- Lis-1=> Write the MI in one sentence-> Lis-2=> Revise -> Read w/CD=> Revise-> Read it yourself
Neuroscience is a challenging part of biology that has revealed only basic brain mechanism.
[2] Inside Reading-2 Unit 7 Reading-1 Pieces of a Puzzle: The Evidence for Pangaea [pænˈdʒiə]
Review Writing: summary in four or five sentences
Study Words/Expressions
- [P1-L1] rigid area stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible; hard; ~ piece of plastic/metal [L10] outer crust the solid outer shell of the earth, with an average thickness of 30–35 km in continental regions and 5 km beneath the oceans - any hard or stiff outer covering or surface, bread; a crust of ice, [L10] dense nucleus [ˈnukliəs, nyu-] a central or fundamental part or thing around which others are grouped; core [P2-L19] landmass a large continuous area of land, as opposed to seas or islands [L19] catastrophism the doctrine that certain vast geological changes in the earth's history were caused by catastrophes rather than gradual evolutionary processes. [L21] periodically<-periodic happening or recurring/occurring at intervals/cyclse; at fix interval, regularly, intermittent [L22] a revival of science in Europe <= The scientific revolution was the emergence of modern science during 1550-1700, when developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology (inc. human anatomy) and chemistry transformed views of society and nature, which began in Europe towards the end of the Renaissance period, influencing the intellectual social movement known as the Enlightenment, including Isaac Newton's 1687 Principia, that formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation [L24] displace to compel sb to leave home, country, etc. -to move/put out of the usual or proper place; People were ~ed by sth -to take the place of; replace; Fiction displaces fact. [L25] uniformitarianism the concept that the earth's surface was shaped in the past by gradual processes, such as erosion, and by small sudden changes, such as earthquakes, of the type acting today [P3-L42] hump in the South America’s eastern coastline a large lump that stick out above the surface of sth; bump [P4-L46] gradually evolve to develop gradually; from sth, into sth; The idea ~d from a drawing, The company ~d into a huge enterprise. The species ~d from a single ancestor. - evolution [L57] intermediate stage occurring or situated between two points, extremes, places; in between - class, course, textbook: suitable for learners with some degree of skill or competence [L87] random coincidences lacking any definite plan or prearranged order; a ~ selection/sample, proceed in a ~ order <- numerical, alphabetic - at random; fire ~, chosen ~ [P8-L102] continental drift a driving movement or force; impulse, pressure. - to move aimlessly from place to place or from one activity to another, to wander or move gradually away from a fixed course or point; stray [L103] comprehensive-comprehension-comprehend [L114] integrate to make/be made into a whole; incorporate; (~ into, with sth, ~ A and B; Plan A is ~d with Plan-B. -to designate (a park) for use by all races or groups<-> segregate
[3] Open Forum Chapter 10 History Conversation about the discovery of America
- Introduction: Greenland, Iceland, Newfoundland, the Bering Strait, (the Aztecs, Mayans, Incas)
- Preparing to Listen: Christopher Columbus, Leif Erikson, Zheng He
- colony: a country/land that is governed by people from another more powerful country.
- Listening-1 => Take memos about the discovery of America, especially who, when and how.
- Listening-2 => Note the answers to the questions=> Pair Speak the roles of the explorers by turns.
=> Task Discuss what the today’s world would be if Zheng had colonized America.
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