How are you doing today?
It's Tuesday, February 4th, 2014.
We had snow today! The temperature dropped by about 20 degrees! Wow.
Hope you didn't slip on the street.
Does your mom sometimes have you get foods or drinks on the way home?
At MEL School, the teachers always make students read English aloud!
What about your school?
Do English teachers make you practice hard?
Or they just tell you to remember grammar and vocabulary?
As we always tell you, practicing English is the best way to learn English.
You need to work hard physically when you learn a language.
Our speakers yesterday were Aoi and Riko.
Aoi talked about moving to a new house.
Riko talked about Good-Thing Diary.
Good-thing diary sounds really good!
Why don't you try it?
The next speakers are Harutaka and Mizuki.
Get ready for your speech!
<Lesson Review>
Cover to Cover 2
Unit 8 Part 2 All in a Day's Work (pp. 104-107)
Talk about what kind of attitudes towards jobs college students have.
BW-3 Second Round
Chapter 32 Unit 1 G&C-2 使役動詞の使い方
Open Forum Unit 7 Part 2Health: A Book Review of Why zebras don't get ulcers
Lis-2: Explain the details
Have a good week.
I'll see you all on Thursday!
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