Lesson Report-Sr.2-Mar.1st

Dear Sr.2 Classmates,
You talked about a book that you enjoyed to the class.
What do you think? Do you think you could express what you wanted to say?
You may become more expressive if you think every opportunity is the only or last one to the particular audience.

[1] Listening: C-2 Literature #2: Informal Conversation about Books   
- Review Reading w/Script
- Pronunciation: Stress on Content Words
- Speaking Practice: Describe a book that you enjoyed or remember well => Conversation-Group
[2] Voc. Writing-Round 2  C36-U2 #2 争いなどに関することば
[3] Grammar: Bridge Work Book 3 - Round 2 C36-U2 複合関係詞
- Review: G&C-1 whatever, whoever, whenever, wherever=>H/W Gr-Writing-1
- Revise Writing: Powell’s Speech
- G&C-2: Countable/Uncountable、数の程度と比較

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