The first day at school after a not-so-long but eventful or not-so-active holidays might have made you more tired than a long summer holidays, especially those who took part in a sport club activity.
Learning English isn't much different from sports or musical instrument. You've got to keep practicing it every day to be in a good shape.
[1] Read & Write-1: Unit 1 Names #2
Review Reading=> Explain how Chinese, African American and Spanish people name their children.
- Reading Skill: Scanning for Information
-> A: Scan for the underlined words -> B: Scan for the underlined words
- Extra Learning: Examples of Names
=> What Do You Think-1: Compare the names of your, your parent’s and grandparent’s of the same gender. -> Recognize the changes and similarities among them
=> Pair Explain what your name means and why you were named that way.
[2] Deep Listening -3: Lesson 1 Snatch!
Voc: file a report, all of a sudden, describe-description<-Dic
[3] Bridge Work C33-U1 Please tell you where you were born
- C33-Unit 1 G&C-4-> Ex-4.1-a, 1-b
- Reporting
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