Lesson Report-Adv.1-Feb.28

Dear Adv-1 Classmates,
By now, you must have learned how to use "a/am" and "the" properly.
It may seem confusing but once you learn the basic concpet and remember commonly used phrases, you'll be OK.
Just pay attention whenever you read or hear "a/an" or "the".
[1] Listening: Open Forum Chapter 11 Math and Technology   #4
Review: A Lecture about human computers/p.92-93 #1 Listen w/Script
- Pronunciation; The -ed Ending
- Speaking Skills
Web Listening: A Tour Guide Talk about a Museum of Science and Technology
- Lis #1: Answer the Questions
- Lis #2: 1. What is BBC?                  2. What could BBC Model-B do?
=> Summarize what you learned in the tour. 
[2] Grammar: Grammar in Use
- Review Unit 72: a/an and the - 72-A-> 72.1, 72-B-> 72.2, 72-C-> 72.3
- Unit 73: The 1 - 73-A, B-> 73.1, 73-C-> 73.2, 73-D-> 73.3-> 73-E-> 73.4

Lesson Report Junior-2 February 27th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, February 28th, 2013.
It's the last day in February.
It's sunny! And it's much warmer than yesterday.
You don't need a heavy coat today.
Do you like traveling? Which do you think is more exciting, traveling with your family or with your friends?
Where would you like to do during the spring break?
Do you think going skiing is as exciting as going camping in spring?
As for the speaker yesterday, we didn't have any speech.
The next speakers are Ryotaro and Makoto. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 196 & 197
Bridge Work Chapter 22 Unit 2
Exercise-3  #2 Let's compare!
#3 Which is more ...?
Grammar in Use  Yuki's e-mail to her English teacher.
(pp. 162-164)

See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 February 26th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Wednesday, February 27th, 2013.
It's cloudy today.
きのうのレッスンでは、is, am, areの過去形 was, were とhaveの過去形 hadや
didn't have, Did you have ...? などの使い方を練習しました。

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 157 & 158
Chapter 22 Nick had a bad dream
#3 Yesterday
#4 Question time (p. 75)
Up and Away Reader 4A Sunny the ski jumper (pp. 16-21)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 February 26th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, February 27th, 2013.
It's cloudy today.
Up and Awayでは by と with の使い方を練習しましたね。
Readerでは、Jimmyからお金を奪ったBillはCandy を買ってBeesに追いかけられてしまいました。
そしてBook bagを忘れてしまったJimmyはどうなるのでしょうね!

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 26 Pirate Ship
Write your message
The Pirate Captain Song
Up and Away Student Book
Unit 19  with/by  (p. 43)
Up and Away Workbook Unit 19  with/by  (p. 26)
Up and Away Reader 2C Jimmy's lucky day (pp. 14-17)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Junior-1 February 26th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Wednesday, February 27th, 2013.
It's cloudy today.
Our speaker yesterday was Mahiro.
She talked about her exams. She finished them today. I hope she did well on them!
The next speakers are Asuka and Takehiro. Get ready for your speech!
And all of you have a Key Communication test next time. Don't forget about it!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 157 & 158
Bridge Work Chapter 9 Unit 3
Grammar in Use -1  Julie's mom
Key Communication  (pp. 151-152)
Chapter 10  Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1
Exercise-1 #1 (pp. 153-154)
Star Team Unit 12 What's for dinner?
Speaking and Writing-2 (p. 60)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report-Sr.2-Feb.26th

Dear Sr.2 Classmates,
If animals could think and feel, would you be keeping a dog or cat as your pet?
You may want to treat it no longer as a pet but as a friend or family member.
then what if they could speak our languages? Would you like animals to speak?

[1] Reading: Cover to Cover Unit 7 Intelligence Part 2 Animal Intelligence
- Review Reading w/CD
- Expanding Vocabulary: physical, unimportant, alien, set free, ordinary, solitary
- Vocabulary: Word Family
- cognition: cognitive ability, cognitive science, cognitive psychology
 - recognize: recognition-recognizable
- aware: be (well/fully) aware of ~, become aware of/that ~
=> What’s Your Opinion What do you think we should do if animals can think? Should we keep them in zoos or use them for experiments? Write/Discuss your response in 5-8 sentences. => Pair
[2] Grammar: Bridge Work Book 3 - Round 2 C36-U2 複合関係詞
- G&C-1 whatever, whoever, whenever, wherever-> Ex.1.1, 3
=> Activity-1
Speech by Kevin Powell/Feb.19th: Contemporary American Policy
- Peer Review Peer Review-> Revise => Present-Pair



新小学4-5年生対象 3月16日(土)11:00-12:00
新中学1年生対象 3月2日(土)11:00-12:00
ご兄弟やお知り合いで、MEL Schoolでの学習にご関心のある方は早めにお知らせください。

TOEIC および TOEIC Bridge について
3月23日(土) TOEIC Bridge  15:00-16:00  TOEIC 16:00-18:00
TOEIC Bridge    Junior-2およびSenior-1 クラス (中2、中3生)
TOEIC  Senior-2 (高校生)以上
予備日 3月26日(火) TOEIC Bridge 13:00-14:00  TOEIC 14:00-16:00
申し込み締め切り 3月5日(火) 
受験料 TOEIC Bridge 2,800円(一般会場の受験料は4,200円) 
TOEIC  4,000円(同 5,565円)






MEL School 三鷹

Lesson Report Senior-1 February 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing today?
It's Tuesday, February 26th 2013.
It's sunny and cold day.
Do you know what you call "真冬日" in English?
I'll tell you what we call it in English. We call it "ice day". According to the weather report, they had a first ice day this winter in Tohoku area.
We have only two days to go in February and March is just coming.
I really miss sunny and warm spring days. Don't you?
The reading topic yesterday was "Online".
Some of you spend a lot of time on a computer or the Internet.
Others said they spend only a half hour or a few hours.
As for me, I use my computer almost all day except when I run lessons.
Our speaker yesterday was Yu. He talked about his the year-end exams.
He'd just finished his entrance exams, so he said he didn't care about the results so much.
The next speaker is Michihiro. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Cover to Cover Unit 4 Online  Part 1  Not all fun and games?  (pp. 44-46)
Chapter 33 Unit 1 Exercise-1 Review (p. 113)
Deep listening  Lesson 15  How to make muffins (pp. 34-35)

See you on Thursday!


Lesson Report Junior-2 February 23rd

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Monday, February 25th, 2013.
It's sunny and cold today.
In some areas, this morning was the coldest this winter, though spring is coming!
Do you think reading comics is more relaxing than listening to music?
Is swimming harder than running for you?
Which is more interesting to you, cooking or watching TV?
I don't think speaking English is easier than writing it. など、I think ..., I don't think ...と比較級の組み合わせの文では、やや混乱もあるようなので、少しずつ慣れていきましょう!
As for the speaker on Saturday, Arata made a good speech! He talked clearly and loudly.
I think we could understand him well.
The next speaker is Ryotaro. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 194 and 195
Bridge Work Chapter 22 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2
look, sound を使った比較級、much, a little を使った比較級
Exercise-2 #2 & 3
Grammar and Communication-3
Exercise-3 #1
(pp. 162-164)

See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report-Adv.1-Feb.25th

Dear Adv-1 Classmates,
You're learning how important color is for business. It's part of the identity of the brand.
Hope you're more interested in paying attention to brand, logo, colors used in the business.

[1] Reading and Writing Book 2       Unit 2 Color: How do colors affect the way we feel #3
Review Writing: what colors you would use for a restaurant you’re designing.
Writing-1: Freewriting
- Writing Skill A-> B
- Grammar: Conjunctions-> Ex-A, B
- Writing Skill C: Discuss how the company uses color, and how the colors make you feel
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500
- Practice #87 Dating Service Interview
=> Listening Task-1 What kind of man is she looking for? Describe as much as you can.
[3] Independent Writing
=> D: Write a paragraph as to how the company uses color, and how the colors make you feel.

Lesson Report Primary-2 February 22nd

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Saturday, February 23rd, 2013.
It's sunny today.
昨日のレッスンでは、Where was Helen yesterday? She was at the ...
Where are Molly and Gina yesterday ...?  They were ... のように、きのうどこにいたかを尋ねたり答えたりする練習をしましたね。
Readerでは、Snowball になったSunnyがSki jumpをしました。どこまで飛んでいくのでしょうね。

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 155 & 156
Chapter 22 Nick had a bad dream
#1 Where were they yesterday? (pp. 72-73)
Up and Away Reader 4A Sunny the ski jumper (pp. 12-16)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-1 February 22nd

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, February 23rd, 2013.
It's sunny today.
きのうのレッスンでは、これまでのWhat is Jimmy doing?  Where is Jimmy reading?
などの復習と、Who is singing? のように「誰が?」と尋ねるときの表現を練習しましたね。
You did a good job!

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 26 Pirate Ship
Put the words in alphabetical order
The Pirate Captain Song
Up and Away Student Book
Unit 18 Present progressive Who questions (p. 42)
Up and Away Workbook Unit 18 (p. 25)
Up and Away Reader 2C Jimmy's lucky day (pp. 10-15)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Junior-1 February 22nd

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, February 23rd, 2013.
It's sunny and cold today.
また、基礎英語では、You look nice in that red shirt. などの表現の復習をしました。
Star Teamでは、みんなの食事について応答をしたり、自分についての文を書きました。
Unfortunately, we didn't any speakers yesterday.
The next speakers are Asuka and Mahiro. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 155 & 156
Bridge Work Chapter 9 Unit 3
Exercise-1 #2-4  (pp. 149-150)
Star Team Unit 12 What's for dinner?
Speaking and Writing   (p. 60)

See you next week!


Lesson Report-Sr.2-Feb.22nd

Dear Sr-2 Classmates,
Aren't you interested to read any of those books you listened to this evening?
I'd recommend The Joy Luck Club to start with, either English or Japanese book, or even the movie.
Very different scens and backgrounds you'll see in the story, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it for your spring break!
[1] Listening: C-2 Literature #2: Informal Conversation about Books     
1. Preparing to Listen: Translate the chosen/assigned description => Present
2. Listen-1/by Part: for Main Ideas, More Details
3. Listen-2/by Part: Find the answers in the Worksheet
4. Listen-3/through: => Com Task Thinking and Speaking
[2] Voc. Writing-Round 2  C36-U2 #1 人類の歴史に関することば
[3] Grammar: Bridge Work Book 3 - Round 2 
Writing Peer Review-> Revise-> Present to each other
- Speech by Kevin Powell/Feb.19th: Contemporary American Policy
=> Task Of the things Powell talked on Tuesday evening, which of these three sentences do you agree more than the others for your future? Explain why you think so within 100 words.
- Education gives people a chance to grow.
- Do you want to build or destroy a bridge to the future?
- Have pride who you are.

Lesson Report Senior-1 February 21st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's everything?
It's Friday, February 22nd 2013.
It's sunny today. We have only one more week to go this month, but it's still so cold especially early in the morning.
Do you know what the temperature this morning was?
I can tell you what the temperature in Mitaka area this morning. It was minus three degrees Celsius.
Do you remember who our speaker yesterday was?
It was Yuka. She talked about Valentine's Day gift for her friends.
She said she made a lot of smiley lollipops. She was kind enough to give us some of them, so I'm sure you enjoyed them.
The next speaker is Yu. Get ready for your speech!
And, you have a vocabulary test for Cover to Cover Unit 3. Don't forget about it!

<Lesson Review>
Cover to Cover Unit 3 The Supernatural Part 2 Unlucky for Some? Review  (pp. 34-37)
Chapter 32 Unit 2 Key Communication (p. 111)
Chapter 33 Unit 1 Grammar and Communication-1
Exercise-1 (pp. 112-113)
Star Team Unit 10 Study skills  "How do you do your homework?" (p. 54)

See you next week!


Lesson Report-Adv.1-Feb.21st

Dear Adv-1 Classmates,
Are you now interested to get the high-tech eyeware that does most of the functions that a smartphone and PC do?
It lookd very futuristic but was predicted a few  decades ago.
Human imagination seems to be more surprising than technology innovation, doesn' it?

[1] Listening: Open Forum Chapter 11 Math and Technology     #3
A Lecture about human computers/p.92-93 #1
Google Eyewear Video
=>Express opinions
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500
- Review #85-86 Advice from Dr. Bill (1), (2)
[3] Grammar: Grammar in Use
- Unit 72: a/an and the - 72-A-> 72.1, 72-B-> 72.2, 72-C-> 72.3


Lesson Report Junior-2 February 20th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, February 20th, 2013.
Who gets up the earliest in your family?
What time does she/he usually get up?
Who sings more beautifully, you or your mom?
Do you speak English more clearly than your dad?
Our speaker today was Kodai.
He talked about his study for the exams. He said his mom was really scary when he played a video game the other day.
The next speaker is Arata.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 191, 192, and 193
Bridge Work Chapter 22 Unit 2
Which do you think? Make your own questions!
Grammar and Communication-2
Exercise-2 #1 Who writes more beautifully?
(pp. 161-162)

See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 February 19th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Wednesday, February 20th, 2013.
It's sunny today.
昨日のレッスンでは、Let's を使っていろいろなことに誘ってみる表現を練習しました。
That's a good idea! なども上手に言えましたね。
また、is, am, areの過去形のwas, wereの使い方も確認しました。
Readerでは、Sunnyがsnow ballになってしまいました。これからどうなるのでしょうね!

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 47 At the Doctor's
Terrible Cold Chant
基礎英語 Lessons 153 & 154
Grammar One Chapter 21 Tom plays football
#4 Let's  (p. 71)
Chapter 22  Nick had a bad dream (p. 72)
Up and Away Reader 4A Sunny the ski jumper (pp. 10-13)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 February 19th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, February 20th, 2013.
It's sunny today.
Where are you now? What are you doing?
きのうは、Where ...? を使った質問をいろいろ練習しましたね。
場所の言い方や、Jimmy is reading in the classroom. のように「どこで何をしている」ということを上手に伝える練習をしました。
You did a good job!
Big bad BillにGive me the money! と言われたJimmy はどうするのでしょう。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 25 Fairytale Castle
Where is the king? He is next to the wizard.
The Fairytale Castle Chant
Up and Away Student Book
Unit 17 Present progressive What questions Review
Unit 18 Present progressive Where questions (p. 41)
Up and Away Workbook Unit 18 (p. 24)
Up and Away Reader 2C Jimmy's lucky day (pp. 6-11)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Junior-1 February 19th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, February 20th, 2013.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
きのうのレッスンでは、Clean your room. Don't be noisy. など、「~しなさい、~してはいけません」
Star Teamでは、Lisaの食事や好きな食べ物についてのListeningをしましたが、少し速くて大変だったようですね。文の作り方の確認になるので、次回worksheetをよく見直しておきましょう。
Our speakers yesterday were Akane and Akari.
Akane talked about her exams. Akari talked about NBA basketball game.
She said she liked watching NBA basketball games on TV.
The next speaker is Asuka. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 153 & 154
Bridge Work Chapter 9 Unit 3 Grammar and Communication-1
Verbs to learn 
Exercise-1 (pp. 147-148)
Grammar in Use-2 What's in the Box?
Star Team Unit 12 What's for dinner?
Reading & Listening   (p. 60)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Senior-1 February 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing today?
It's Tuesday, February 19th 2013.
It was snowy and cold today. It's been cold these days.
Did you enjoy the story about superstitions yesterday?
Are you superstitious? All of you said you didn't care about the number of a hotel room even when the number was considered to be bad luck.
Superstitions are not based on science but I think there must be some reason why people believe them and they still exist. I don't think we can tell everything based on science.
We had three absentees yesterday and didn't have any speech.
The next speaker is Yuka. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Cover to Cover Unit 3 The Supernatural Part 1 An Extra Sense? Review
Part 2 Unlucky for Some?  (pp. 34-36)
Chapter 32 Unit 2 Vocabulary in Use #2 感情などに関する熟語  Review (p. 109)
Workbook p. 90
Deep listening Lesson 14 (pp. 32-33)

See you on Thursday!


Lesson Report-Adv.1-Feb.18th

Dear Adv-1 Classmates,
Here are the definitions of asteroids, comets and meteoroids/meteors/meteorites.
According to NASA, here’s how you tell what kind of object is falling from the sky:
Asteroids are relatively small, inactive rocky bodies that orbit the sun.
Comets are also relatively small and have ice on them that can vaporize in sunlight. This process forms an atmosphere and dust and gas; you might also see a “tail’ of dust or gas.
Meteoroids are small particles from comets or asteroids, orbiting the sun.
Meteors are meteoroids that enter the Earth’s atmosphere and vaporize, also known as shooting stars.
Meteorites are meteoroids that actually land on the Earth’s surface. The pieces of the meteor that exploded in Russia are meteorites.
Generally meteorites are smaller than grains of sand and vaporize on passage through the atmosphere. But there are also larger meteorites.
Comets and asteroids are left over from when the solar system formed. There used to be more of them, but over time they’ve collided to form major planets, or they've got booted from the inner solar system to the Oort cloud or have been ejected from the solar system entirely.

[1] Reading and Writing Book 2 Unit 2 Color: How do colors affect the way we feel
Review Reading 1: How Colors Make Us Think and Feel
- Reading Skill: Getting meaning from context-> Ex-A
=> Ex-B: Write definitions=> Check Eng-Eng dictionary
Lesson-2 Reading 2: The Importance of Color in Business
Preview: The seven companies
=> Colors of the logos of McDonald’s, IBM/Microsoft/Dell/Apple, BP, UPS
- Read-1=> Main Idea, Details A.
=> Details B.: Describe each company, their colors and the meaning of the colors.
- Discuss what colors you would use for a restaurant you’re designing.
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500
- Practice #85 Advice from Dr. Bill (1), (2)
=> Listening Task-1 Explain Jane’s problem concisely
=> Listening Task-2 What advice did Alice give Jane?
[3] Independent Writing
- Review: What are some examples of colors with special meanings in your culture?
Peer Review-Revise-> Present
- What do you think-B/p.14/Reading 2: The Importance of Color in Business
=> Write 5-8 sentences to respond to a question; If you’re designing a new restaurant, what colors would you use for the signs, the walls, the plates and the napkins?
-> Peer Review-> Revise=> Present

Lesson Report Junior-2 February 16th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Monday, February 18th, 2013.
Did you enjoy learning about the solar system and its planets?
The sun is a star, not a planet. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are its planets.
I hope everybody remembers them.
And, you made your own ranking list in Bridge Work lesson.
Did you find it fun?
Our speakers on Saturday were Elena and Yuko.
Elena talked about her upcoming exams. She wanted to get better scores on math and science than last time, so she was working hard!
Yuko presented his speech again and this time he did a much better job.
The next speaker is Kodai.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 189 and 190
Bridge Work Chapter 22 Unit 2
比較級 more, the most
Ron's ranking list
Your own ranking list
(pp. 160-161)

See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Junior-1 February 15th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, February 16th, 2013.
It's sunny and cold today.
What are you doing now?
Are you studying for the exams?
Can you go out today? You must study hard?
そして、must「~しなければいけません」mustn't 「~してはいけません」の表現も練習しました。
次回はKey Communicationのテストなので、よく復習しておきましょう!
We didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speakers are Akane and Akari. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 151 & 152
Bridge Work Chapter 9 Unit 2 Grammar and Communication-1
Can I ...?
Verbs to learn  Review
Exercise-1 (pp. 143-144)
Grammar and Communication-2  must, mustn't
Exercise-2 (p. 146)
Key Communication (p. 146)
Star Team Unit 12
Vocabulary  Foods and drinks  (p. 61)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-2 February 15th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Saturday, February 16th, 2013.
It's sunny and cold today.

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 46 My favorite clothes
Song My favorite raincoat is purple
基礎英語 Lessons 151 & 152
Grammar One Chapter 21 Tom plays football
#3 Zoe and Anna (p. 71)
Up and Away Reader 4A Sunny the ski jumper (pp. 6-9)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-1 February 15th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, February 16th, 2013.
It's sunny and cold today.
What are you doing now?
You did a good job!

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 25 Fairytale Castle
What is the king doing? 
The Fairytale Castle Chant
Up and Away Student Book
Unit 17 Present progressive What questions (pp. 39-40)
Up and Away Workbook Unit 17 (p. 23)
Up and Away Reader 2C Jimmy's lucky day (pp. 1-8)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Senior-1 February 14th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing today?
It's Friday, February 15th 2013.
It's been rainy and cold since this morning.
And, thank you girls for your sweets! TK and I really appreciate it.
As for the lesson, we reviewed the vocabulary we learned on Monday.
I'm sorry to say this, but most of you didn't seem to remember what you learned the other day.
I fully understand they are challenging and you have to really work hard if you try to remember them.
So, practice, practice, practice! There's a very long way to learn English. The most important thing is to believe what you are doing and keep trying.
Our speaker yesterday was Mizuki. She talked about Monday when she came to MEL School and left a bag in the classroom.
The next speakers are Harutaka and Akira. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Cover to Cover Unit 3 The Supernatural Part 1 An Extra Sense? (pp. 30-33)
Chapter 32 Unit 2  Vocabulary in Use #2 感情などに関する熟語 (p. 109)
Star Team  Unit 10 My favorite TV program
Vocabulary  Musical Instruments
Grammar review  let, allow, give permission

See you next week!


Lesson Report-Sr.2-Feb.15th

Dear Sr.2 Classmates,
Not so many of you seem to be interested in reading books because you've got other preferred things to do such as listening to or playing music, watching TV/Video/Movies, surfing the Internet, or communicating with firiends on the Social Network.
That seems to be ok as long as you're competitive in your field in the future.
But please be reminded that your future classmates or coworkers may be reading a lot more books now.

[1] Listening: Open Forum  Chapter 2 Literature
Radio Interview about Artists for Literacy; Informal Conversation about Books #2
- Listening-3 w/Script-> Vocabulary
So it works the other way around too! <= What does this phrase mean?
- Vocabulary/p.11: Words related to Books
=> Speaking Task Do you think you should read more books?
If so, what makes you read more?/Why not?
[2] Grammar: Bridge Work Book 3 - Round 2 
Writing Peer Review-> Revise-> Present to each other
=> Talk Why Japanese are so shy?
C36-U1 Ex.2. 2=> Gr-Writing-1  Gr-Writing-2 => HW

Lesson Report Junior-2 February 13th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, February 14th, 2013.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Did you like the stories in Kiso-eigo yesterday?
They were not only interesting but fun, weren't they?
Momoka asked Pedro out on Valentine's Day. How romantic!
We successfully finished Chapter 22 Unit 1. So, you have Recap test this coming Saturday.
As for the speech today, Yurie was our speaker.
She talked about her school band concert in March. She's practicing very hard for it.
Yuko didn't give his speech, so he will try it again next time.
The next speakers are Yuko and Elena.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 186, 187, and 188
Bridge Work Chapter 22 Unit 1
Grammar in Use Yuki arrives in Los Angeles Review practice
Chapter 22 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  比較級 more, the most 
Exercise-1 #1
  (pp. 157-160)

See you on Saturday!

Lesson Report-Adv.1-Feb.14

Dear Adv-1 Classmates,
Which subject intrigues you the most?
It's a simple question but doesn't seem to be easy to answer.
Try to think and find why it does to find the real answer to you.

[1] Listening: Open Forum Chapter 11 Math and Technology               
Radio Program on the Fibonacci Sequence
- Review Listening=> Com Task-1 How important do you think math is for everyday life?
- Vocabulary    Exercise/p.91: Adjectives with –ing and –ed endings
=>Com Task-2 What school subject you think is interesting or intriguing.
Provide clear and rational explanations in at least four supporting sentences.
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500
- Review #83-84 Ask Alice (1) (2)

Lesson Report Junior-1 February 12th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, February 13th, 2013.
It's sunny and warm today. Tomorrow is The Valentine's Day!
Are you making chocolate?
Can you take chocolate to your school?
きのうは、Can I ... 「~してもいいですか」という許可を求めるときのcanの使い方を練習しました。
Star TeamのCulture は難しい文章でしたが、上手に読めるようになってきましたね!
By the way, our speaker yesterday was Hitomi.
She talked about her singing test in music class. She said she likes singing but she can't sing very well.
The next speaker is Akane. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 149 & 150
Bridge Work Chapter 9 Unit 2 Grammar and Communication-1
Can I ...?
Verbs to learn
Exercise-1  (pp. 143-144)
Star Team Unit 11
Culture Fast food in the USA (p. 59)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 February 12th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Wednesday, February 13th, 2013.
It's sunny and warm today.
Readerは新しいお話に入りました。Franceにスキーに行ったLee familyはどうなるのでしょうね!

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 46 My favorite clothes
What are you wearing today?
Song My favorite raincoat is purple
基礎英語 Lessons 149 & 150
Grammar One Chapter 21 Tom plays football
#3 Zoe and Anna (p. 71)
Up and Away Reader 4A Sunny the ski jumper (pp. 1-7)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 February 12th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, February 13th, 2013.
It's sunny and warm today.
きのうはPicture Dictionary の単語をアルファベット順に並べる練習をしましたが、
みんなとても速くできるようになりましたね!You did a great job!

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 25 Fairytale Castle
Put the word in the alphabetical order
The Fairytale Castle Chant
Up and Away Student Book
Unit 17 Present progressive What questions (p. 39)
Up and Away Workbook Unit 17 (p. 22)
Up and Away Reader 2C Jimmy's lucky day (pp. 1-5)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report-Sr.2-Feb.12th

Dear Sr-1 Classmates,
Competitiveness is a word that is very frequently used in business and athletic world.
Where you are from, what nationality you are or which university you graduated from won't matter much when you compete with others in the future.
Academic achievemet may help you develop certain competitiveness but that won't be all.
Spirit and attitude are also key to success.
[1] Reading: Cover to Cover Unit 7 Intelligence Part 2 Animal Intelligence
- Introduction Experiments: Chimps, Gorillas, Dolphins
- Comprehension Strategy: Scanning => Task-A
- Reading-1 => Checking Fluency and Comprehension-A => Read aloud Pr.1, 2-5, 6
- Com Task-1 Animal Intelligenceの本文を、文章全体の構成に従って日本語で要約しなさい。
- Com Task-2 (Pr-5) コミュニケーシンは、それが他の動物の間でもごく普通にあることだと発見されるまでは、人間の行動で最も面白い特徴の一つであると考えられていた。
[2] Grammar: Bridge Work Book 3 - Round 2 C36-U1 関係副詞: when/where
- Review Reading GIU: The population growth in the USA
=> Writing It seems that more Japanese companies, especially the ones expanding into foreign markets, are hiring employees regardless of their nationality these days. Explain how to be competitive with those foreign talents who are very eager to find good jobs and work hard.
State your thoughts clearly first, support the thoughts with reason(s) and example(s) if any, and conclude the writing by restating or reinforcing your opinion with additional comment or prediction if any.

Lesson Report Senior-1 February 11th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's the things going on with you?
It's Tuesday, February 12th 2013.
It's very cold this morning. Today's isn't an exception, I'm afraid we'll be having a very cold week.
According to the forecast, we're going to have a rainy or snowy day tomorrow.
We learned about psychics yesterday. Do you believe in the power of ESP?
Would you like to have the power to predict things in the future?
I found Yuka's comment interesting that she didn't want to know about the future.
Some of you agreed with her.
I'm the one who has a quite opposite idea. I want to know the future to prepare for the things to happen, but the fact is there's nothing to be predicted.
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speakers are Harutaka and Mizuki. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Cover to Cover Unit 2 Sleep Vocabulary review
Unit 3  The Supernatural  Part 1 An Extra Sense? (pp. 30-32)
Deep listening   Lesson 13 (pp. 30-31)
Stay warm and don't catch a cold!


Lesson Report-Adv.1-Feb.11th

Dear Adv.1 Classmates,
Now are you more interested to learn about or feel color in your day-to-day life?
You'll learn more about colors, how they affect businesses at the next lesson.

[1] Reading and Writing Book 2    Unit 2 Color: How do colors affect the way we feel
Lesson-1 Reading 1: How Colors Make Us Think and Feel #1
Preview the Unit
- A: Listen to the Q-classroom/Web=> Discuss the questions
- C: Look at the pictures and read the captions=> Discuss the question-1, 2
- Read Reading/Online: Men, Women, and Color
=> Write your response Question-3: What colors do you like to wear?
=> Read and Talk  with partner
- Vocabulary/p.25
Reading-1: Preview the article by looking at the titles and photos=> Main Ideas-A, Details-A
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500
- Practice #83-84 Ask Alice (1) (2)
=> Listening Task-1 Explain Jane’s problem concisely
=> Listening Task-2 What advice did Alice give Jane?
[3] Independent Writing Reading 1: How Colors Make Us Think and Feel #1
- What do you think? Q-2/p.28
  Write: What are some examples of colors with special meanings in your culture?

Lesson Report Junior-2 February 8th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, February 9th, 2013.
Do you want to go to Los Angeles by yourself like Yuki when you become a senior high school student?
Have you ever gotten on the flight by yourself?
Maybe it's a little too early for you.
By the way, do you usually take something to drink with you when you go to school?
As for the speech today, we had two speakers.
Yuko talked about his school marathon. He wrote a good speech but he didn't speak well.
So, he will try it again next time.
Yurine talked about her final exams. She said she wanted to get good scores, so she decided to study very hard.
The next speakers are Yuko and Yurie.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 185
Bridge Work
Grammar and Communication-4 something/anything to drink/eatの表現
Grammar in Use Yuki arrives in Los Angeles
  (pp. 156-157)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Junior-1 February 8th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, February 9th, 2013.
It's sunny and cold today.
Do you like fastfood? Which one do you like, hamburgers or fried rice?
そして、きのうでBridge WorkはChapter 9のUnit 1が終わりました。
次回はKey Communicationのテストなので、よく練習してきましょう。
Our speaker yesterday was Soichiro.
He talked about a soccer game. He plays basketball but he likes watching soccer games.
The next speaker is Hitomi. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 147 & 148
Bridge Work Chapter 9 Unit 1 Grammar and Communication-2
wellの表現 Exercise-2 Review  (pp. 139-142)
Key Communication
Star Team Unit 11
Culture Fast food in the USA (p. 59)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-2 February 8th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Saturday, February 9th, 2013.
It's sunny and cold today.
きのうのレッスンでは前回に続き、What is Nick doing today?
When does he usually play soccer? などの質問をして答える練習をしました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 46 My favorite clothes
Song My favorite raincoat is purple
基礎英語 Lessons 147 & 148
Grammar One Chapter 21 Tom plays football
#2 It's the wrong day #5-8 (p. 70)
Up and Away Reader 3D May Goes to Star Y (pp. 18-22)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-1 February 8th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, February 9th, 2013.
It's sunny and cold today.
みんな単語を見ただけですぐに意味はわかるようになってきました。That's very good!
Elephant Driverのお話はすべて終わりました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 25 Fairytale Castle
The Fairytale Castle Chant
Up and Away Student Book
Unit 16 Present Progressive Yes/No Questions Review (pp. 37-38)
Up and Away Workbook  Unit 16 (pp. 20-21)
Up and Away Reader 2B The Elephant Driver (pp. 22-29)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Senior-1 Feb. 7th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, February 8th 2013.
It was a very cold windy day. Tomorrow will be even colder!
Most of you enjoyed Star Team lesson yesterday, didn't you?
I'm happy to find that all of you finished your assignment and were able to talk about it with your partner.
Do you usually have your English composition checked?
If so, who do you ask to do that?
Did you understand how to use "have something done"?
By the way, we had two speakers yesterday, Aoi and Riko.
Aoi talked about her school chorus competition.
Riko talked about her sleepover.
The next speaker is Harutaka. Get ready for your speech!
And, all of you have a vocabulary test on Monday.

<Lesson Review>
Cover to Cover Unit 2 Sleep
Part 1 Getting enough sleep Review (pp. 16-19)
Part 2 The experts are wrong! (pp. 20-22)
Vocabulary Review
Bridge Work  Chapter 32 Unit 2 Grammar and Communication-3
have/get something done (p. 108)
Workbook  pp. 31 and 34
 Star Team Unit 10 Culture  My favorite TV program

See you on Monday!


Lesson Report-Sr.2-Feb.8th

Dear Sr-2 Classmates,
What makes you interested or motivated read the newspaper?
Maybe when you start looking for a job?
You definately want to be qualified for the job you may want to take in the future and reading the newspaper, either on paper or online, will surely help you to be more competitive.

[1] Listening: Open Forum  Chapter 2 Literature
#1 Radio Interview about Artists for Literacy; Informal Conversation about Books
- Introducing the Topic: 1. Number the List of Reading Materials-> Discuss what you read the most.
- Before Listening: literacy (ability to read) - literate(cultivated, well read/informed), literature
- Listening-1-> Main Ideas, More Details <= Not to be confused with the Names!
- Listening-2=> Tasks
- Thinking and Speaking
   1. What do you think of using music to get students interested in reading?
  2. what makes you want to read a book?
[2] Voc. Writing-Round 2  C36-U1 #2認識や比較などに関することば
[3] Grammar: Bridge Work Book 3 - Round 2  
C36-U1 関係副詞: when/where- GIU: The population growth in the USA
 => Talk Would you like to see 10 foreign students in your class?