Lesson Report-Adv.2-Nov.7th

[1] Listening & Vocabulary: Kikutan-6K Day 25: Studying after Graduation
- comparable-compare similar to sb/sth worth comparing; ~ to/with that of sth/sb
- retain to keep sth, to continue to have/hold/contain sth; contain/have/hold/maintain; ~ freedom/control
[2] Inside Reading-3  Unit 7 Neuroscience Reading-1  Mind Wide Open
- Review the Summary  what is our brain like in 2~3 sentences/50 words.
- Study Words/Expressions/Grammar
[P1-L2]  inscape  the essential inner nature of a person, an object-> landscape  [L3] MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan utilizes a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of the organs and tissues within the body.  PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan uses radiation, or nuclear medicine imaging, to produce 3D color images of the functional processes within the human body.  [L5] apparatus  a group/combination of instruments, tools, materials for a particular function; equipment; fire-fighting ~  - systematic organization of activities, functions, processes directed toward a specific goal; organization, system; the digestive ~, government ~
[P2-L14] adrenaline  [L15] a spike of  an abrupt increase or rise; surge [L17] subroutine   a section of a computer program that is stored only once but can be used when required at several different points in the program
[L17] on any given day, at any given moment -> in any given place  [P3-L21] contributing editor  a writer who regularly contributes articles to newspaper, magazine or online articles, but does not actually edit articles. Often a freelancer.   [L25] ant heaps  a group of things placed, thrown, or lying one on another; pile; a heap of stones/people
[P4-L34] module  a self-contained unit or item which itself performs a defined task and can be linked with other such units to form a larger system, spacecraft module   [P6-L38] take for granted; accept, believe, assume, presume [P6-L44] devise to invent sth new or a new way to do sth; create, come up with, design; to ~ a method
Dic[L46] distinctive; different, unique, original, special; ~ style/color/look -> distinct; apparent, obvious, specific; ~ smell/music/color  -> distinguish  recognize the difference between two; differentiate, divide, identify; ~ between A and B, ~ A from B
[L49] an instant gut reaction  [P7-L55] amygdala  an almond-shaped part of brain that performs a primary role in the processing of memory, decision-making, and emotional reactions  [L58] decode  to convert an encoded message, text, digital data into ordinary language/sound/image; ~ encrypted message/password <-> encode  
[L60] dimmer<- dim (adj) not clear because lack of light; to ~ read  (v) make/become dim  [P8-L62] traumatic [trəˈmæt ɪk]; frightening/frightful <- trauma [trou-muh/AmE, traw-]  a powerful shock that may have long-lasting effects
[L69] sojourn [ˈsoʊ dʒɜrn] a temporary stay: during his ~ in …  [P9-L75] preoccupations  [P10-L84] brings it all alive [L85] sanest <-sane  mentally sound, sensible, reasonable ->sanity, insane  [P11-L88] instructive: informative, enlightening, useful 
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level 
- A. Match the definitions -> Dic attach  => Pair Q&A 1~6
- to fasten/join one thing to another; ~ sth (to sth) 
- to believe sth is important/worth/valuable; ~ importance/significance/value; attribute, allocate
- B. Identify the part of speech-> Find the synonymous 
Dic adhere - to stick firmly to sth; attach, unite; - follow rules; comply, obey, observe; 
Dic conspicuous easy to see/notice; obvious, apparent, distinct, evident <-> inconspicuous
Dic[L46] distinctive; different, unique, original, special; ~ style/color/look -> distinct; apparent, obvious, specific; ~ smell/music/color  -> distinguish  recognize the difference between two; differentiate, divide, identify; ~ between A and B, ~ A from B
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
Dic obvious – easy to see/understand; It was ~ to everyone that …, ~ reason/annoyance/distress, so ~
-> obviously; certainly, unmistakably, apparently, clearly, definitely; Obviously, …, ~ important
- C. Dic insight – ability to see and understand the truth about people/situations; judgement, understanding; of great ~  - understanding of what sth is like; the book gives us ~ into …, 
[3] Read & Write-3  Unit 3 Sports  Reading #1  Fast Cars, Big Money
Unit 4  How has technology affected your life?
- Preview the Unit-> Listen to the Q-classroom/Web
=> A. Pair Is there any activity you take part in or are involved routinely, regularly or often? On average, how long do you spend a day/week/month on the activity?
- D. Pair-1 How long do you watch TV with your family a week? 
Reading-1 Having a second life
- Vocabulary: transaction, virtual/virtual reality
- Read=> Check the main ideas, solve MI/D
- Reading Skill: Taking notes-> A. Read-> Underline the topic sentence 
-> Identify three main topics/subjects of the text. 
=> Speak the main ideas of the article in 60 sec without the textbook.
Working Vacations/Q-Skill -> Read and underline/highlight topics/main ideas and supporting details to identify important ideas. Take notes to speak a summary in five sentence
s=> Speak a summary in 60 sec

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