Lesson Report Junior-3 May 30th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, May 30, 2015.
It's sunny and hot today.
There was an earthquake this evening! It was scary, wasn't it?
Did you enjoy watching Punch and Judy show?
It was funny!
Hope you'll have a chance to watch the show in person someday.
The speaker today was Yoshiki.
He talked about his days in elementary school.
The next speaker is Shintaro.
Please get prepared to present your history!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 31 & 32
Summarize the week
Bridge Work 
Chapter 29 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2  現在完了の運用(時制)
Exercise-2 ♯1 Review => #2
Grammar and Communication-3  so, neither do/have/can I

Have a good Sunday.
See you next week!


Lesson Report Senior-1 May 30th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, May 30, 2015.
It's sunny and hot today.
There was an earthquake this evening! It was scary, wasn't it?
Did you enjoy watching Punch and Judy show?
It was funny!
Hope you'll have a chance to watch the show in person someday.
The speaker today was Ayu.
She talked about her days in elementary school.
The next speaker is Chiaki.
Please get prepared to present your history!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 31 & 32
Summarize the week
Bridge Work 
Chapter 29 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2  現在完了の運用(時制)
Exercise-2 ♯1 Review => #2
Grammar and Communication-3  so, neither do/have/can I

Have a good Sunday.
See you next week!


Lesson Report-Advancing 1-May 30th

[1] Kikutan-6K  Week-2 Review: A Hero’s Biography  Muhammad Ali
[2] Inside Reading-2   Unit 2 The Business of Branding Reading-2  Product Placement
- Study Sentences: [L54-P3] If the film is ~ that of the product.
[L76-P6] Financing product placement ~ for three to four years.
<= $175k/30sec->$3.5mil/10min x 300days/year= $3.5bil (Prod Placement in US)=> Prod Plc/3~4yrs.
[L131-P9] Conversations like this ~ great advertisers dream.
- Study Words/Expressions:
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level
- A. 1. fad (sth people are interested in for a short time)  3. draw on (use sth available)
5. branch off (extend, diversify)
- B. convert -> Dic (v) ~ a hotel into a condo, ~ euros to dollars, ~ coal to gas, ~ a bed into a sofa, ~ from Christianity to Islam, ~ to a vegetarian, ~ me/him,
- convert (noun) a ~ to Islam, a ~ from a communist
- convertible (adj) ~ sofa, ~ currencies, ~ into ordinary shares,
- converter (noun) digital to analog ~, currency ~
- conversion (noun) ~ of a house into …, house ~. ~ from analog to digital, ~ table
-> divert-diversion: the Chicago bound flight was ~ed to Minneapolis.
-> revert-reversion: the car was ~ed back to its original condition
=> Write two sentences using convert.
[3] Open Forum Ch-5 Anthropology Web-Presentation on a famous anthropologist, Margaret Mead
- Listening 1-> Answer the questions
- Listening 2=> Task-1
- Listening 3 w/Transcript-> Check the answers
-> Study Voca  set her on a path toward, cultural relativist-relativism-relative, neutral-neutrally,
ethnography (the scientific description of different races and cultures)
Task-2 Study the last sentence (quote) => Rewrite in your own words=> Restate to a partner.

Lesson Report-Advancing 2-May 30th

1. Open Forum-2 Chapter 11 Astronomy  #1 Radio Call-in Program “Science Now” -2
- 3rd Lis w/Script-> Check words, expressions and multi-word verbs
- Vocabulary: Multi-Word Verbs (2): run short of <-> run out of => Pair
What do you usually do when you’re running short of time to finish an exam?
What do you usually do when you’ve run out of money in the middle of the month?
2. Inside Reading-3  Unit 3 In the Public Eye Reading-1  Public Art Controversies – Art Attack
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level
- A -> B -> C -> Read aloud->Words/Expressions: mural, bus shelter, fa-reaching effects, vandalism
- Corpus: criteria (pl) - criterion (s)  (a standard by which something can be judged or decided)
= benchmark, standard, barometer, scale, test, precedent, touchstone
-> The main criterion is value for money. What criteria are used for assessing a student’s ability?
-> D. Choose one of the five things, and think of the three most important criteria for deciding the thing; 1. Rent, Convenience, Neighbors 3. Species (dog/cat), Size, Care Requirements
=> Ind. Speech Speak your thoughts to a partner in 90 seconds.
The criteria to decide what kind of ~ are …  First, …

Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
- E. Mark the word(s) that should be rephrased.
- Dic - fund (vt) to provide money for sth: a festival ~ed by …, privately ~ed, a government ~ed program
- fund (C) an amount of money saved/made available for a particular purpose, capital, endowment, foundation: a disaster relief ~, pension ~, IMF
- funds (pl) money that is available to be spent, cash reserve, budget: government ~, raise ~, lack of ~
- funding (UC) money for particular purpose, cash, money: cuts in government ~
- F. Restate the sentences using fund, funds or funding.
3. Special Listening ☆ Osaka Referendum
  ☆ Ireland Referendum Of the 60% turnout (1.2 mil votes), 62% (734k) said yes and 38% said no.

MEL News June 2015

MEL News 2015年6月号をお届けします。

News-1 8月5日夏季校外イベント決定!


News-2 2015年第1回英検実施のご案内
一次試験実施日時 6月7日(日)
5級    13:10 集合  14:20 終了予定     
4級      9:40 集合  11:10 終了予定 
3級    13:10 集合  14:40 終了予定 
準2級     9:40 集合  11:35 終了予定 


News-3 TOEFL iTPテストを今年度から実施
MEL School では毎年3月に主に高校生、および、英検2級所得者を対象にTOEIC試験で英語能力の伸長度を測定しています。
加えて本年度から大学でのクラス分けによく用いられているTOEFL iTP試験を実施します。
受験料:¥3,500 (申込締切6月13日)

現在米国留学にはTOEFL iBT(コンピュータによる4技能の測定試験)のスコアが必要です。

Update-1 服装および携帯電話等の取扱いについて
これから暑くなります。改めてMEL Schoolの服装規定をお知らせしますので、ご確認ください。


Update-2 出欠などのご連絡について
間もなく開校10年目を迎えるMEL Schoolは、おかげさまで生徒の数も100名ほどになり、現在常勤2名、非常勤2名の講師が指導にあたっています。
mel@myenglish.co.jp 宛にメールしてください。


MEL School 三鷹
Towako Asai

Lesson Report Junior-1 May 29th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, May 30, 2015.
It's sunny today.
Key Communication のテストはもう少しの人が多く残念でした。
Engage では 世界のteenager たちについて学びました。

<Lesson Review>
Polite vowels
Key words, Jingle
Unit 1  Identity 
Reading => Worksheet
Bridge Work 
Chapter 2 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication -1 Review
Grammar and Communication-2 単数と複数

Have a great weekend!
See you on Tuesday.


Lesson Report Senior-1p May 29th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.How's it going?
It's Saturday, May 30, 2015. 
It's sunny and beautiful today.

Do you believe in a sixth sense?
Do you believe horoscops?
Have you ever asked a fortune teller about your future?
Was there anything that surprised you when you read the text yesterday?
What was the most surprising thing about the supernatural to you?
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speaker is still Takehiro.
I'm looking forward to your presentation!

 You don't have to work on the next VIU.

Isn't that good for you?

<Lesson Review>

Deep listening  Lesson 13  Dilemma
Bridge Work  Chapter 32 Unit 2
G&C-1  amaze, amazed, amazing

Workbook  Page 31 => Worksheet    Report what you said to your partner.
Cover to Cover  Book 1  Unit 3  Part 1 Before Reading => Comprehension strategy: Finding Main Ideas in Paragraphs
Checking Comprehension

Have a good weekend!
See you next week.


Lesson Report-Senior 2p-May 29th

1. Cover to Cover-2  Unit 4  Crime  Part 1  Stupid Criminals
- Comprehension Strategy: Recognizing the Author’s Purpose
- Skim the 1st paragraph, subtitles and the first sentence of other paragraphs=> Task-A
- Read-> Checking Comprehension => Reading w/CD
-> Read aloud: Pr.1, 3=> Task-1 1. Paragraph 1を日本語にしなさい
2. (Par. 3) At the time~ breaking into a school.  を日本語にしなさい
1. 映画では、犯罪者はあたかもとても綿密な計画と賢いユーモアのセンスを持った知性の持ち主のように描かれています。 しかし現実には、その反対が本当のところに近いようで、多くの犯罪者は想像もつかないほど愚かです。ここでは映画に登場してくる悪党ほど賢くない4人の犯罪者の話を紹介しましょう。
2. ある貴金属店強盗が逮捕された時、その容疑者は自分はその事件が起きた最中他の違う場所にいたのだから、自分がその強盗犯であったはずがないと主張しました。そこで警察がその容疑者にどこにいたのかと訊ねると、彼はその晩全く違う地区にある学校に侵入していたことを認めました。
- Looking at Vocabulary in Context - portray (v) –portrait (n)
Dic: conceive (to form a plan in mind) conceivable (you can imagine or believe),
 inconceivable (unimaginable, unthinkable)
2. Kikutan-4K  Day 9: True Friends
Review  Shadow Reading -> Read=> Write a summary in 2~3 sentences. Use; precious, earn, last
3. Tactics for Listening  Unit 11 Invitations #2
Listen-3  Answer the questions and explain what each person used to do and what they do now.
Pronunciation: Reduction of Do you and Are you
=> Conversation-1  Think of an event and plan the time and date.
Take turns inviting each other and accepting the invitation. Use the expressions in the listening.
=> Conversation-2  Think of an event and plan the time and date.
Take turns inviting each other and refusing the invitation. Use the expressions in the listening.
=> Vocabulary Worksheet (from TB) => Print out!

Lesson Report Junior-2 May 28th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's it going?
It's Friday, May 29, 2015.
It's cloudy today.
きのうのレッスンではthere is/are の使い方を練習しました。
some, any の使い方はわかりましたか?
Engage ではみんながふだんしていることを英語で表現する練習をしました。
Our speaker yesterday was Momoka.
She talked about her best friend.
The next speaker is Sora.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 16 Unit 1 
Grammar and Communication-1
there is/are
Exercise-1  => Let's check-1
Grammar and Communication-2
Engage   Unit 1 Vocabulary 
基礎英語 Lessons 29 & 30

Have a great weekend.
See you next week!

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report Junior-1 May 28th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Friday, May 29. It's cloudy today.
What's your nickname?
きのうのレッスンでは世界の国々のteenagerたちの近況やnickname などについて学習しましたね。
Bridge Workでは this is, these are の使い方を練習しました。

<Lesson Review>
Polite vowels
Key words, Jingle
Unit 1  Identity 
Reading => Worksheet
Bridge Work 
Chapter 2 Unit 1
Key Communication test
Chapter 2 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  this is/these are

Have a great weekend!
See you next week.

Towako and Miharu

Lesson Report-Advancing 1-May 27th

[1] Kikutan-6K  Day 9  Billy Jean King #2
Review  Shadow Reading -> Read
=> Write a summary in 2~3 sentences. Use; vigorous, assert
[2] Inside Reading-2   Unit 2 The Business of Branding  Reading-2  Product Placement
- Read Par.3 & 4 -> Compare the first and last sentences.
-> Par.3: Product placement -> In the viewer’s mind, the product registers as …
-> Par.4: Companies may turn -> If the film is good, viewers will equate …
- Read Par.6 aloud-> Practice reading and understanding the numbers.
- Read Par.9 aloud-> Understand what this article wants to say.
=> Plan to Write a summary of the text within 100 words.
[3] Read & Write-2  Unit 3 Courtesy: What does it mean to be polite?
Reading 2: Answers to all your Travel Questions
Preview: What is Online discussion/Internet forum/Message board?
- Vocabulary/p.50  typical  usual, normal, ordinary, regular, average: ~ example, ~ day, ~ way
being a representative example of a particular type; characteristic, symbolic: The painting is a typical Picasso.
- Read-1=> Main Ideas, Details<= Underline the word(s) to be looked at in the text to find the answers.
- What do you think? A-2 Group Describe rules of table manners in general and specific to Japan.
=>Discuss Is it good advice? Tell your opinion and explain. Ask and answer questions.

Lesson Report Junior-3 May 27th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, May 27, 2015.
It's sunny and hot today.
How did you find May Puppet Festival in Covent Garden?
Did it look interesting?
What was Covent Garden like?
Would you like to visit England some day?
The speaker on Saturday is Yoshiki.
Please get prepared to present your history!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 29 & 30
Tino and Johan ask Sonia if she wants to go to Covent Garden to see Puppet Festival.
Bridge Work 
Chapter 29 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication -1  現在完了(継続)
Exercise-1  #2 (3) and (4), #3
Grammar and Communication-2  現在完了の運用(時制)
Exercise-2 ♯1
Deep listening  Lesson 12

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Senior-1 May 27th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, May 27, 2015.
It's sunny and hot today.
How did you find May Puppet Festival in Covent Garden?
Did it look interesting?
What was Covent Garden like?
Would you like to visit England some day?
The speaker on Saturday is Ayu.
Please get prepared to present your history!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 29 & 30
Tino and Johan ask Sonia if she wants to go to Covent Garden to see Puppet Festival.
Bridge Work 
Chapter 29 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication -1  現在完了(継続)
Exercise-1  #2 (3) and (4), #3
Grammar and Communication-2  現在完了の運用(時制)
Exercise-2 ♯1
Deep listening  Lesson 12

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Senior-1p May 26th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.How's it going?
It's Wednesday, May 27, 2015. 
It's sunny and very hot today.
We had a small class again!

Those who attended the class worked hard, though.
Actually, you seemed to learn many things yesterday.
Hope we'll have a full attendance next time.
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speaker is still Takehiro.
I'm looking forward to your presentation!

 You don't have to work on the next VIU.

Isn't that good for you?

<Lesson Review>

Bridge Work
Bridge Work  Chapter 32 Unit 2
G&C-1   過去分詞、現在分詞の使い方
Cover to Cover  Book 1  Unit 2  Part 1 
Part 2   Expanding vocabulary
Communication task(Worksheet)

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Junior-1 May 26th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, May 27. It's sunny and hot today.
きのうのレッスンでChapter 1の内容がすべて終わりました。
次回はKey Communication のテストです。
Engage では いろいろなfeelings についての言葉を復習しました。

<Lesson Review>
Silent e
Key words, Jingle, Writing
Unit 1  Identity 
Grammar  be affirmative
W11  #1, 2, and 3
Mime and guess
Bridge Work 
Chapter 1 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-4  復習プリント
Chapter 2 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  a, an
Exercise-1 #1, 2

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 May 26th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School. 
It's Wednesday, May 27, 2015.  It's sunny and very hot today.  
Picture Dictionary Topic 30(3)を学習しました。
Dialog 1を練習し、パートナーと発表しました。
Oxford Discover student book Unit 3、詩の復習をしました。
P33の詩に出てきたThere is, there areの文を作りました。
There is an orange cat. にほぼ全員がひっかりましたが次回は期待しています!
Oxford Discover workbook P23, 24Aの問題を解きました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 30 (3) 
Sing chant
Do dialog1  What would you like?
Oxford Discover student book Read P33 
There is , there are sentences. 
Make sentences by looking at the picture 
Oxford Discover workbook P 23,24A

Have a wonderful week! 
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 May 26th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It’s Wednesday May 27, 2015  . 
It's sunny and very hot today.
Picture Dictionary のTopic 3 (5) を学習しました。次回はTopic4に入ります。
This is Phonics  P21のChantでウォーミングアップをしShort Vowels P25を学習しました。
Up and Away Student BookのUnit 18 How many?復習しました。
次回もHow many?の文を作ります。
Up and Away workbook p25Bを参考にしながら文作りをしました。

<Lesson Review>
 Picture Dictionary Topic 3 (5)
Sing the chant.
Say your favorite word from the list
This is Phonics 1  Sing the chant P21. 
Use cards to practice words from list.  Do P 25  Practice saying the words. 
Up and Away Student Book Review How many? Unit 18  P43 Practice and write
sentences in notebook and present.
Up and Away workbook  Do P 25B 
Use the words to make more sentences

Have a good week! 
See you Friday !


Lesson Report-Senior 2p-May 26th

1. Cover to Cover-2 Unit 3 Entertainment Part 2 Invented, Then Lost
- Read w/CD-> Expanding Vocabulary-> Dic equal- equally-equality-inequality
-> Read aloud: Pr. 6-8=> Task-13 Paragraph 8を、“one of a kind” の意味を明らかにして日本語にしなさい: 井上大祐氏は本当にユニーク(独特)な人間なようです。我々(社会)は、彼のように、新しく創造したものが(その発明した人たちに)もたらすかも知れない富のためではなく、新しいものを創り出すこと自体の純粋な喜びのために、ものごとに取り組む/行動するような人たち(の才能や発明)を活かすことが出来得るでしょう。
- Task-2  Write in English: 井上氏は、彼は何か新しいものを創造したとは思っていなかったので、彼の発明が特許をとれるだろうとは全く考えていなかった。(Par.4, 6) Mr. Inoue never thought his invention would get patented because/since he didn’t think he had created anything new.
- Dic Study the difference between invent-invention and innovate-innovation
=>Discuss what inventions and innovations you know and think important or influential to us.
invent: create or design a new thing, device, or process that has NOT existed before.
innovate: make changes in sth, introduce new methods/ideas/products that are already existing.
2. Kikutan-4K  Day 9: True Friends
=> Study Vocabulary: spare time/tire, praise, sympathy, fault
=> Dic - earn to gain/get in return for labor/service, as compensation: gain, get, obtain, receive, win:
3. Read & Write-2  Unit 2 Color: How do colors affect the way we feel
- Reading Skill/p.29: Getting meaning from context-> Ex-A
=> Ex-B: Write definitions using present tense and relative pronouns -> Check Eng-Eng dictionary
- feeling  the sense of touch, the ability to experience physical sensations, such as heat, pain, etc,
the sensation so experienced, a state of mind
- heal (vi) to restore or be restored to health, (wound, burn) to repair by natural processes: cure, recover
(vt) to treat (a wound, etc) by assisting in its natural repair, to cure (a disease or disorder): repair, mend
- bride  a newly married woman or a woman about to be married <-> bridegroom
- royalty  the rank, power, or position of a king or queen   royal (adj): ~ family
- psychology the scientific study of all forms of human and animal behavior: -gist, -gical, -gist
- referees a person who is responsible for ensuring fair play according to the rules in sports; judge, umpire
- What do you think? Q-2: What are some examples of colors with special meanings in your culture?
=> Write 5-8 sen in response. Make sure to clarify your response (opinion) and explain w/example(s).

Lesson Report Junior-2 May 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's it going?
It's Tuesday, May 26, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Did you enjoy the story of Danny and Catherine?
Is there a convenience store near your house?
Is there a shopping mall near your school?
きのうのレッスンではthere is/are の使い方を練習しました。
Engage では世界にいろいろな国のteenagers が何をしているのかを表にまとめました。
Our speaker yesterday was Kotoko.
She talked about her grandmother.
The next speaker is Momoka.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 15 Unit 2 
Grammar in Use
Chapter 16 Unit 1 
Grammar and Communication-1
there is/are
Exercise-1  #1
Recap test
Engage   Unit 1 It's happening!
Reading #2, 3 -> Worksheet
基礎英語 Lessons 27 & 28

Have a great week.
See you on Thursday!

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report Junior-1 May 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, May 26. It's sunny and beautiful today.
What's the name of the capital of Japan?
Tokyo is the capital.
Engage では いろいろなfeelings についての言葉を復習しました。

<Lesson Review>
Silent e
Key words, Jingle, Writing
Unit 1  Identity 
Grammar  be affirmative
W11  #1, 2, and 3
Mime and guess
Bridge Work 
Chapter 2 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-3  our, your, their
Exercise-3 #2
Grammar in Use

Have a great week!
See you on Thursday.

Towako and Miharu

Lesson Report-Advancing 2-May 25th

1. Listening & Vocabulary: Kikutan-6K  Day 6: Giorgio Armani  <= Ask who he is
- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sentence-> Lis-2=> Revise the Main Idea.
-> Read=> Revise the Main Idea. -> Shadow Reading
=> Replace striven-strive, disgust, consent => Dic/Tablet
- strive-strove-striven   to make great effort-try, aim, tackle: ~ for, ~ to do
- disgust (vt) (n) -disgusting (adj)  bother, displease, disturb, insult, offend: in/with ~
- consent (v) (n/U) agree, comply, give in, concur: ~ to do, give ~ to, mutual/common ~, written ~
- Practice Voca Chant: rational, strive-strove-striven, disgust, consent
2. Inside Reading-3  Unit 3 In the Public Eye Reading-1  Public Art Controversies – Art Attack
- Study Words/Expressions/Grammar #2

Lesson Report Junior-3 May 23rd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, May 23, 2015.
It's sunny and warm today.
Do you have close friends?
How long have you known them?
You've know them for a long time?
How long have you attended MEL School?
How much English have you learned so far?
Our speaker today was Ami.
She talked about Osaka. She prepared very well.
We won't have a speech next time.
The speaker next Saturday is Ayu.
You'll be given a new topic on Wednesday.

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 27 & 28
This week's summary.
Bridge Work 
Chapter 28 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication -1  現在完了(継続)
Exercise-1  #1, #2 (1) and (2)
Chapter 27 Unit 2 VIU #2  職業に関することば p.31  
Workbook p. 70

Have a good Sunday!
See you on Wednesday.


Lesson Report Senior-1 May 23rd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, May 23, 2015.
It's sunny and warm today.
Do you have close friends?
How long have you known them?
You've know them for a long time?
How long have you attended MEL School?
How much English have you learned so far?
Our speaker today was Tomoya.
He talked about Kyoto city.
We won't have a speech next time.
The speaker next Saturday is Ayu.
You'll be given a new topic on Wednesday.

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 27 & 28
This week's summary.
Bridge Work 
Chapter 28 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication -1  現在完了(継続)
Exercise-1  #1, #2 (1) and (2)
Chapter 27 Unit 2 VIU #2  職業に関することば p.31  
Workbook p. 70

Have a good Sunday!
See you on Wednesday.


Lesson Report-Advancing 2-May 23rd

1. Open Forum-2 Chapter 11   #1 Radio Call-in Program “Science Now”
A = Host, B = Craig Doss, C = Danielle, D = Edward, E = Rita, F = Louis
- Introducing the Topic Galileo Galilei & The Telescope
=> Pair Do you often see the sky at night? What do you think of when you see stars in the sky?
- Prepare to Listen-> Guess what Five Trues are and One False is.  What is lava?=>Dic
- Lis-thru: Main Ideas, Task 1, 2-1, 3-1, 4 => Explain
[Task-1] Explain if there is water on the moon? [Task-2.1] Explain the First theory.
[Task-3.1] Explain the theory. [Task-4] Explain what astronauts used to do.
- Listen to Focus on the Lis Skills 3-2/p.95
=> [Task-2.2] Explain the Second and Third theories. Which one is preferred by the most scientists?
-> Listen to Complete Focus on the Lis Skills 3-2/p.95-> Read aloud
=> Explain the three theories mentioned.
- Lis. Focus on the Lis Skills 3-3/p.95
=> [Task-3.2] Explain why people study the moon and send astronauts there.
-> Listen to Complete Focus on the Lis Skills 3-3/p.95-> Read aloud
=> Explain why people study the moon and send astronauts there.
-> Focus on the Lis Skills 3-2/p.95-> Fill in the blanks-> Read aloud=> Explain the reasons.
2. Inside Reading-3  Unit 3 In the Public Eye Reading-1  Public Art Controversies – Art Attack
- Study Words/Expressions/Grammar
- controversy  dispute, argument or debate especially one with strong disagreement in public/the press
-> controversial (adj)  ~ decision, It will ~ to release these photographs.
Article-1 [P1] resulting art (appear, come out, end)  [P2] auction off (v), raise money/fund  [P3] back out ( withdraw, cancel, give up)  [P4] transparent-transparency
Article-2 [P1] committee, veto (n: refusal, denial) (v: refuse, deny, reject, rule out, turn down), durable (lasting, dependable, endurable)-durability,  fund (v: provide money, finance) (n: capital, endowment, trust), logistics (the management of materials flow through an organization, from raw materials through to finished goods – logistical  [P2] weird (odd, bizarre, strange, creepy, freaky), outrage (v: shock, offend, abuse) (n: shock, anger): public ~  [P3] make a statement (create a certain impression; communicate an idea or mood without using words): The furnishings made a ~ about the company. [P4] senator (Roman), reveal (disclose, expose, show, unveil) – revelation, distasteful (unpleasant, tasteless, painful)  [P5] the same goes for: the same is true for, prime spot (best, beginning), propel (drive, push, throw), kick in (to become operational; activate; go into effect) : The air conditioning ~s in when the temperature reaches 25°C. The pain relief ~ed in soon.  [P6] Dic integrate (to make or be made into a whole; incorporate or be incorporated, merge, unify) – integration (unification, assimilation)
gone are the days when … : Gone are the days when people listened to the radio in the living room.  Gone are the days when girls used to learn cooking from their mothers.
plop art is a slang term for public art usually large, abstract, modernist or contemporary sculpture made for government or corporate plazas, spaces in public venues, which usually are unattractive or inappropriate to its surroundings - that is, it has been thoughtlessly "plopped" (stone ~ed into the water) where it lies.
erect (v: to build; construct; raise), rigid (stiff, strict, solid, rigorous): ~ system, rules, attitude, resistance, opinion, bland (boring, undistinctive, dull)-blandness, unsightly (adj: ugly, unattractive)

Lesson Report-Advancing 1-May 23rd

[1] Kikutan-6K  Day 10  Billy Jean King <= Look up in the Internet
- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sentence-> Lis-2=> Revise the Main Idea.
-> Read=> Revise the Main Idea. -> Shadow Reading
=> Replace vigorous, assert, unfold => Dic/Tablet
- Practice Voca Chant: attribute, superior, coverage
[2] Inside Reading-2   Unit 2 The Business of Branding Reading-2  Product Placement
- Read Par.2 aloud-> Study the words/expressions: product placement, symbolize, revenue, subsidize
=> Task-1 Write Paragraph-2 を日本語100語程度で要約しなさい。
=> ☆ Pair Tell the Summary in Japanese in 90 sec. w/o the writing.
[3] Open Forum-1   Chapter 5 Anthropology News report on corporate anthropology
- 4th Lis w/Script <=Print!!!
-> Voc: remote, documentation, in the middle of nowhere, complex, dynamics, consult
Pronunciation: Word Stress/p.40=> Pair Who is zoologist? => Zoologist is a person who studies zoology.
anthropology-anthropological-anthropologist, archeology-archeological-archeologist, biology-biological-biologist, psychology-psychological-psychologist, sociologist-sociological-sociology, zoology-zoological-zoologist, ecology-ecological-ecologist, ideology-ideological-ideologist, geography-geographical-geographer, physics-physical-physician, history-historic-historical-historian,   mathematics-mathematical-mathematician, linguistics-linguistic-linguist, chemistry-chemical-chemist,  economy-economic-economical-economist,
meteorology-meteorological-meteorologist, neurology-neurological-neurologist,
- Speaking Skill: Clarifying – in other words, I mean, What I mean is, That’s not what I meant
- Speaking Practice 3. A very successful paper and stationary store…Explain why it is happening to a partner. The partner to ask questions, agree or disagree with the explanation.
=> Task Your school has introduced free second foreign language classes for students on Friday evening but the students aren’t signing up for the classes. Discuss possible reasons with your partner.

Lesson Report Primary-2 May 22nd

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's Saturday, May 23, 2015.  
It's sunny today.  
Picture Dictionary Topic 30 (2) を学習しました。
Oxford Discover student book Unit 3、詩の復習をしました。 
P 32A, B を完成させました。Good work everyone!
Oxford Discover workbook P21 C, P22の問題を解きました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 30 (2) 
Sing chant
Say your favorite word from the list
Oxford Discover student book Review P30, 31. 
Read and practice and present. Do  P32  A, B  
Oxford Discover workbook P 21 C P22

Have a wonderful weekend! 
See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-1 May 22nd

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Saturday May 23, 2015.
It's sunny today.
Picture Dictionary のTopic 3 (4) を学習しました。
This is Phonics P21のChantで軽くウォーミングアップ。
Short Vowels P24 を学習しました。
Up and Away Student BookのUnit 18 How many?を学習し、
Up and Away workbook p25Aを完成させました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 3 (4)
Sing the chant.
Say your favorite word from the list
This is Phonics 1  Sing the chant P21. 
Do P 24 Practice saying the words.
Write words in notebook
Up and Away Student Book Review numbers  
Do Unit 18  P43 Practice and write
new phrases in notebook.  Present

Have a great weekend! 
See you next week !


Lesson Report-Senior 2p-May 22nd

1. Cover to Cover-2  Unit 3 Entertainment Part 2 Invented, Then Lost
- Introduction Photos of the first Karaoke, 8-Track Player, TIME magazine “Man of the Year”
- Fluency Strategy: Scanning-> Task-A
- Reading-1->Checking Fluency & Comprehension -> Reading-2 w/CD
-> Read aloud: Pr. 2-4=> Task-1 1. patentが何であるかを日本語で説明しなさい(pr-3)
2. But, that is what all inventions ~ meet that need. (pr-4)の2つの文を、“that”の示す内容を明らかにして日本語にしなさい。
2. Kikutan-4K  Day 8 Greetings Are Important
Review  Shadow Reading -> Read
=> Write a summary in 2~3 sentences. Use; exchange greetings, no excuse for
=> Pair Tell the summary without the writing.
- Practice Voca Chant
3. Tactics for Listening  Unit 11 Invitations #1
Getting Ready->  Would you …? => I’d love/like to, but …
Listening-1  Pair 1/2, 3/4, 5/6
Take notes and invite a partner to the activity you heard as specifically as you can.
Use how about –ing …, why don’t we …, or would you like …?
The partner accepts or refuses the invitations and explains why. Use the expressions in Getting Ready.
Listening-2   Pair 1/2, 3/4, 5/6
Take notes to retell the conversations. Make sure to make invitations and give answers specifically.
Use the expressions in the conversation for invitations and responses.

Lesson Report Senior-1p May 22nd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.How's it going?
It's Friday, May 22, 2015. 
It's sunny and partly cloudy today.
Three of the students were absent today.
Those who attended the class all worked very hard and did a good job!
Some of you tried to have a real conversation with the partners.
If you try hard to communicate with others in English, you'll be good at it.
As long as you attend the class at MEL School, you are supposed to be able to use English in the future.
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
Takehiro was ready for the speech, but I failed to give him the time for it.
The next speaker is still Takehiro.
I'm looking forward to your presentation!

And as I told you in the class, you don't have to work on the next VIU.

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Vocabulary writing C32 U12 #1  page 109  感情などに関することば-1
WB page 89  Review Reading and check
Bridge Work  Chapter 32 Unit 2
G&C-1  受動態の慣用表現  Check the example sentences. => Read through the exercise.
Workbook  Page 30 => Worksheet  Talk about yourself.
Cover to Cover  Book 1  Unit 2  Part 1 
Part 2  => Fluency strategy  Skimming => Task A => B

Have a good weekend!
See you next week.


Lesson Report Junior-1 May 22nd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Friday, May 22. It's sunny today.
今日のレッスンでは、Danny, Catherine の紹介を he, his, she, her を使っておこないました。
Engage では いろいろなfeelings についての言葉を練習しました。

<Lesson Review>
Silent e
Key words, Jingle, Reading
Unit 1  Identity 
Vocabulary  Feelings Write the sentences in the notebook
W10  #1, 2, and 3
Class questionnaire
Bridge Work  Chapter 1 Unit 2
Exercise-4 #2-a, 2-b
Grammar in Use

Have a good weekend!
See you next week.


Lesson Report Junior-2 May 21st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's it going?
It's Friday, May 22, 2015.
It's cloudy today.
Bridge Work で練習したwhen, while を使った文の使い方はわかってきましたか?
Engage では世界の色々な都市について調べ、グループで確認しました。
Our speaker today was Kosei.
He talked about his friend.
The next speaker is Kotoko.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 15 Unit 2 
Grammar and Communication-2  when, while
Exercise-2  #2, 3-a, 3-b
Let's check-2
Grammar in Use  Let's write and present!
Engage   Unit 1 It's happening!
Vocabulary => Reading #1
基礎英語 Lessons 25 & 26

Have a great weekend!
See you next week.

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report Junior-1 May 21st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Friday, May 22. It's cloudy today.
What are your parents names?
What's their favorite food?
きのうのレッスンでは 単数形と複数形、their などのことばの使い方を練習しました。
Key Communication のテストの再テストを受けていない人、受けたけど再々テストになってしまった人は次回もう一度挑戦しましょう。
Engage では いろいろなfeelings についての言葉を練習しました。

<Lesson Review>
Silent e
Key words, Jingle, Reading
Unit 1  Identity 
Vocabulary  Feelings Write the sentences in the notebook
W10  #1, 2, and 3
Class questionnaire
Bridge Work  Chapter 1 Unit 2
Chapter 2 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2  単数形と複数形
Exercise-2  #2
Grammar and Communication-3  our, your, their
Exercise-1  #1

Have a good weekend!
See you next week.

Towako and Miharu

Lesson Report Junior-3 May 20th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, May 21, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Have you got a lot of homework this week?
Have you finished it?
I hope you understand the difference between "have got" and "have + pp".
You've got to study hard for the exams!
Our speaker yesterday was Haruka.
She talked about her favorite town, Naka-meguro.
The next speaker is Ami.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 25 & 26
- Johan always leaves his things lying around.
Bridge Work 
Chapter 28 Unit 1 
Grammar and Communication-2  have had, have done
Exercise-2  Review
Grammar and Communication-3  have got, have got to
Chapter 27 Unit 2 VIU #2  職業に関することば p.31  Practice words and phrases with the tablet
Deep listening  Lesson 11 Oil change

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Senior-1 May 20th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, May 21, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Have you got a lot of homework this week?
Have you finished it?
I hope you understand the difference between "have got" and "have + pp".
You've got to study hard for the exams!
Our speaker yesterday was Sae.
She talked about Suruga, Shizuoka. She prepared very well!
The next speaker is Tomoya.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 25 & 26
- Johan always leaves his things lying around.
Bridge Work 
Chapter 28 Unit 1 
Grammar and Communication-2  have had, have done
Exercise-2  #1 Review => #2
Grammar and Communication-3  have got, have got to
Chapter 27 Unit 2 VIU #2  職業に関することば p.31  Practice words and phrases with the tablet
Deep listening  Lesson 11 Oil change

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report-Advancing 1-May 20th

[1] Kikutan-6K  Day 9  Vaslav Nijinsky #2
Review  Shadow Reading -> Read
=> Write a summary in 2~3 sentences. Use; awkward, graceful, critics
[2] Inside Reading-2   Unit 2 The Business of Branding  Reading-2  Product Placement
- Previewing and Predicting
-> Learn: Read the headings, photos and captions.=> Predict the topic of the magazine article.
-> Skim the Text by marking the topic and underlining the topic sentence of each paragraph.
=> Write what this magazine article is about in one sentence.
Sponsors use product placement on various media as an effective tool to reach and influence consumers.
- Read-1 -> Check and study if and how the topic and main idea is supported and explained in each par.
-> Reading Comprehension: T/F, Mark the paragraph #, Correct false statements.
[3] Read & Write-2  Unit 3 Courtesy: What does it mean to be polite?
Reading 1: Being Polite from Culture to Culture #1
- Reading Skill  Identifying Supporting Details-> Read Par.4=> Ex-A,  Par.5=> Ex-B,   Par.6=> Ex-C
=> What do you think?  Write five to eight sentences in response to one of the questions below.
In your culture, what is the polite or appropriate way to;
- to greet someone   - to receive a gift   - to say good by
- to show respect to sb - to be polite to sb
Describe your main response clearly and explain it with examples.

Lesson Report Senior-1p May 19th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
Are you busy preparing for the first exams in high school?
Are you ready for the first exams in high school?
It's Wednesday, May 20, 2015. 
It's sunny and partly cloudy today.
Most of you had a hard time to tell others what you wanted to say in English.
It's not easy to speak up your opinion in a foreign language or even in your native language.
If you keep trying, you'll be able to communicate in English without any hesitation.
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speaker is Takehiro.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Vocabulary writing C32 U1  #2 WB page 88
Chapter 32 Unit 1  
Grammar in Use   The outbreak of an influenza epidemic
- Check the meaning of the sentences.
- Divide the text into three categories
Deep listening  Lesson 12
Cover to Cover  Unit 2 Sleep  Part 1
Vocabulary in context B
What's your opinion?

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Junior-1 May 19th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, May 20. It's sunny and cloudy today.
What's your favorite fruit?
What's its name?
What's your mother's name?
What's her favorite color?
きのうのレッスンではhis, her, its の使い方を練習しました。
Engage では いろいろなfeelings についての言葉を学びました。

<Lesson Review>
Silent e
Key words, Jingle, Reading
Unit 1  Identity 
Grammar   What's your name? Where are you from? How old are you?
Review  Write about the famous people => Presentation
Vocabulary  Feelings
Bridge Work  Chapter 1 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-3 Review  Worksheet
Grammar and Communication-4  his, her, its
Exercise-4  #1 Review  #2-a.

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 May 19th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's Wednesday, May 20, 2015.  
It's sunny today.  
Picture Dictionary Topic 30 (1)に入りました。
Oxford Discover student book Unit 3, P29を音読し、P30の詩を音読練習し、暗記してパートナーと発表しました。P31 Rose are Red も音読練習しました。
Oxford Discover workbook P20, 21 A, B.  

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 30(1) 
Sing chant
Write new words in notebook
Oxford Discover student book  P30,31  
Read and practice, memorize and present. 
Oxford Discover workbook P 20,21 A,B

((HW))  Make sentences. B    
1.  The kite is red and yellow.  
Write in notebook


Have a wonderful week! 
See you!


Lesson Report Primary-1 May 19th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Wednesday May 20, 2015. 
It's sunny today.
Picture Dictionary のTopic 3 (3) を学習しました。
This is Phonics P12-13のChantはもう完璧ですね!!
Short Vowels P22-23を練習し、新しい単語をノートに写しました。
Up and Away Student BookのUnit 18 P41,42を学習し、ノートに新しい単語を写しました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 3 (3)
Sing the chant.
This is Phonics 1  Unit 1 P12-13 Sing the chant
Do P 22,23 Practice saying the words.  Write words in notebook
Up and Away Student Book Review Unit 18  P41,42 
Practice and write new words in notebook

Have a great week! 
See you !


Lesson Report-Senior 2p-May 19th

1. Cover to Cover-2 Unit 3 Entertainment  Part 1 Unusual Festivals #3
- Review Reading w/CD-> Looking at Vocabulary in Context A, B
Task-3 Explain what people do on and around October 30th in your neighborhood or town to a friend in a foreign country in 90 sec.  (jack-o-lantern, makeup, costume, mantle, ghost, vampire, skeleton, trick or treat)
2. Kikutan-4K  Day 8 Greetings Are Important
- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sentence.-> Lis-2=> Revise the Main Idea.
-> Read=> Revise the Main Idea. -> Shadow Reading
=> Study Vocabulary: observe, exchange proper greetings,
=> Dic proper  appropriate or suited for some purpose: in its ~ place, ~ tool,
correct in behavior or conduct : ~ manner, : suitable, decent, appropriate
excuse [z] (vt) to pardon/forgive: ~ ones behavior, to seek pardon or exemption for: ~ me for being late
excuse [s] (n) an explanation as a reason for sth; ~ for being late, use sth as an excuse for …
=> Point: think of ~ as a ~ person
- Practice Voca Chant: observe-observation-observatory, proper-properly, greet-greeting, pleasant
3. Read & Write-2  Unit 2 Color: How do colors affect the way we feel
Reading 1: How Colors Make Us Think and Feel #1
- Vocabulary/p.25: Dic represent-representation-representative
- Preview the article by looking at the titles and photos
- Read-1 => Main Ideas, Details<= Underline the word(s) to be looked at in the text to find the answers.

Lesson Report Junior-2 May 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Monday, May 18, 2015.
It's cloudy and humid today.
What were you doing when your homeroom teacher came into the classroom this morning?
What was your mom doing when you got home after the lesson this evening?
when, while を使った文の使い方はわかってきましたか?
Engage では世界の色々な都市について調べました。
Our speaker today was Hikaru.
He talked about his friend.
The next speaker is Kosei.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 15 Unit 1 Recap test
Chapter 15 Unit 2  Grammar and Communication-1
Exercise-1 #1-d, 2-a, 2-b
Let's check-1
Grammar and Communication-2  when, while
Exercise-2  #1
Engage   Unit 1 It's happening!
基礎英語 Lessons 23 & 24

Have a wonderful week!
See you on Thursday.

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report Junior-1 May 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Monday, May 18. It's cloudy and humid today.
Are you a good student?
Is your umbrella big?
Key Communication のテストが時間内に終わらなかった人は4分ですべて書けるまで練習しましょう。コミュニケーションではスピードも大切です。
Engage では いろいろなfeelings についての言葉を学びました。

<Lesson Review>
Silent e
Key words, Jingle, Reading
Unit 1  Identity 
Grammar   What's your name? Where are you from? How old are you?
Review  Write about the famous people => Presentation
Vocabulary  Feelings
Bridge Work  Chapter 1 Unit 2
Key Communication test
Chapter 2 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  a/an
Grammar and Communication-2  単数形と複数形
Exercise-2  #1

Have a great week!
See you on Thursday.

Towako and Miharu

Lesson Report-Advancing 2-May 18th

1. Listening & Vocabulary: Kikutan-6K  Week-1 Review: Life
- Lis-1=> Write what this narration wants to say in a sentence
- Lis-2=> Revise the sentence
-> Read=> Revise the sentence-> Shadow Reading-> Review the words/expressions
-> Shadow Reading-> Read aloud to learn how to use the words/expressions
2. Read & Write-2  Unit 10  Global Health  Reading 1: Flu FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Reading Skill: Synthesizing Information synthesize: combine, incorporate –> synthesis-syntheses (pl)
=> B.1 Pair Read the paragraph and answer the question in 90 seconds. Include examples/examples.
=> What do you think-2. Some people worry a lot about catching the flu from others, and some people are not very concerned. How concerned are you, on a scale from 1, not concerned at all, and 10, extremely concerned?=> Write your response in five to eight sentences.
3. Inside Reading-3  Unit 3 In the Public Eye Reading-1  Public Art Controversies – Art Attack
- Read-2 -> Reading Comprehension.
=> Identify the Main Idea (TS) and the Supporting Details (SS) of each paragraph.
=> Revise the main idea of the entire article => Pair Compare
=> Tell your partner what the main idea of the article is in 90 seconds.
☆What?: An Introduction (Public Art Controversies) and following article (Art Attack)

Lesson Report Junior-3 May 16th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, May 16, 2015.
It's cloudy today.
Have you taken a bath yet?
What do you usually do after taking a bath?
You just go to bed?
Most of you have to prepare for the exams this weekend.
Try your best!
Our speaker yesterday was Shun.
He talked about Kyoto.
The next speaker is Haruka.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 23 & 24
The summary of the week   Say and write
Bridge Work 
Chapter 28 Unit 1  Grammar and Communication-1  現在完了と過去、現在
Exercise-1  #1 and 2  Review => #3
Grammar and Communication-2  have had, have done
Exercise-2  #1, 2
Chapter 27 Unit 2 VIU #1  時に関する表現 p.31

Enjoy the Sunday!
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Senior-1 May 16th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, May 16, 2015.
It's cloudy today.
Have you taken a bath yet?
What do you usually do after taking a bath?
You just go to bed?
Most of you have to prepare for the exams this weekend.
Try your best!
Our speaker yesterday was Kota.
He talked about Musashino city.
The next speaker is Sae.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 23 & 24
The summary of the week   Say and write
Bridge Work 
Chapter 28 Unit 1  Grammar and Communication-1  現在完了と過去、現在
Exercise-1  #1 and 2  Review => #3
Grammar and Communication-2  have had, have done
Exercise-2  #1
Chapter 27 Unit 2 VIU #1  時に関する表現 p.31 => Workbook page 69

Enjoy the Sunday!
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report-Advancing 1-May 16th

[1] Kikutan-6K  Vaslav Nijinsky   <= Look up in the Internet
- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sentence-> Lis-2=> Revise the Main Idea.
-> Read=> Revise the Main Idea. -> Shadow Reading
=> Replace graceful, mock, scorn => Dic/Tablet
- Practice Voca Chant: awkward, chaos, roar
[2] Inside Reading-2   Unit 2 The Business of Branding Reading-2 Product Placement<=Par.2
Before you Read: Think of any movies or TV programs that some products or services are shown or used. Are you more likely to buy or use such products or services?
 ☆ Ind. Speaking Which product you’re more likely to buy or use, one advertised in TV, shown or used in a TV program or recommended by other buyers or users on the Internet?  Answer in 60 sec=> Pair
- Previewing and Predicting
-> Learn: Read the headings, photos and captions.=> Predict the topic of the magazine article.
-> Skim the Text by marking the topic and underlining the topic sentence of each paragraph.
=> Write what this magazine article is about in one sentence.
Sponsors use product placement on various media as an effective tool to reach and influence consumers.
[3] Open Forum-1   Chapter 5 Anthropology News report on corporate anthropology
- 3rd Lis=> Answer the Tasks

Lesson Report-Advancing 2-May 16th

1. Open Forum-2 Chapter 10  Education Web Listening about Online Classes
- Before Listening  Voca BS: Bachelor of Science BA: Bachelor of Art   (GPA: Grade Point Average)
- Lis 1-> Answer the questions.
- Lis 2=> Explain the advantages and challenges of online courses Rick mentioned. Are you interested in taking online courses and why?
- Lis 3 w/Transcript-> Voc
- intense  of extreme force, strength, degree, or amount: ~ heat, characterized by deep/forceful feelings: an ~ person
- rigorous  characterized by or proceeding from rigour; harsh, strict, or severe: ~ discipline, ~ training
- journal  a periodical or magazine, especially one published for a special group, learned society, or profession
=> Explain Are you interested in taking online courses and why?
2. Inside Reading-3  Unit 3 In the Public Eye Reading-1  Public Art Controversies – Art Attack
☆What?: An Introduction (Public Art Controversies) and following article (Art Attack)
- Reading Skill: Skimming and Making Predictions about Art Attack/p.36
Apply-1: Title/Subtitle/Photo-> Write a guess about the topic and the reading:
  Art works in public places seem to have been upsetting the residents.
Apply-2->3 : Read the heading of each paragraph-> Revise the guess
There seem to be some reasons why art works in public places often cause resistance from the local residents but there seem to be some ways to deal with such controversy.
Apply-2->3: Read the first and the last paragraphs.
=> Write what the Main Idea of the article is within three sentences. =>Pair Compare.

Lesson Report Senior-1p May 15th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
Are you busy preparing for the first exams in high school?
It's Saturday, May 16, 2015. 
It's cloudy today.
Do you so anything to avoid getting infected by the flu?
If you are tired, you are more likely to get sick.
Everyone is very busy, but you need to get enough sleep to stay healthy.
Our speaker today was Kaede.
Her school has a lot of courses to choose.
Some of the clubs are really strong.
The next speaker is Yuma.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Vocabulary writing C32 U1  #1 WB page 87
Chapter 32 Unit 1  
Grammar in Use   The outbreak of an influenza epidemic
- Explain what influenza is in Japanese
- Tell your partner what you do to avoid getting infected by the flu
Cover to Cover  Unit 2 Sleep  Part 1
Communication task => Check assignment
Vocabulary in context

Have a good weekend.
See you next week!


Lesson Report Junior-1 May 15th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday May 16. It's cloudy today.
きのうのレッスンではUnit 2前半の復習をしました。
he's, his, she's, her の使い分けはわかりましたか?
Engage では いろいろな国の都市について学びましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Silent e
Key words, Jingle, writing
Unit 1  Identity 
Vocabulary  Countries and nationalities
Workbook W8
Grammar   What's your name? Where are you from? How old are you?
Bridge Work  Chapter 1 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication 1 & 2 Review  Worksheet
Grammar and Communication-3  he, she, it, they の否定文 Review
Grammar and Communication-4  's, his, her, its
Exercise-4  #1

Have a wonderful weekend.
See you next week!
