Senior Class (5) February 20, 2023

->Skill Up 単語学習 (自分で級、 1日のタスクを決めて毎日練習する)

Pop up quiz for next lesson.  From EIKEN 3 grade. (15 words)

->thick , death , doughnut, elementary , neighbor, never, shake, state, fever, gesture, hallway, huge, nephew, perform, shape, suddenly 


Listening 05 (the new job)

Listening 06 (sending a parcel to New York)

Listening 07 (man’s best friend)

Listening 08 (an announcement for after school))    

Listening 09 (students taking courses)


Reading 11 (the River Thames in Great Britain )

Reading 12 (Stone Forest)


Reading 01 (ice creates )

Reading 02 (New York ) 

Reading 03 (ancient tropical sea)

  • Practice the 5 ⬆️ passages. Try to get at least 80%. Present one of the passages to the class. 


Speaking 04 (Ann is looking for a new apartment )


Speaking 01 (Mike went to Milan)

  • Listen to the passage and answer the questions   


Connecting flight

Reservation part 1

Cruise 🚢 

  • Go to breakout room and practice the passages with your partner. Present one passage to the class. Make sure you use good expressions. 

+Wrap up session.


Open ナレーションon your ELST. 

Choose A2.1 

Narration 07


Narration 01

Listen to the monologue, and answer the questions.  

HOMEWORK ナレーション 

Narration 07 ⬆️ This passage talks about meals in the USA. Please write about your meals.


Narration 01 This passage is about how the woman learns English. Please write how you study English. 

⬆️ Send these to Kumiko. 

HOMEWORK CEFR-J Pre A1 レベルテストを受ける〜をやってみましょう

See you next Monday, February 27

 Kumiko .

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