No one seem to know when or where their grandparents were born or how they came to know each other. It may be interesting to learn those historical events that happened many decades ago.
[1] Listening: Open Forum Chapter 1 Communication #4
Web Listening: A
Student Orientation Meeting
- Listening-1:
Main Ideas and More Details- Litening-2: - How and how much do people use body language? - What “thumbs up” mean in America? - How do American usually use or not to use physical contact?
=> Discussion If you were one of those international student who is about to study in a different country, what would be your strategy to deal with the situation?
[3] Grammar: Bridge Work Book 3 - Round 2
C35-U2 関係代名詞- Grammar Writing
C36-U1 関係副詞: when/where
- G&C-1: when/where-> G&C-2: why/how=> Activity
-> Ex.2-2=> Writing Task
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