You now know what qualities or features make you feel cute or adorebble.
You've also learned about three major religions, their holy places and books.
Hope these will help you comprehend or interact with others from the world, some day in the future!
Review Winter Assignment : C5-P2 Fans or Fanatics
Reading: Cover to Cover Book 2 C6-P1 Being Cute
to Survive
- Comprehension Strategy: Summarizing- Reading-1 => Task-A => Checking Comprehension
- Reading-2 w/CD => Read aloud: Par.3-6
Voc. Writing-Round 2 C34-U1 #2 身体の障害などに関することば
Grammar: Bridge Work Book 3 - Round 2 C35-U1 関係代名詞 whose, 受動態
- G&C-1: 関係代名詞 whose->Activity-1 -> Ex-1.2
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