Lesson Report Primary-2 February 22nd

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Saturday, February 23rd, 2013.
It's sunny today.
昨日のレッスンでは、Where was Helen yesterday? She was at the ...
Where are Molly and Gina yesterday ...?  They were ... のように、きのうどこにいたかを尋ねたり答えたりする練習をしましたね。
Readerでは、Snowball になったSunnyがSki jumpをしました。どこまで飛んでいくのでしょうね。

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 155 & 156
Chapter 22 Nick had a bad dream
#1 Where were they yesterday? (pp. 72-73)
Up and Away Reader 4A Sunny the ski jumper (pp. 12-16)

See you next week!


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