Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing this three-day weekend?
It's Monday, September 16th, 2013.
It's stormy today!
土曜日のレッスンでは、Bridge Workは新しいUnit に入りました。
eat, drink など日常よく使う動詞の練習をしましたね。
Star Teamではアメリカのスポーツについて少し難しい文章を読みましたね。
The speakers on Saturday were Takuya and Tomoya.
Takuya talked about his daily routine and his dad.
Tomoya talked about his grandpa.
The next speaker is Yusuke. Get ready for your speech!
<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 71 & 72
Bridge Work
Chapter 5 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1
動詞の紹介ー5 eat, drink, talk, watch, sleep
Exercise-1 #1
Worksheet Make questions and talk with a partner -> Report
(pp. 73-74)
Star Team Unit 5 Culture Sports in the USA
See you on Wednesday!
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