication-1 be going to -1
Grammar and Communication-2 be going to -2
Grammar and Communication-3 Let's ..., shall we?, Verbs to learn

See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Junior-2E June 28th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Sunday, June 29, 2014.
It's mostly cloudy today.
What are you going to do this summer?
Do you have any plans already?
If so, what are you doing?
Our speaker yesterday were Chiaki and Chiharu.
Chiaki talked about seeing a play.
Chiharu talked about her exams staring on Wednesday.
The next speakers are Ryuto and Shintaro.
Get ready for your speech!


<Lesson Review>
基礎英語3 Lessons 45 & 46
Chapter 17 Unit 1 Grammar and Communication-1 be going to -1
Grammar and Communication-2  be going to -2
Grammar and Communication-3  Let's ..., shall we?, Verbs to learn

See you on Wednesday!


8月7日 デイキャンプのご案内


日時87日(木)     三鷹駅改札口前に750集合  解散530頃(予定)

行き先:相模湖リゾート プレジャーフォレスト
      神奈川県相模原市緑区若柳1634     電話(代表)042-685-1111


当日の予定      7:50集合(時間厳守)三鷹駅改札口前

8:06 JR中央線三鷹駅発 高尾駅で8:46発小淵沢行に乗換(途中乗車の方は高尾駅で合流)
8:54 相模湖駅着
9:00 相模湖駅1番バス乗場発  三ヶ木行     神奈川中央交通バス(路線バスの増発便)
9:10 プレジャーフォレスト前到着

9:30~11:00    園内にて全員でのアクティビティ(詳細は後日決定)
           荒天時はEco キャンドル作り、または、組みひも作りをグループ毎に行います。
11:15~ 1:15   鉄板焼き大会(準備・調理~後片付け  : ワイルドクッキングガーデン)
1:15~ 3:45    自由行動(有料・無料アトラクション多数、小学生には乗物5回券プレゼント)
★アトラクション一覧 http://www.sagamiko-resort.jp/play/index.html
迷路百貨店の案内    http://www.sagamiko-resort.jp/maze/
新設大空天国の案内   http://www.sagamiko-resort.jp/oozora/

3:45 入園口に集合
4:18 プレジャーフォレスト前発 神奈川中央交通バス(路線バスの増発便4:30頃相模湖駅着)
4:48 JR中央線相模湖駅発=> 5:31三鷹駅着後に解散(途中下車可)


・当日の連絡先: mel@myengish.co.jp 
MEL School 三鷹 三鷹市下連雀3-13-33-101  Phone: 0422-27-5365 (11:00-19:00)

MEL News July 2014

それでは、MEL News (2014年7月号)をお届けします。

News-1 デイキャンプ詳細決定!8月7日(木)@相模湖プレジャーフォレスト
相模湖プレジャーフォレスト http://www.sagamiko-resort.jp/ でのデイキャンプの詳細をご連絡します。
  => 詳しいご案内 http://melschool-update.blogspot.jp/2014/06/87.html
今年はJR中央線で相模湖駅まで行き、そこから路線バスの増便で会場に向かいます。年に1度の、学年やクラスを越えたMEL School 全員のイベントです。今年も楽しい思い出を作りましょう!

News-2 海外留学生が帰国&帰省
MEL School で学んだ生徒たちが高校在学中や大学に入ってから海外留学をするケースが増えてきました。今年はこれまでに3人の留学生が帰国報告に立ち寄ってくれました。
そのうちの2人はアメリカのカリフォルニアの大学、フィラデルフィアの高校に1年間の留学を終えて帰国しました。もう一人はUWC (United World College) 香港校に在学中で、2年間のうちの1年目を終了したところです。3人とも英語での学習に十分対応出来たとのことや、充実した生活ぶりを報告してくれました。

News-3 Junior-1(中1クラス)でタブレット使用開始!

News-4 保護者面談ご協力のお願い

Update-1 2014年度第1回英検結果
6月8日(日)に一次試験を実施した2014年度第1回英検では、MEL School からは30名ほどの生徒が受験しました。小学生から高校生まで実力を試すよい機会になったようです。3級以上の一次試験合格者を対象に、7月6日(日)の面接試験に向けてサポートタイムで個人練習を行っています。この間通常のサポートタイムはクラスによっては利用できなくなりますが、ご理解とご協力をお願いいたします。

Update-2 夏休みの日程

Update-3 服装について
MEL Schoolでは英語を使ってコミュニケーションをする力を身につけるためのスクールです。そのための学習に相応しい環境を保つために、服装や身だしなみ、マナーについて守ってもらいたいルールがあります。ご存知のことかと思いますが、季節の変わり目でもありますので、以下の点についてご注意頂けますようお願いします。


MEL School 三鷹
Towako Asai

Lesson Report-Senior 2-Jun.28th

Dear Senior-2 Classmates,
Do you like laughing? Probably, yes. Do you like other people laughing? It may depend who, when and how loudly. But as you learned, you might laugh when others do. In other words, others may laugh when you do!
・Read & Write Unit 6 What makes you laugh?
Objective: Explain what makes you or someone you know laugh
Writing Skill: Write a topic sentence
Reading-1  What is Laughter?
- Reading Skills: Identifying the Topic Sentence in a paragraph-> A/p.107
- Reading #2-> Underline TS in each paragraph Part-2, 3, 4=> Answers to the four questions!
Write a topic sentence and support it with three to five sentences and a concluding sentence.
- Task-1: When do you laugh?: Read Par-2 and answer the question. => Pair
=> Review Writing Task-1: When do you laugh?: Read Par-2 and answer the question. => Pair
- Task-2 : Do you like a person who laughs loudly? => Pair
・Bridge to MEL Book 3
- C36-U2: GIU China Part-2 Review  KC
- C37-U1: G&C-1(2), Ex-1 #1, 2

Lesson Report Junior-3 June 27th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, June 28th, 2014.
It's cloudy today.
Have you eaten your breakfast?
Have you done your homework yet?
By the way, do you have any thoughts about your future?
Was there any job you were interested in in the VIU we learned during lesson?
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday again!
The next speakers are Mahiro and Sho.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 45 & 46
Bridge Work
Chapter 27 Unit 2
Vocabulary in Usepage 31 #1 Review practice => #2 Vocabulary check
Chapter 28 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1 現在完了

Don't forget your homework!

Have a great weekend!
See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-2 June 27th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you? It's Saturday, June 28, 2014.
It`s rainy today.
Picture Dictionary Topic 30 (1), Dinner at the Restaurantに入りました
This is Phonics Unit 2 P27 の問題は穴埋め問題でしたが、全部解けましたか? 
Grammar Starter では Chapter 4 Is Carlo from Italy?P18 exercise 7の問題をときました。
Exercise 8ではペアで質問を作り答える事をしました。Good work!
3A Magic Picture Book worksheet 2 を完成しました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 30 Dinner at the Restaurant ()
Sing chant
Write new words in notebook
This is Phonics sing chant  Listen to the CD and repeat
Do P 27
Memorize as many words as you can from P27. Write words on board
Grammar Starter Unit 4 Is Carlo from Italy?
Do exercise 7,8
Up and Away Reader 3A Magic Picture Book worksheet 12

Have a wonderful weekend. See you next week !


Lesson Report Primary-1 June 27th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It’s Saturday, June 28, 2014. It's rainy today!
Picture Dictionary のTopic 5 Vegetable Party (4)を学習しました。
Phonicsの教科書P19 を完成させました。A と B の単語をしっかり読めましたか?
Up and Away student book Unit 14 Singular nouns  P31, 32を学習しました。
Up and Away Student book Unit 20 This isを復習しました。
P 47 のThat isを学習しました。お家でThis is, That isの文を作ってみてください。
Up and away workbook P29 の問題はできましたか?
Up and Away Reader Book 1A P7-9.

<Lesson Report>
Picture Dictionary Topic 4 Vegetable Party (4)
Sing the chant.
This is Phonics sing jingle
This is Consonants P19
Up and Away student book Unit 14 Singular nouns P31, 32
Up and Away student book Unit 20 Review  This is P46
Up and away student book  That is P47
Up and away workbook P29
Up and Away Reader book 1A (P7-9) Listen to the CD, repeat, practice

Have a great weekend! See you on Tuesday.


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Jun.27th

Dear Senior-1 Classmates,
Did you like the story of the couple who have had wedding ceremony and party every year? Simply, it's an affectionate form of anniversary but is also a good form of education to their children and grandchildren. When they become adult and get married, they might want to have such affectionate and long-lasting relationship.
[1] Bridge Work C30-U2  - G&C-2 Ex-2 #2, G&C-3=> Ex-3
[2] Vocabulary in Use: C30-U2 #1  Practice, Voc.Writing-> Practice
[3] Read & Write: Unit 5 Vacation: why is vacation important?
- Grammar: Sentence with because-> A/p.96=> B/p.96 => Pair
- Writing Skill: Using correct paragraph structure/p.94-95 <= ☆ Using Time Order Words/p.74
 -> Study another paragraph from Q-Skills: Vacations Are Important
=> Write your paragraph that argues either text (against/textbook or for/Q-skills vacation).
[4] Reading – Cover to Cover: Unit 1-Part 2  The Couple That Loves Weddings
1. (pr-8) They asked the priest who ~ do it again日本語にしなさい
2. Paragraph-9: それまでの経緯を踏まえて、このパラグラフを日本文でまとめなさい
3. The couple sent invitations to those who had attended their first wedding to another wedding and a party
Expanding Vocabulary: unable, unhappy, impatient, impossible, unusual, unlike
What’s your opinion? : What do you think makes a good marriage?

Lesson Report Junior-1 June 26th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's it going?
It's Friday, June 27th, 2014.
It's cloudy today.
What do you want for breakfast?
Do you want some bacon like Sakura?
Phonics の Polite vowels は書き取りをしてみると少し難しかったようですね。
Bridge Work では、 不規則変化の複数形とthat, those の練習をしました。


<Lesson Review>
Phonics Polite vowels
Lessons 45 & 46
Bridge Work Chapter 2 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2 不規則変化の複数形
Grammar and Communication-3 that and those
Exercise-3  #1, 2, and 3

Have a wonderful weekend!
See you next week!

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report-Advancing-Jun.26th

Dear Advancing Classmates,
Now you've discussed and written what the Printing Revolution is about.
Don't you think the effects of the printing press was significant enough to be claimed as the Printing Revolution?
You'll learn and discuss more about this historical milestone, or the bridge from the Medieval time to the modern world.
Grammar in Use
-Unit 18 Present Tense with a Future Meaning: 18.A-> 18.1, 2, 3, 18.B-> 18.4
- Unit 19 be going to: 19.A-> 19.1, 19.B-> 19.2, 19.C-> 19.3, 19.D-> 19.4
My Global Learning Program 2 – Part 1: Printing Revolution #2
- Discussion-1  What major changes were brought about by the Printing Revolution? 
   => Reasons Why the Printing Press Was a Great Invention.
- The Impact of the Printed Word   - Standardization of Knowledge - Far Reaching Effects
=> Writing-1  Explain what the Printing Revolution is about in 100 words
- Review what you learned and discussed about the Printing Revolution.
- Choose one or two most essential change(s) about by the Printing Revolution.=> Write TS(s)
- Organize the supporting points, facts and examples to support each topic sentence.
- Write one or two paragraphs and conclusion to clarify/restate/summarize your point.

Lesson Report Junior-2 June 25th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How's everything?
It's Thursday, June 26, 2014.
It's cloudy this morning.
We're almost finishing the verbs from Book 1!
I'm happy to find some of you now make sentences correctly and quickly.
You're almost there.
What's the weather going to be like this afternoon?
Is it going to be cloudy?
レッスンではbe going to の使い方を練習しました。
お話したように文章の流れをよく考えて予定を表すbe -ing とともに使えるようにしていきましょう。
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speakers are Kota, Hinako and Haruka.
Get ready for your speech!

Recap の再テストの人は次回頑張りましょう!

<Lesson Review>
Chapter 14 Unit 2
Verbs from Book 1 #74-81Worksheet
Verbs from Book 1 #82-90 practice
Chapter 17 Unit 1 Grammar and Communication-1 be going to -1

Exercise-1 #1
Bridge work activity  Chapter 16 Unit 1 Grammar and Communication-1

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Junior-2E June 25th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How's everything?
It's Thursday, June 26, 2014.
It's cloudy this morning.
We're almost finishing the verbs from Book 1!
I'm happy to find most of you now make sentences correctly and quickly.
You're almost there.
What's the weather going to be like this afternoon?
Is it going to be cloudy?
レッスンではbe going to の使い方を練習しました。
お話したように文章の流れをよく考えて予定を表すbe -ing とともに使えるようにしていきましょう。
Our speaker yesterday was Kentaro.
He talked about his baseball game.
The next speakers are Chiaki, Chiharu and Ryuto.
Get ready for your speech!

Recap の再テストの人は次回頑張りましょう!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語3 Lessons 43 & 44
Chapter 14 Unit 2
Verbs from Book 1 #74-81Worksheet
Verbs from Book 1 #82-90 practice
Chapter 17 Unit 1  Grammar and Communication-1  be going to -1

Exercise-1  #1 
Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report-Senior 2-Jun.25th

Dear Senior-2 Classmates,
You still haven't stepped into or relied on the convenience of online world, yet.
That might be fortunate because it is space full of malicious attacks and frauds.
Listen to what others say before using web and application services.
・Deep Listening -3    Lesson 19 Recycling
Voc labor-laborious,  Dic: pay, it doesn’t pay
・Cover to Cover   Unit 4 Part 2: The Internet: How Secure Is It?
- Review Reading w/CD
- Expanding Vocabulary: watch out for, figure out, look over, look up, show up
Comm Task: Textの内容を100字以内の日本語で要約しなさい。
(Pargraph-1の要約でこのテキストに書かれている内容を示してから、各事例を簡潔に説明)=> Peer Review
・Bridge to MEL Book 3
- C36-U2:  GIU China Part-2, KC
- C37-U1: G&C-1(1), Ex-1 #1, 2

Lesson Report Junior-3 June 24th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, June 28th, 2014.
It's cloudy today.
Have you eaten your breakfast?
Have you done your homework yet?
By the way, do you have any thoughts about your future?
Was there any job you were interested in in the VIU we learned during lesson?
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday again!
The next speakers are Mahiro and Sho.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 45 & 46
Bridge Work
Chapter 27 Unit 2
Vocabulary in Use page 31  #1 Review practice  => #2 Vocabulary check
Chapter 28 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1 現在完了

Don't forget your homework!

Have a great weekend!
See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-1 June 24th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, June 25, 2014.  It's cloudy today.
昨日のお天気はすごかったですね!皆頑張って登校してくれてThank you!
Picture Dictionary のTopic 5 Vegetable Party (3)を学習しました。
Phonicsの教科書P18 を完成させました。
Up and Away student book Unit 13 Thank you/ You’re welcome. を学習しました。
今後、是非使って欲しいフレーズです。Here you are. とともに上手に使えましたね。
Up and Away Student book Unit 20 This isを学習しました。
次回はThat isを学習します。今日の復習をしておきましょう。
Up and Away Reader Book 1A P4-6を読みました。

<Lesson Report>
Picture Dictionary Topic 4 Vegetable Party (3)
Sing the chant.
This is Phonics sing jingle
This is Consonants P18 Listening skills Do bottom part
Up and Away student book Unit 13 Thank you/ you’re welcome
Up and away workbook P20
Up and Away student book Unit 20 This is
Up and away workbook P28
Up and Away Reader book 1A (P4-6) Listen to the CD, repeat, practice

Have a great week!
See you.


Lesson Report Primary-2 June 24th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you? It's Wednesday, June 25, 2014.
It's cloudy today.昨日のお天気はすごかったですね!
皆頑張って登校してくれてThank you!
Picture Dictionary Topic 29(), Picnic Lunchchantは完璧でした。
This is Phonics Unit 2 "oo" chantP 25の問題もしっかり解いてからゲーム対決をしましたが、皆たくさんの単語を覚えてくれました。Good work!
Grammar Starter では Chapter 4 Is Carlo from Italy?P18 exercise 6の問題をときました。
もうすぐこのChapter が終わります。その前にわからないところが無いか確認をしておきましょう。
3A Magic Picture Book worksheet 11を完成しました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 29 Picnic Lunch()
Sing chant
This is Phonics sing chant  Listen to the CD and repeat
Do P 26
Memorize as many words as you can(divide class into two groups)Write words on board
Grammar Starter Unit 4 Is Carlo from Italy?
Do exercise 6
Up and Away Reader 3A Magic Picture Book worksheet 11

Have a wonderful week. 
See you!


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Jun.24th

Dear Senior-1 Classmates,
What kind of vacation are you dreaming of? The harder you work, the more enjoyable your vacation could be. In other words, if you don't work hard, you won't enjoy your holidays. Work harder to enjoy more!
[1] Bridge Work  C30-U2: C&C-3. Ex-3
[2] Vocabulary in Use  C30-U1 #2: Practice-> Voc. Writing-> Practice
[3] 基礎英語3 Listen to Communicate
Introduce the Situation-> Listen w/o Texbook=> Task-> Read=> Practice Phrases
- Listen to Retell: L-45=> Explain what Andy and Momo want to do during the summer vacation.
- Listen & Repeat: L-46
- Listen to Explain: L-47=> Explain what Tower Bridge does and what happened there.
- Listen to Explain: L-48 => Explain what the ravens are about.
[3] Read & Write: Unit 5 Vacation: why is vacation important?
Revise the Writing: Tourism in France => Pair
[4] Reading – Cover to Cover: Unit 1-Part 2  The Couple That Loves Weddings [9:05-9:30]
Before Reading: Title, Photo=> Pair What does the title mean?
Fluency Strategy: Scanning-> Task-A
Reading-1-> Checking Fluency and Comprehension

Lesson Report Junior-1 June 23rd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, June 24th, 2014.
It's cloudy and windy today.
きのうからphonics は新しいルールの学習が始まりました。
みんな silent e がよく身についたので新しいルールもわかりやすくなったようですね。Great!
Bridge Work も新しいunit に入りましたね。this とthese をしっかり使い分けましょう。
Key Communicationのテストは全体的にみんなよくできるようになってきましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Phonics  Polite vowels
Lessons 43 & 44
Bridge Work Chapter 2 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  this and these

Have a good week.
See you on Thursday!

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report-Advancing-Jun.23rd

Dear Advancing Classmates,
What did you learn about the Printing Revolution?
Instead of just remembering the facts, it's more interesting and meaningful to talk and learn about the background, situations and influences of historical event?
The more you study and think, the more you'll learn. Hope you'll enjoy the next MGL class on Thursday..
Daily 1500 Listen & Read #18 Online Criminals Attack PayNet:  Explain what you are warned of and by who?
Voc warn ~ of, obtain information, genuine<-> doubtful, faulse
Open Forum Chapter 12 Law  Radio Call-in Program about Legal Questions
[A] Retell the story with answers to the questions;
-> Study: ethic-ethical
=> What do you think?  Discuss with a partner what you would do if you were Patty.
[B] Retell the story with answers to the questions;
-> Study: liable-liability
=> What do you think? Discuss with a partner what you think about the liability issues in the U.S.?
My Global Learning Program 2 – Part 1: Printing Revolution #1
Review Talk-1  What were the letters and words written on before the Printing Revolution and what were afterward?
Review Talk-2  What was communication like in the days before mass printing?

Lesson Report Junior-2 June 21st

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Sunday, June 22, 2014.
It's raining this morning.
How are you enjoying the day?
Did you understand the story about Danny and Catherine?
If you enjoy a story, you'll be good at reading one.
きのうのレッスンではDanny と Catherine が初めて出会ったときのお話を読みましたね。
I'm sorry I skipped "Today's speech".
The next speakers are Kota and Hinako.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語3 Lessons 41 & 42
Bridge Work
Recap Chapter 15 Unit 2 Test
Chapter 14 Unit 2
Verbs from Book 1 #67-73 Worsksheet
Verbs from Book 1 #74-81 practice
Extra Reading Danny met Catherine for the first time.

Enjoy your day.
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Junior-2E June 21st

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Sunday, June 22, 2014.
It's raining this morning.
How are you enjoying the day?
Did you understand the story about Danny and Catherine?
If you enjoy a story, you'll be good at reading one.
きのうのレッスンではDanny と Catherine が初めて出会ったときのお話を読みましたね。
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speakers are Chiaki, Kentaro and Chiharu.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語3 Lessons 41 & 42
Bridge Work
Recap Chapter 15 Unit 2 Test
Chapter 14 Unit 2 
Verbs from Book 1 #67-73 Worsksheet 
Verbs from Book 1 #74-81 practice
Extra Reading  Danny met Catherine for the first time.

Enjoy your day.
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report-Senior 2-Jun.21st

Dear Sr-2 Classmates,
Have you ever had any problems in your smartphones in terms of security or unwanted messages?
That is the last thing you want to deal with when it comes to enjoying the convenience of mobile communication these days. What do you do to avoid such problems? It's a present and clear danger.
[1] Cover to Cover Unit 4 Part 2: The Internet: How Secure Is It?
Reading-1 -> Task-A, Checking Fluency and Comprehension
Reading-2 with CD by Par-> Read aloud
=> Voc. Task Predict the meaning of or replace the unknown/unfamiliar words. => Pair Check=> Dic
Par.1: pay bill, coworker, secure, access
Par.2: withdraw money, account, bank official, identity thief, scams, watch out for
Par.3: figure out, turn out, look over
Par.4: auction, secondhand, look up
Par.5: show up, find out, cheated
[2]Bridge to MEL Book 3
- Vocabulary in Use   C37-U1 #1: Voc check, Text, Phrase
- C36-U2: - GIU China Part-1, KC

Lesson Report Junior-3 June 20th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, June 21st, 2014.
It's cloudy today.
Do you have a pet?
If you do, do you still remember it came to your house for the first time?
We read a story about George when he came to the Goodrich house for the first time.
Our speaker today was Hirokuni.
He talked about his swimming competition. He set his new record!
The next speakers are Akane and Kaede.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 41 & 42
Bridge Work
Chapter 27 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2 a/an/the の使い方 Review
Vocabulary in Use  page 31 #1 Check the vocabulary and sentences. 
Grammar in Use  George remembers the old days.   

Have a wonderful weekend!
See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-2 June 20th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you? It's Saturday, June 21, 2014.
It's sunny today.
Picture Dictionary Topic 29(3), Picnic Lunchchantは上手でした。
This is Phonics Unit 2 "oo" chantにまたまたチャレンジ。
リズムが早くてもしっかり歌えていました。P 25の問題もしっかり解けていましたね!
Grammar Starter では Chapter 4 Is Carlo from Italy?P18 exercise 5の問題は前回の問題に似たような問題がほとんどでした。皆さんできましたか?
そしてReader 3A Magic Picture Book worksheet 9,10を完成しましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 29 Picnic Lunch(3)
Sing chant
Say your favorite picnic item
This is Phonics Unit 2  Listen to the CD and repeat
Do P 25, 1-8
Grammar Starter Unit 4 Is Carlo from Italy?
Do exercise 5
Up and Away Reader 3A Magic Picture Book worksheet 9,10

Have a nice weekend. 
See you next week!
