How are you doing today?
It's Friday, January 31st, 2014.
It's a beautiful warm sunny day!
According to the forecast, we can enjoy this spring-like weather until the middle of next week!
We worked on the reading about working style.
Most of you were the fun-seekers, which is also the majority of the survey.
Do you have anyone around you who gives you an ulcer?
As we learned a while ago, we need some stress to get things done.
We don't need any ulcers, of course.
Our speaker yesterday was Azusa.
She talked about Australian students who had been visiting her school.
She would throw a party for them.
The next speakers are Aoi, Riko and Harutaka.
Get ready for your speech!
<Lesson Review>
Cover to
Cover 2 Unit 8 Viewpoints Part 1 Stereotypes (pp. 100-103)
Review Reading => Looking at
Vocabulary in Context
Unit 8 Part 2 All in a Day's Work (pp. 104-107)
Fluency Strategy : Previewing and Predicting
=> Listen to the audio and do Checking Fluency and Comprehension
BW-3 Second Round Chapter 31 Unit
1 & 2 受動態の使い方
Presentation and drawing pictures
Chapter 32 Unit 1 G&C-2 使役動詞の使い方
Open Forum Unit 7 Part 2Health: A Book Review of Why zebras don't get ulcers
Lis-1, 2=> Summarize what Sapolsky says in the book and Explain it.
Have a good weekend.
I'll see you all on Monday!