Dear Advancing Classmates,
You've learned what "zero-sum game" means today.
It's is a situation in which what is gained by one is lost by the other(s). In other words, it's like getting something from someone in your family. No gain as a whole. It's a kind of situation you should avoid. It's a waste of time, energy and opportunities you might have gotten otherwise.
[1] Listening & Communication: Open Forum-2
Chapter 7 Language and Communication: Web: Lecture
about Language Change and Loss
- 1st Lis-thru-> Exercises
- 2nd Lis by Part=> Com Task
[A] Explain what a historical linguist does.
[B] Explain how a language changes.
[C] Explain how a language corrupts.
- 3rd Lis w/Script=> Com Task Explain what Samuel
Johnson insists in a plain language.
=> Com Task Do you think a language change corrupts
or deteriorates its culture, or it’s simply a natural process? State your
opinion with an example or two in three minutes.
[2] Reading Comprehension/Writing Task by Asai
- Constructive ideas' on thorny issues needed #2
=> Task (5) “zero-sum
game” の引用も踏まえて、党の影響下にあるChina
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