How are you?
It’s Saturday, January 18 2014.
It's sunny and cold today.
Picture Dictionary のTopic 19 Fall in the Forestの単語の発音がとても良かったです!
Good work!
Up and Away のUnit 7: P17, in front of/ behind/ next to/above/belowの復習をしました。
At the top of/ at the bottom ofの新しいところも一緒に復習しておきましょう!
リーダーのThe Very Dangerous Driverに出てきたpolice officer はangry でしたね。
Mr. Lee の家族は大丈夫でしょうか?J
<Lesson Review>
Phonics Polite Vowels chant
Picture Dictionary
Topic 19 Fall in the Forest (4)
Sing the Chant
Up and Away Student Book review above/ below, in front of, behind, next to
Unit 8 P 19 at the top of/ at the bottom of
Reader The Very Dangerous Driver p20-21, Review 18-19
Have a wonderful weekend! See you on Tuesday!
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