Competitiveness is a word that is very frequently used in business and athletic world.
Where you are from, what nationality you are or which university you graduated from won't matter much when you compete with others in the future.
Academic achievemet may help you develop certain competitiveness but that won't be all.
Spirit and attitude are also key to success.
[1] Reading:
Cover to Cover Unit 7 Intelligence Part 2 Animal Intelligence
- Introduction
Experiments: Chimps, Gorillas, Dolphins
- Comprehension
Strategy: Scanning => Task-A
- Reading-1
=> Checking Fluency and Comprehension-A => Read aloud Pr.1, 2-5, 6
- Com Task-1
Animal Intelligenceの本文を、文章全体の構成に従って日本語で要約しなさい。
- Com Task-2
(Pr-5) コミュニケーシンは、それが他の動物の間でもごく普通にあることだと発見されるまでは、人間の行動で最も面白い特徴の一つであると考えられていた。
[2] Grammar:
Bridge Work Book 3 - Round 2 C36-U1 関係副詞: when/where
- Review
Reading GIU: The population growth in the USA
=> Writing
It seems that more Japanese companies, especially the ones expanding into
foreign markets, are hiring employees regardless of their nationality these
days. Explain how to be competitive with those foreign talents who are very
eager to find good jobs and work hard.
State your
thoughts clearly first, support the thoughts with reason(s) and example(s) if
any, and conclude the writing by restating or reinforcing your opinion with
additional comment or prediction if any.
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