Lesson Report-Advancing-Feb.24th

Dear Advancing Classmates,
Tomorrow is a big day for those who are taking entrance exams for the state universities.
We all hope that they will do at their best and get good results.
Those who are going to take ones next year, please cheer them up!
[1] Reading Task
Japan's active seniors show younger generation how it's done
1. Choose a suitable word in each box.
2. Complete a sentence in your own words. “You …
[2] Writing Task: A letter to your grandparent(s)
- Video: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/12/09/world/asia/japan-on-the-road-elderly/index.html?hpt=hp_c2
★ Read About Ms. Nagaoka
=> Write a letter to your grandparent(s) to encourage him/her/them to stay active and social in 100 words. => Peer Review=> Revise=> Present

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