How much stereotyped do you think you are, compareted with your friends or family members?
There don't seem to be so many who aren't so the question is how much.
As the text says, you'd better realize that you're also stereotyped first and then try to see others as individuals.
[1] Reading: Cover to Cover Unit 7
Intelligence Part 2 Animal Intelligence
Unit 8 Viewpoints Part 1 Stereotypes
- Introduction: pin-striped suit,
loose-fitting dress, accountant-accounting
- Comprehension Strategy: Recognizing
Reference Words - these, him, they, it, them
- Reading-1=> Task-A, Checking
Comprehension-> Read w/CD =>Read aloud Pr.3-6
- Communication Task-1
1. Stereotypes とは何か、どういうものであるのかについてPr.2-3を基に日本語で説明しなさい。
2. Pr-5: Stereotypes help us ~ It
saves us time. を必要な補足をつけて日本語にしなさい。
3. Pr-6: They are usually ~ people as
individuals. を日本語にしなさい。
[2] Voc. Writing-Round 2 C37-U1 #1 機会や仕事などに関することば
[3] Grammar: Bridge Work Book 3 -
Round 2 C36-U2 複合関係詞
- Review G&C-2: Grammar: 比較-1=> Worksheet:
比較-1 基本的な表現
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