How are you?
It’s Wednesday, January 22, 2014.
It's cold today.
Support time ではPicture Dictionary のTopic 19 Fall in the Forest、Up and Awayからの単語を混ぜたゲームに皆頑張って参加してくれました。
Great work!
金曜日にはPicture Dictionaryのnew topic に入ります。お楽しみに!
リーダーのThe Very Dangerous Driverはもう少しで終わります。
<Lesson Review>
Support time: Preposition game
Phonics Polite Vowels chant
Picture Dictionary
Topic 19 Fall in the Forest (5)
Sing the Chant
Up and Away Student Book P 16-19 Review using gestures.
P 20 at the side of/ in the middle of . Write new sentences in notebook.
Up and Away workbook P10
Reader The Very Dangerous Driver p22-23
Have a great week! See you on Friday!
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