Lesson Report Junior-2 September 6th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Saturday, September 7th, 2013.
It was cloudy in the morning, but it is sunny now.
きのうのレッスンでは、Could you ...? と丁寧にものを頼むときの表現を練習しました。
これまでに練習してきた、show, lend などの動詞とともによく使うので、文ごと覚えていきましょう。
そして、Extra Reading では、Ron's mom and dad の出会いについてのお話を読みましたね。
なりきり音読でDanny 役にHitomiがチャレンジしましたが、みんなの質問に上手に答えられましたね!
The speakers yesterday were Takehiro and Takeshi.
Takehiro talked about his making a poster for a google contest with his art club members.
Takeshi talked about his basketball match. Unfortunately, his team lost some games.
The next speaker is Yuhei.
Get ready foe your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 67 & 68
Star Team Review Units 1-4  Clothes, the weather, puzzle
Bridge to MEL to 2
Chapter 17 Unit 2 Grammar and Communication-2
Could you ...? 「~してもらえませんか」という丁寧な表現
Exercise-2 #1, #2 (pp. 85-86)
Extra Reading  Danny met Catherine for the first time (p. 61)

See you next week!


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