[1] Kikutan-6K Day 29: The Music Industry in the Internet Age
- Lis-1=> Write the MI in one sentence
At first, the music industry was afraid of/worried about the influence of the Internet but later found a way to take advantage of it/make money from it.
[2] Inside Reading-2 Unit 6 Reading-2 The Minnesota Starvation Experiment
- Reading Skill: Summarizing=> Apply A: Plan what topic and how many sentences for each topic to write. Decide what topic/subject to start in each sentence. Outline your plan=> Blog
=> Write a summary in 5-7 sentences/100 words of The Minnesota Starvation Experiment=> Blog
A medical experiment was conducted to 40 healthy young volunteers in Minnesota in 1944 to study
[3] Read & Write-2 Unit 6: Self-Reliance
- Reading Skill: Identifying the author’s purpose-> A. -> B.
- What do you think? -1 => Identify the benefits and disadvantages of the new monitors for; =>Blog
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