News-1 クリスマスイベント報告
PrimaryやJunior-1, 2のクラスはクリスマスに関連した言葉を使ったゲームをしたり、イベントを楽しみました。更にPrimaryクラスはさらに英語でクリスマスカードを作りました。
News-2 年明けのレッスン
News-3 2015年第3回英検実施のご案内
1月24日(日)に 5級、4級、3級、準2級はMEL Schoolで、2級は本会場で実施します。
5級 13:10 集合 14:20 終了予定
4級 9:40 集合 11:10 終了予定
3級 13:10 集合 14:40 終了予定
準2級 9:40 集合 11:35 終了予定
2級(本会場) 13:00 集合 15:15 終了予定
Update 新年度の予定
・ 2016年度のクラス編成と曜日は1月中にお知らせします。
Update 入試や英語能力測定試験の今後
MEL Schoolでは英語を使える力の育成を目指したカリキュラムや練習活動を続けているので、生徒はこういった能力測定試験ではとても良い成績を収めています。
また、1月からSenior 2以上のクラスではタブレットPCにキーボード入力の練習を加えてライティング力の向上を図ります。
MEL School 三鷹
MEL School 三鷹の生徒・保護者さま向けご案内ブログです。 URL: Phone: 0422-27-5365 (土日祝祭日を除く9:00-18:00)
Lesson Report Junior-3 December 23rd
Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, December 23, 2015.
It's rainy and cold today.
We don't seem to have snow, though.
Congratulations on finishing all the lessons in the second term in MEL School!
You've just finished the 72nd lesson of School Year 2015.
We have 24 more lessons to go before you become a high school student.
Things are getting more and more challenging. Please try to get yourself prepared!
Our presenter today was Shintaro.
He talked about his school trip.
He brought a lot of photos and told us what his trip was like.
We enjoyed his Show and Tell a lot!
The next speaker on January 6th is Chiharu.
Get ready for your speech!
< Lesson Review>
Small talk: How are you doing these days?
Have a great holiday!!
See you on January 6th!
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, December 23, 2015.
It's rainy and cold today.
We don't seem to have snow, though.
Congratulations on finishing all the lessons in the second term in MEL School!
You've just finished the 72nd lesson of School Year 2015.
We have 24 more lessons to go before you become a high school student.
Things are getting more and more challenging. Please try to get yourself prepared!
Our presenter today was Shintaro.
He talked about his school trip.
He brought a lot of photos and told us what his trip was like.
We enjoyed his Show and Tell a lot!
The next speaker on January 6th is Chiharu.
Get ready for your speech!
< Lesson Review>
Small talk: How are you doing these days?
Show and tell => Shintaro
基礎英語 Lesson 127 & 128
Summarizing the week
Summarizing the week
Chapter 33 Unit 1 VIU #2 自然や災害に関することば
Have a great holiday!!
See you on January 6th!
Lesson Report-Adv.1-Dec.23rd
[1] Kikutan-6K Day 35: Healthy Human Microbes
[maɪkroʊb] microscopic organism esp a disease-causing bacterium
Microbes are all over in a human body.
Though it may make us feel uncomfortable to have numerous bacteria in our body, some of them assist digestion and enhance immune system.
In the future, we may learn how microbes affect our health.
☆ HW-1 Study and Practice Review-7
[2] Inside Reading-2 Unit 8 Reading-1 Judging Roommates by Their Facebook Covers
- Reading Skill: Highlighting and Annotating-> Apply
- Review a Skill: Finding the Main Idea-> Review and highlight the Main Idea of each section.
=> Write the main idea of each section in one sentence
- Par. 2: New college freshmen worry about who and what their new roommates will be like, especially those who have never shared a room with someone.
- Roommate Research: Worrying students try to find what their new roommate like via social-networking sites like Facebook.
- Prevention Beats Intervention: Residential-life offices carefully match roommates and some of them even try to give-guidance to new freshmen to use social-networking sites carefully.
- Brandi and Sarah: An incoming freshman Brandi had checked a social networking site and thought she wouldn’t be able to get along with her new roommate until she contacted her directly and found there were common issues between them.
☆ HW-2 Study Words/Expressions
[3] Read & Write-2 Unit 7 Reading 2 : Blog - In Praise of the Throwaway Society
- Vocabulary: material-materialism-materialistic, significant-significance<->insignificant
significant: large/important enough to have an effect, important, considerable, substantial
- Read-> Main Idea, Details
- What do you think?-A.2: Clarify Mad Anthony’s reasons to support his opinion on Worksheet
Main Point: A throwaway society is sign that things are better and people are wealthier.
Support-1: Lower Prices - Technology lowered the costs. Smaller price difference between buying and fixing
Support-2: Increased Wealth <- More money, lower prices
Support-3: Increased Features <- Technology especially electronics. Digital camera, cell phone, GPS
Conclusion: The throwaway society shows how good things are.
=> Discuss the arguments Anthony makes. Do you agree or disagree with Anthony’s arguments?
☆ HW-3 Write your response in five to eight sentences. => by Jan.4th
- Words/Expressions: (par.1) material-materialistic (par.4) a significant part of their budget
- Vocabulary Skill: Phrasal Verbs - watch out, pick up, throw away, fall down, stop by, wore out, put on, fall apart
☆ HW-4 Watch a movie or read a book, and present it at the next Show & Tell
[maɪkroʊb] microscopic organism esp a disease-causing bacterium
Microbes are all over in a human body.
Though it may make us feel uncomfortable to have numerous bacteria in our body, some of them assist digestion and enhance immune system.
In the future, we may learn how microbes affect our health.
☆ HW-1 Study and Practice Review-7
[2] Inside Reading-2 Unit 8 Reading-1 Judging Roommates by Their Facebook Covers
- Reading Skill: Highlighting and Annotating-> Apply
- Review a Skill: Finding the Main Idea-> Review and highlight the Main Idea of each section.
=> Write the main idea of each section in one sentence
- Par. 2: New college freshmen worry about who and what their new roommates will be like, especially those who have never shared a room with someone.
- Roommate Research: Worrying students try to find what their new roommate like via social-networking sites like Facebook.
- Prevention Beats Intervention: Residential-life offices carefully match roommates and some of them even try to give-guidance to new freshmen to use social-networking sites carefully.
- Brandi and Sarah: An incoming freshman Brandi had checked a social networking site and thought she wouldn’t be able to get along with her new roommate until she contacted her directly and found there were common issues between them.
☆ HW-2 Study Words/Expressions
[3] Read & Write-2 Unit 7 Reading 2 : Blog - In Praise of the Throwaway Society
- Vocabulary: material-materialism-materialistic, significant-significance<->insignificant
significant: large/important enough to have an effect, important, considerable, substantial
- Read-> Main Idea, Details
- What do you think?-A.2: Clarify Mad Anthony’s reasons to support his opinion on Worksheet
Main Point: A throwaway society is sign that things are better and people are wealthier.
Support-1: Lower Prices - Technology lowered the costs. Smaller price difference between buying and fixing
Support-2: Increased Wealth <- More money, lower prices
Support-3: Increased Features <- Technology especially electronics. Digital camera, cell phone, GPS
Conclusion: The throwaway society shows how good things are.
=> Discuss the arguments Anthony makes. Do you agree or disagree with Anthony’s arguments?
☆ HW-3 Write your response in five to eight sentences. => by Jan.4th
- Words/Expressions: (par.1) material-materialistic (par.4) a significant part of their budget
- Vocabulary Skill: Phrasal Verbs - watch out, pick up, throw away, fall down, stop by, wore out, put on, fall apart
☆ HW-4 Watch a movie or read a book, and present it at the next Show & Tell
Lesson Report Primary-2 December 22nd
Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's December 23, 2015.
It's cloudy today!
冬休み中の宿題はOxford Discover Grammar Book P72, 73 の問題を解きましょう。
Merry Christmas ! B
e safe and see you January 5th!
It's December 23, 2015.
It's cloudy today!
冬休み中の宿題はOxford Discover Grammar Book P72, 73 の問題を解きましょう。
Merry Christmas ! B
e safe and see you January 5th!
Lesson Report Primary-1 December 22nd
Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's December 23, 2015.
It's cloudy today!
It's December 23, 2015.
It's cloudy today!
冬休み中の宿題は Phonics
2 P53のCDを聞いて単語が書けるようになることです。
Up and
Away reader book 1C,Dの復習もしておきましょう!
Be safe
and see you on January 5th!
Lesson Report Senior-1 December 22nd
Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing today?
It's Tuesday, December 22, 2015.
It's sunny and cold today.
Congratulations on finishing all the lessons in the second term.
Hope you learned a lot of things and feel confident about how to use them.
The speaker today was Yuria.
She talked about her school festival.
Her class got two prizes. That's amazing!!
The next speaker is Ayu.
Try your best and get ready for your speech!
Your winter assignment; Workbook pages 23, 26, 29, 30, 33, 34, 36, 38, 41, and 43
<Lesson Review>
How are you doing today?
It's Tuesday, December 22, 2015.
It's sunny and cold today.
Congratulations on finishing all the lessons in the second term.
Hope you learned a lot of things and feel confident about how to use them.
The speaker today was Yuria.
She talked about her school festival.
Her class got two prizes. That's amazing!!
The next speaker is Ayu.
Try your best and get ready for your speech!
Your winter assignment; Workbook pages 23, 26, 29, 30, 33, 34, 36, 38, 41, and 43
<Lesson Review>
Small talk: How are you doing?
Show and tell => Yuria
Show and tell => Yuria
基礎英語 Lesson 125 & 126
Bridge Work
Chapter 33 Unit 2 VIU #2 感情などに関することば-2 p.126
Workbook page 94
Chapter 33 Unit 2 VIU #2 感情などに関することば-2 p.126
Workbook page 94
Chapter 34 Unit 2 Relative pronouns with prepositions
Exercise-2 #1, 2, and 3
Exercise-2 #1, 2, and 3
Have a great holiday!
See you on January 5th.
Lesson Report Junior-1 December 22nd
Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, December 22, 2015.
It's sunny and cold today.
Congratulations on finishing the second term!
Did you enjoy the Christmas party?
最後は We wish you a merry Christmas で締めくくりました。
Hope you enjoyed the cake!
Don't forget your homework!!
<Lesson Review>
Warm-up Questions!
Bridge Work
Have a great holiday!
Stay healthy.
See you all on January 5th.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, December 22, 2015.
It's sunny and cold today.
Congratulations on finishing the second term!
Did you enjoy the Christmas party?
最後は We wish you a merry Christmas で締めくくりました。
Hope you enjoyed the cake!
Don't forget your homework!!
<Lesson Review>
Warm-up Questions!
Bridge Work
Chapter 9 Unit 2
Exercise-1 #3
Chapter 9 Unit 3
Grammar and Communication-1 命令文, Verbs to learn #15
Exercise-1 #1, 2, 3, and 4
Christmas party
Exercise-1 #3
Chapter 9 Unit 3
Grammar and Communication-1 命令文, Verbs to learn #15
Exercise-1 #1, 2, 3, and 4
Christmas party
Stay healthy.
See you all on January 5th.
Lesson Report-Sr.2p-Dec.22nd
1. Kikutan-4K Day 33 Beautiful Mars
For many years, people have been speculating to see a life form in the beautiful red-orange planet, Mars. Explorations of/to the neighboring planet have been made by some countries but no such sign of life forms has been found so far.
2. Read & Write-2 Unit 7 Buy or Reuse Reading 2 : In Praise of the Throwaway Society
- Review Reading w/CD
- What do you think?-A.2: Clarify Mad Anthony’s reasons to support his opinion on Worksheet
Main Point: A throwaway society is sign that things are better and people are wealthier.
Support-1: Lower Prices - Technology lowered the costs. Smaller price difference between buying and fixing
Support-2: Increased Wealth <- More money, lower prices
Support-3: Increased Features <- Technology especially electronics. Digital camera, cell phone, GPS
Conclusion: The throwaway society shows how good things are.
=> Discuss the arguments Anthony makes. Do you agree or disagree with each of his arguments?
☆ HW-1 Do you agree or disagree with Anthony’s arguments? Write your response in 5-8 sentences.
3. Cover to Cover-2 Unit 12 The Arts Part 2 The Concert for Bangladesh
- Expanding Vocabulary-A->B
- Vocabulary: (par.1) raise money/fund-fund raising, countless (par.2) labialization-liberal, war-torn,
life-threatening <-Dic threat (n) ~ to do sth, threaten (v) ~ sb with sth (par.3) brainchild, ex-member/boyfriend/wife, took a few steps further (par.4) short-term-long-term, royalties to UNICEF
- What’s your Opinion? Pair Ask and answer one question from 3, 4, or 5.
☆ HW-2 Read the text and Supplemental Reading Bangladesh-Wikipedia
Bangladesh について第二次大戦後からThe Concert for Bangladesh が開かれるまで、そしてそれ以降現在に至るまでの状況を日本語で要約しなさい。
☆ HW-3 Watch a Movie or Read a Book=> Show & Tell
For many years, people have been speculating to see a life form in the beautiful red-orange planet, Mars. Explorations of/to the neighboring planet have been made by some countries but no such sign of life forms has been found so far.
2. Read & Write-2 Unit 7 Buy or Reuse Reading 2 : In Praise of the Throwaway Society
- Review Reading w/CD
- What do you think?-A.2: Clarify Mad Anthony’s reasons to support his opinion on Worksheet
Main Point: A throwaway society is sign that things are better and people are wealthier.
Support-1: Lower Prices - Technology lowered the costs. Smaller price difference between buying and fixing
Support-2: Increased Wealth <- More money, lower prices
Support-3: Increased Features <- Technology especially electronics. Digital camera, cell phone, GPS
Conclusion: The throwaway society shows how good things are.
=> Discuss the arguments Anthony makes. Do you agree or disagree with each of his arguments?
☆ HW-1 Do you agree or disagree with Anthony’s arguments? Write your response in 5-8 sentences.
3. Cover to Cover-2 Unit 12 The Arts Part 2 The Concert for Bangladesh
- Expanding Vocabulary-A->B
- Vocabulary: (par.1) raise money/fund-fund raising, countless (par.2) labialization-liberal, war-torn,
life-threatening <-Dic threat (n) ~ to do sth, threaten (v) ~ sb with sth (par.3) brainchild, ex-member/boyfriend/wife, took a few steps further (par.4) short-term-long-term, royalties to UNICEF
- What’s your Opinion? Pair Ask and answer one question from 3, 4, or 5.
☆ HW-2 Read the text and Supplemental Reading Bangladesh-Wikipedia
Bangladesh について第二次大戦後からThe Concert for Bangladesh が開かれるまで、そしてそれ以降現在に至るまでの状況を日本語で要約しなさい。
☆ HW-3 Watch a Movie or Read a Book=> Show & Tell
Lesson Report Junior-2 December 21st
Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, December 22, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Are you interested in learning another foreign language?
If so, what language is it?
Which sounds more exciting to you, traveling or playing sports?
You've just finished the second term in MEL School.
Hope everyone will enjoy your holiday.
The next speaker on January 4 is Tatsuya.
Your new topic is shopping.
Get ready for your speech!
<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 22 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2 sound, look を使った比較表現
Exercise-2 #2
Let's check-2
Grammar and Communication-3 動名詞
Grammar in Use
Christmas party
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!!
See you on January 4th.
Miharu and Towako
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, December 22, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Are you interested in learning another foreign language?
If so, what language is it?
Which sounds more exciting to you, traveling or playing sports?
You've just finished the second term in MEL School.
Hope everyone will enjoy your holiday.
The next speaker on January 4 is Tatsuya.
Your new topic is shopping.
Get ready for your speech!
<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 22 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2 sound, look を使った比較表現
Exercise-2 #2
Let's check-2
Grammar and Communication-3 動名詞
Grammar in Use
Christmas party
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!!
See you on January 4th.
Miharu and Towako
Lesson Report Junior-1 December 21st
Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, December 22, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Congratulations on finishing your second term in MEL School!
Great job!!
17日に渡したWorksheetとChapter 9 Unit 3 のGrammar in Use -1, 2 が冬休みの宿題です。
<Lesson Review>
Chapter 9 Unit 1 Key Communication test
Chapter 9 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 Can I ...?, Verbs to learn #14
Exercise-1 #3
Grammar and Communication-2 must
Key Communication practice
Chapter 9 Unit 3
Grammar and Communication-1 命令文 , Verbs to learn #15
Exercise-1 #1, 2, and 3
Christmas party
Enjoy your holiday!
See you on January 4th.
Towako and Miharu
How are you?
It's Tuesday, December 22, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Congratulations on finishing your second term in MEL School!
Great job!!
17日に渡したWorksheetとChapter 9 Unit 3 のGrammar in Use -1, 2 が冬休みの宿題です。
<Lesson Review>
Chapter 9 Unit 1 Key Communication test
Chapter 9 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 Can I ...?, Verbs to learn #14
Exercise-1 #3
Grammar and Communication-2 must
Key Communication practice
Chapter 9 Unit 3
Grammar and Communication-1 命令文 , Verbs to learn #15
Exercise-1 #1, 2, and 3
Christmas party
Enjoy your holiday!
See you on January 4th.
Towako and Miharu
Lesson Report-Adv.1-Dec.19th
[1] Kikutan-6K Day 35: Healthy Human Microbes
[maɪkroʊb] microscopic organism esp a disease-causing bacterium
Microbes are all over in a human body and some of them assist digestion and immune system.
[2] Inside Reading-2 Unit 8 Click or Clique
- clique [kliːk/ klɪk] a small, exclusive group of friends or associates who don’t allow others to join them.
Before you Read 3. Pair Have you ever looked for information about someone on the Internet? Why?
Reading-1 Judging Roommates by Their Facebook Covers
- Preview: Check the title, headings, image/captions, chart-> Predict the topic
- Skim the text=> Write the main ideas in three sentences=> Speak the main idea in 60 seconds
Many college freshmen anxiously look up social networking sites to find what their new roommate is like before entering their dorms. However, such profiles shown on the web may not always tell the truth. Students may find it easier to get along with their new roommate whose profile may not match their preferences.
- Read-1 Underline the topic sentences/main ideas
-> Reading Comprehension: T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false statements.
[3] Open Forum Chapter 10 History Presentation about Ellis Island
- Pronunciation: Unstressed and Contracted *Auxiliary Verbs.
*Auxiliary Verbs: A verb used in forming the tenses, moods and voices of other verbs. (be/do/have/will)
=> Think & Discuss Pair What do you think of immigrating to a totally new place where you have to start everything, a job, a place to live in, friends, and the language?
- Speaking Skills: Giving Presentations-> Add one or two tips of your own.
☆ Presentation: Tom's Tips for presentation (2:48)
=> Prepare a two-min. presentation about your favorite place or thing (dish, book, movie, sport or event).
[maɪkroʊb] microscopic organism esp a disease-causing bacterium
Microbes are all over in a human body and some of them assist digestion and immune system.
[2] Inside Reading-2 Unit 8 Click or Clique
- clique [kliːk/ klɪk] a small, exclusive group of friends or associates who don’t allow others to join them.
Before you Read 3. Pair Have you ever looked for information about someone on the Internet? Why?
Reading-1 Judging Roommates by Their Facebook Covers
- Preview: Check the title, headings, image/captions, chart-> Predict the topic
- Skim the text=> Write the main ideas in three sentences=> Speak the main idea in 60 seconds
Many college freshmen anxiously look up social networking sites to find what their new roommate is like before entering their dorms. However, such profiles shown on the web may not always tell the truth. Students may find it easier to get along with their new roommate whose profile may not match their preferences.
- Read-1 Underline the topic sentences/main ideas
-> Reading Comprehension: T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false statements.
[3] Open Forum Chapter 10 History Presentation about Ellis Island
- Pronunciation: Unstressed and Contracted *Auxiliary Verbs.
*Auxiliary Verbs: A verb used in forming the tenses, moods and voices of other verbs. (be/do/have/will)
=> Think & Discuss Pair What do you think of immigrating to a totally new place where you have to start everything, a job, a place to live in, friends, and the language?
- Speaking Skills: Giving Presentations-> Add one or two tips of your own.
☆ Presentation: Tom's Tips for presentation (2:48)
=> Prepare a two-min. presentation about your favorite place or thing (dish, book, movie, sport or event).
Lesson Report Junior-3 December 19th
Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, December 19, 2015.
It's sunny and cold today.
Where had your parents lived before they moved to Tokyo?
They've lived in Tokyo since they were born?
How long had you practiced English today before you left MEL School around 9:30?
Our presenter today was Yoshiki.
He talked about his school trip.
In his school, students can choose where they go.
That sounds interesting, doesn't it?
He said he and his classmates had stayed in a fisherman's house for two nights.
He also said the blow fish they had eaten there was delicious!
The next speaker is Shintaro.
Get ready for your speech!
< Lesson Review>
Small talk: How was your week?
Have an awesome weekend.
See you on Wednesday!
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, December 19, 2015.
It's sunny and cold today.
Where had your parents lived before they moved to Tokyo?
They've lived in Tokyo since they were born?
How long had you practiced English today before you left MEL School around 9:30?
Our presenter today was Yoshiki.
He talked about his school trip.
In his school, students can choose where they go.
That sounds interesting, doesn't it?
He said he and his classmates had stayed in a fisherman's house for two nights.
He also said the blow fish they had eaten there was delicious!
The next speaker is Shintaro.
Get ready for your speech!
< Lesson Review>
Small talk: How was your week?
Show and tell => Yoshiki
基礎英語 Lesson 125 & 126
Deep listening Lesson 16
Deep listening Lesson 16
Chapter 33 Unit 1 VIU #1 海や自然に関することば
Chapter 33 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2 Past perfect
Exercise-2 #1 and 2
Grammar and Communication-3 Indirect speech
Grammar and Communication-2 Past perfect
Exercise-2 #1 and 2
Grammar and Communication-3 Indirect speech
Have an awesome weekend.
See you on Wednesday!
Lesson Report Primary-2 December 18th
Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's December 19, 2015.
It's sunny and cold today!
Picture Dictionary Topic44 (2)を学習しました。
Oxford Discover Student Book P148,149
Oxford Discover workbook P127 C, 128,129,130の問題を解きました。
<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 44(2)
Sing chant
Do BINGO game. Add 7 months to list
Oxford Student book P148,149
Oxford Discover workbook 127 C, 128,129,130
Have a nice weekend!
See you next week!
It's December 19, 2015.
It's sunny and cold today!
Picture Dictionary Topic44 (2)を学習しました。
Oxford Discover Student Book P148,149
Oxford Discover workbook P127 C, 128,129,130の問題を解きました。
<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 44(2)
Sing chant
Do BINGO game. Add 7 months to list
Oxford Student book P148,149
Oxford Discover workbook 127 C, 128,129,130
Have a nice weekend!
See you next week!
Oxford Grammar book P 72,73 for Xmas vacation homework
material to make a card( colors, pens, stickers)
Lesson Report Primary-1 December 18th
Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School
It's December 19, 2015.
It's sunny and cold today!
Picture Dictionary のTopic 16 (3)を学習しました。
This is Phonics 2ではUnit 4 P53 のChantを唄いました。
P66, 67の問題を解きました。
Up and Away Student Book Unit29 Why. Because を復習しました。
<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 16(3)
Sing the chant
Memorize and write 2 words on board.
This is Phonics 2 Sing P53, read words from list. Do P66, 67
Up and Away student book Unit 29, Review Why/ because. P69,70
Have a great weekend!
It's December 19, 2015.
It's sunny and cold today!
Picture Dictionary のTopic 16 (3)を学習しました。
This is Phonics 2ではUnit 4 P53 のChantを唄いました。
P66, 67の問題を解きました。
Up and Away Student Book Unit29 Why. Because を復習しました。
Up and
Away workbook のP43の問題を解きました。
<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 16(3)
Sing the chant
Memorize and write 2 words on board.
This is Phonics 2 Sing P53, read words from list. Do P66, 67
Up and Away student book Unit 29, Review Why/ because. P69,70
Up and Away workbook P43
Have a great weekend!
you next week!
Listen to
Phonics 2 CD P53. Be able to write words from list
Christmas card material on Tuesday
Lesson Report Senior-1 December 18th
Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing today?
It's Friday, December 18, 2015.
It's sunny and cold today.
We can see fallen leaves here and there this time of year.
Do you like seeing leaves falling in early winter?
It's warm this winter, we may not see it snowing this season.
By the way, do you think you can survive in the sea for eight days?
What would you think if you survived it?
The speaker today was Yuma.
He talked about his school festival.
The next speaker is Yuria.
Try your best and get ready for your speech!
Your winter assignment; Workbook pages 23, 26, 29, 30, 33, 34, 36, 38, 41, and 43
<Lesson Review>
Enjoy the rest of the week!
How are you doing today?
It's Friday, December 18, 2015.
It's sunny and cold today.
We can see fallen leaves here and there this time of year.
Do you like seeing leaves falling in early winter?
It's warm this winter, we may not see it snowing this season.
By the way, do you think you can survive in the sea for eight days?
What would you think if you survived it?
The speaker today was Yuma.
He talked about his school festival.
The next speaker is Yuria.
Try your best and get ready for your speech!
Your winter assignment; Workbook pages 23, 26, 29, 30, 33, 34, 36, 38, 41, and 43
<Lesson Review>
Small talk: How was your week?
Show and tell => Yuma
Show and tell => Yuma
基礎英語 Lesson 123 & 124
Bridge Work
Chapter 33 Unit 2 VIU #2 感情などに関することば-2 p.126
Chapter 33 Unit 2 VIU #2 感情などに関することば-2 p.126
Chapter 34 Unit 2 Present and past participle
Exercise-1 #1 and 2
Cover to Cover Unit 7 Survivors
Part 1
Exercise-1 #1 and 2
Cover to Cover Unit 7 Survivors
Part 1
See you on Friday.
Lesson Report Junior-1 December 18th
Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Friday, December 18, 2015.
It's sunny and cold today.
Can you watch TV long before the exams?
No, you can't! You must study hard before the exam.
今日のレッスンでは Can I ...? と許可を求める言い方、must を使って「~しなければならない」という言い方を練習しました。
Let's enjoy the Christmas party!
<Lesson Review>
Warm-up Questions!
See you all on Tuesday.
How are you?
It's Friday, December 18, 2015.
It's sunny and cold today.
Can you watch TV long before the exams?
No, you can't! You must study hard before the exam.
今日のレッスンでは Can I ...? と許可を求める言い方、must を使って「~しなければならない」という言い方を練習しました。
Let's enjoy the Christmas party!
<Lesson Review>
Warm-up Questions!
Engage Unit 6 Vocabulary School subjects
Bridge Work
Chapter 9 Unit 1
Have a great weekend!
Grammar and Communication-2 can ... well
Exercise-2 #3, 4, and 5
Chapter 9 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 Can I ...?, Verbs to learn #14
Exercise-1 #1 and 2
Grammar and Communication-2 must
Exercise-2 #3, 4, and 5
Chapter 9 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 Can I ...?, Verbs to learn #14
Exercise-1 #1 and 2
Grammar and Communication-2 must
See you all on Tuesday.
Lesson Report-Sr.2p-Dec.18th
1. Kikutan-4K Day 33 Beautiful Mars
For many years, people have been speculating/expecting/thinking to see a life form in the red-orange planet, Mars but no such sign has been found so far.
=> Study Vocabulary: wonder about/if/wh- have yet to find …=> Point/p.169
=> Dic wonder to think about sth and try to decide what …; ~ if/wh-, ~ about sth, ~ if you could …
=> Dic solid hard/firm, not liquid or gas: ~ surface/object, strong: ~ rock, reliable: ~ evidence
- Practice Voca Chant:
2. Read & Write-2 Unit 7 Buy or Reuse
Blog Review Writing 3-5 sen to explain what you did and should/shouldn’t/could have done.
Reading 2 : Blog - In Praise of the Throwaway Society
A blog that a man gives his opinion about a throwaway society
- Vocabulary: material-materialism-materialistic, significant-significance<->insignificant
Dic Significant: large/important enough to have an effect, important, considerable, substantial
- Read-> Main Idea, Details=> Pair
- Words/Expressions: (par.1) material-materialistic (par.4) a significant part of their budget
- Vocabulary Skill: Phrasal Verbs - watch out, pick up, throw away, fall down, stop by, wore out, put on, fall apart
3. Tactics for Listening Tactics for Listening 2e Unit 24 Travel
Listening-3 Listen and take memos to describe each person’s travel experience.=> Pair
For many years, people have been speculating/expecting/thinking to see a life form in the red-orange planet, Mars but no such sign has been found so far.
=> Study Vocabulary: wonder about/if/wh- have yet to find …=> Point/p.169
=> Dic wonder to think about sth and try to decide what …; ~ if/wh-, ~ about sth, ~ if you could …
=> Dic solid hard/firm, not liquid or gas: ~ surface/object, strong: ~ rock, reliable: ~ evidence
- Practice Voca Chant:
2. Read & Write-2 Unit 7 Buy or Reuse
Blog Review Writing 3-5 sen to explain what you did and should/shouldn’t/could have done.
Reading 2 : Blog - In Praise of the Throwaway Society
A blog that a man gives his opinion about a throwaway society
- Vocabulary: material-materialism-materialistic, significant-significance<->insignificant
Dic Significant: large/important enough to have an effect, important, considerable, substantial
- Read-> Main Idea, Details=> Pair
- Words/Expressions: (par.1) material-materialistic (par.4) a significant part of their budget
- Vocabulary Skill: Phrasal Verbs - watch out, pick up, throw away, fall down, stop by, wore out, put on, fall apart
3. Tactics for Listening Tactics for Listening 2e Unit 24 Travel
Listening-3 Listen and take memos to describe each person’s travel experience.=> Pair
Lesson Report Junior-2 December 17th
Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, December 18, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Which sounds more exciting, skiing or snowboarding?
Which sounds more interesting, Star Wars or Harry Potter?
You have only one lesson to go this year.
Hope everyone can enjoy eating cake together!
Let's have fun!
Our speaker yesterday was Shutaro.
He talked about what he buys.
The next speaker on January 4 is Tatsuya.
Your new topic is shopping.
Get ready for your speech!
<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 22 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 more, the most の比較級、最上級, look, sound, much, a little
Exercise-1 #3-c, 4 and 5
Let's check-1
Grammar and Communication-2
Exercise-2 #1
基礎英語 Lessons 123 & 124
Engage Unit 5
Exploring the topic Reading The sleepover
Have a wonderful weekend!
See you next week.
Miharu and Towako
How are you doing?
It's Friday, December 18, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Which sounds more exciting, skiing or snowboarding?
Which sounds more interesting, Star Wars or Harry Potter?
You have only one lesson to go this year.
Hope everyone can enjoy eating cake together!
Let's have fun!
Our speaker yesterday was Shutaro.
He talked about what he buys.
The next speaker on January 4 is Tatsuya.
Your new topic is shopping.
Get ready for your speech!
<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 22 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 more, the most の比較級、最上級, look, sound, much, a little
Exercise-1 #3-c, 4 and 5
Let's check-1
Grammar and Communication-2
Exercise-2 #1
基礎英語 Lessons 123 & 124
Engage Unit 5
Exploring the topic Reading The sleepover
Have a wonderful weekend!
See you next week.
Miharu and Towako
Lesson Report Junior-1 December 17th
Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Friday, December 18, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Do you want to live in Brazil?
Yes, you do! In Brazil, you don't have any classes in the morning.
昨日のレッスンでは 国の違いによる生活について学びました。
次回はChapter 9 Unit 1 のKey Communication testです。
You have one more lesson to go this year.
Try your best!!
<Lesson Review>
Chapter 9 Unit 1
Exercise-2 #4
Key Communication practice
Chapter 9 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 Can I ...?, Verbs to learn #14
Engage Unit 6
Page 56 Exploring the topic Different countries, different lives
Vocabulary School subjects
Have a great weekend!
See you next week.
Towako and Miharu
How are you?
It's Friday, December 18, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Do you want to live in Brazil?
Yes, you do! In Brazil, you don't have any classes in the morning.
昨日のレッスンでは 国の違いによる生活について学びました。
次回はChapter 9 Unit 1 のKey Communication testです。
You have one more lesson to go this year.
Try your best!!
<Lesson Review>
Chapter 9 Unit 1
Exercise-2 #4
Key Communication practice
Chapter 9 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 Can I ...?, Verbs to learn #14
Engage Unit 6
Page 56 Exploring the topic Different countries, different lives
Vocabulary School subjects
Have a great weekend!
See you next week.
Towako and Miharu
Lesson Report-Adv.1-Dec.16th
[1] Kikutan-6K Day 34: Transit Photometry
One way to find a planet in distant space is to observe the light from stars continuously through telescopes.
If the light of a star is shadowed regularly, it is presumed to be orbited by a planet.
Though this method takes time to discover new planets, it has discovered number of planets.
[2] Inside Reading-2 Unit 7 Reading-2 #2 An Ocean Waiting to Happen
Review Vocabulary & Expressions<= HW
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level
- A. Pronounce the words in the box
- B. Put the sentences in order
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
- E. Read the excerpt-> Predict the meaning of unknown words
[3] Read & Write-2 Unit 7 Buy or Reuse
- Practice Reading w/Audio=> Review the Outline
- What do you think? -1: Think about the item(s) you threw away recently. Do you think it could/should have been used longer or repaired, or you should have bought a new one?
=> Speak your answer in 60 sec
- Use the Conditional Type-3: could/should have used, shouldn’t have thrown away, could have been repaired
- Try these: not any/no longer, worth –ing, became too ~, worn out, unrepairable, not function (properly), useless
=> Write 3-5 sen to explain what you did and should/shouldn’t/could have done. =>HW by Dec.21st
One way to find a planet in distant space is to observe the light from stars continuously through telescopes.
If the light of a star is shadowed regularly, it is presumed to be orbited by a planet.
Though this method takes time to discover new planets, it has discovered number of planets.
[2] Inside Reading-2 Unit 7 Reading-2 #2 An Ocean Waiting to Happen
Review Vocabulary & Expressions<= HW
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level
- A. Pronounce the words in the box
- B. Put the sentences in order
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
- E. Read the excerpt-> Predict the meaning of unknown words
[3] Read & Write-2 Unit 7 Buy or Reuse
- Practice Reading w/Audio=> Review the Outline
- What do you think? -1: Think about the item(s) you threw away recently. Do you think it could/should have been used longer or repaired, or you should have bought a new one?
=> Speak your answer in 60 sec
- Use the Conditional Type-3: could/should have used, shouldn’t have thrown away, could have been repaired
- Try these: not any/no longer, worth –ing, became too ~, worn out, unrepairable, not function (properly), useless
=> Write 3-5 sen to explain what you did and should/shouldn’t/could have done. =>HW by Dec.21st
Lesson Report Junior-3 December 16th
Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, December 16, 2015.
It's sunny and very warm today.
When did you start learning English?
You've studied for at least two and a half years.
How long do you continue learning English?
You may continue to learn it forever!
Our presenter today was Chiaki.
She talked about her school festival.
She brought some photos and brochures, so we understood what the festival was like well.
The next speaker is Yoshiki.
Get ready for your speech!
< Lesson Review>
Small talk: How was your day?
Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday!
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, December 16, 2015.
It's sunny and very warm today.
When did you start learning English?
You've studied for at least two and a half years.
How long do you continue learning English?
You may continue to learn it forever!
Our presenter today was Chiaki.
She talked about her school festival.
She brought some photos and brochures, so we understood what the festival was like well.
The next speaker is Yoshiki.
Get ready for your speech!
< Lesson Review>
Small talk: How was your day?
Show and tell => Chiaki
基礎英語 Lesson 123 & 124
Summarizing the week
Summarizing the week
Chapter 33 Unit 1 VIU #1 海や自然に関することば
Chapter 33 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 Present perfect continuous
Exercise-1 #1 and 2
Grammar and Communication-1 Present perfect continuous
Exercise-1 #1 and 2
Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday!
Lesson Report Primary-2 December 15th
Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's December 16, 2015.
It's sunny today!
Picture Dictionary Topic44 (1)に入りました。
Oxford Discover Grammar Book P68,69,70,71の問題を解きました。
<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 44 (1)
Sing chant
Write new words in notebook
Oxford Discover Grammar Book P68, 69, 70, 71
Have a super week!
See you in a couple of days!
It's December 16, 2015.
It's sunny today!
Picture Dictionary Topic44 (1)に入りました。
Oxford Discover Grammar Book P68,69,70,71の問題を解きました。
<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 44 (1)
Sing chant
Write new words in notebook
Oxford Discover Grammar Book P68, 69, 70, 71
Have a super week!
See you in a couple of days!
Lesson Report-Sr.2p-Dec.15th
1. Kikutan-4K Day 32: Advanced Science Study in the United States
There are relatively fewer American students than students from abroad who major in advanced science in colleges in the U.S. Technology companies have been claiming that they don’t get enough American students to work for them. It seems that science classes in US schools are so boring to students that they aren’t encouraged to study further in college.
2. Read & Write-2 Unit 7 Buy or Reuse
Blog - What do you think? -1: Think about the item(s) you threw away recently. Do you think it could/should have been used longer or repaired, or you should have bought a new one?
=> Speak your answer in 60 sec
- Use the Conditional Type-3: could/should have used, shouldn’t have thrown away, could have been repaired
- Try these: not any/no longer, worth –ing, became too ~, worn out, unrepairable, not function (properly), useless
=> Write 3-5 sen to explain what you did and should/shouldn’t/could have done.
3. Cover to Cover-2 Unit 12 The Arts Part 2 The Concert for Bangladesh
- Before Reading: Flag/Location Images of Bangladesh
- Fluency Strategy: Ignoring Unknown Words
- Reading-1 -> Task-A, Checking Comprehension - A-> Read w/CD -> Read aloud: Par.2-5
- Expanding Vocabulary-A->B
- What’s your Opinion? Ask and answer one question from 3, 4, or 5.
There are relatively fewer American students than students from abroad who major in advanced science in colleges in the U.S. Technology companies have been claiming that they don’t get enough American students to work for them. It seems that science classes in US schools are so boring to students that they aren’t encouraged to study further in college.
2. Read & Write-2 Unit 7 Buy or Reuse
Blog - What do you think? -1: Think about the item(s) you threw away recently. Do you think it could/should have been used longer or repaired, or you should have bought a new one?
=> Speak your answer in 60 sec
- Use the Conditional Type-3: could/should have used, shouldn’t have thrown away, could have been repaired
- Try these: not any/no longer, worth –ing, became too ~, worn out, unrepairable, not function (properly), useless
=> Write 3-5 sen to explain what you did and should/shouldn’t/could have done.
3. Cover to Cover-2 Unit 12 The Arts Part 2 The Concert for Bangladesh
- Before Reading: Flag/Location Images of Bangladesh
- Fluency Strategy: Ignoring Unknown Words
- Reading-1 -> Task-A, Checking Comprehension - A-> Read w/CD -> Read aloud: Par.2-5
- Expanding Vocabulary-A->B
- What’s your Opinion? Ask and answer one question from 3, 4, or 5.
Lesson Report Primary-1 December 15th
Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It’s December 16, 2015.
It`s sunny today!
Picture Dictionary のTopic 16 (2) を学習しました。
This is Phonics 2ではUnit 4 P53 のChantを唄いました。
Good! スペルも頑張りましょう。
Up and Away Student Book Unit 29 Why... Because を学習しました。
Up and Away reader book 1D を最初から音読練習しました。
皆good work!! グループ音読も良くできていました!
<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 16 (2)
Sing the chant
Memorize and write 2words on board.
This is Phonics 2 Sing P53, read words from list. Do P65
Up and Away student book Unit 29, Why/ because. P69,70
Have a great week!
It’s December 16, 2015.
It`s sunny today!
Picture Dictionary のTopic 16 (2) を学習しました。
This is Phonics 2ではUnit 4 P53 のChantを唄いました。
Good! スペルも頑張りましょう。
Up and Away Student Book Unit 29 Why... Because を学習しました。
Up and Away reader book 1D を最初から音読練習しました。
皆good work!! グループ音読も良くできていました!
<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 16 (2)
Sing the chant
Memorize and write 2words on board.
This is Phonics 2 Sing P53, read words from list. Do P65
Up and Away student book Unit 29, Why/ because. P69,70
Up and Away
reader book 1D review p1-9
Have a great week!
See you
Lesson Report Junior-1 December 15th
Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, December 15, 2015.
It's cloudy today.
Which do you like doing in your free time, listening to music or watching TV?
What are you doing now?
Do you usually enjoy speaking English?
今日のレッスンでChapter 8 の学習が終わりました。
Chapter 9 Unit 1で練習した新しい動詞の使い方を覚えましょう!
次回はKey Communication のテストです。
<Lesson Review>
Warm-up Questions!
How are you?
It's Tuesday, December 15, 2015.
It's cloudy today.
Which do you like doing in your free time, listening to music or watching TV?
What are you doing now?
Do you usually enjoy speaking English?
今日のレッスンでChapter 8 の学習が終わりました。
Chapter 9 Unit 1で練習した新しい動詞の使い方を覚えましょう!
次回はKey Communication のテストです。
<Lesson Review>
Warm-up Questions!
Engage Unit 5 Fun and games
Page 56 Exploring the topic Different countries, different lives
Reading Listen and compete the chart. => Read the profiles individually and do #3.
Read the text aloud together.
Exercise-1 #1, 2-a, 2-b and 3
Enjoy the rest of the week!See you on Friday.
Bridge Work Chapter 8 Unit 2
Grammar in Use Tennis match-2
Key Communication practice
Chapter 9 Unit 1Exercise-1 #1, 2-a, 2-b and 3
Grammar and Communication-1 Verbs to learn #13
Lesson Report Senior-1 December 15th
Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing today?
It's Tuesday, December 15, 2015.
It's overcast today.
Have you ever had any difficulties when you traveled abroad?
Are you interested in experiencing very different cultures or customs from those of Japan?
In my opinion, when you are young, you can get used to the difference quickly and enjoy them.
Hope you'll have many opportunities to visit a lot of unfamiliar places in the future.
The speaker today was Yuhei.
He talked about his school festival.
The next speaker is Yuma.
Try your best and get ready for your speech!
<Lesson Review>
How are you doing today?
It's Tuesday, December 15, 2015.
It's overcast today.
Have you ever had any difficulties when you traveled abroad?
Are you interested in experiencing very different cultures or customs from those of Japan?
In my opinion, when you are young, you can get used to the difference quickly and enjoy them.
Hope you'll have many opportunities to visit a lot of unfamiliar places in the future.
The speaker today was Yuhei.
He talked about his school festival.
The next speaker is Yuma.
Try your best and get ready for your speech!
<Lesson Review>
Small talk: How was your weekend?Show and tell => Yuhei
基礎英語 Lesson 121 & 122
Bridge Work
Chapter 33 Unit 2 VIU #1 人との関わりに関することば p.126
Chapter 33 Unit 2 VIU #1 人との関わりに関することば p.126
Workbook page 93
Chapter 34 Unit 1
Exercise-2 #3 Practice with your partner.
Grammar and Communication-3 Adjective order => Ex-3
Grammar in Use Diverse cultures
Chapter 34 Unit 1
Exercise-2 #3 Practice with your partner.
Grammar and Communication-3 Adjective order => Ex-3
Grammar in Use Diverse cultures
Enjoy the rest of the week!
See you on Friday.
Lesson Report. Junior-2 December 14th
Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, December 15, 2015.
It's cloudy.
Which is colder in winter, Tokyo or Osaka?
We are having a warmer winter than usual this year.
I heard cherry blossoms are blooming in Washington in the US!
昨日のレッスンではmore, the most を使った比較級、最上級を練習しました。
-er, -est をつけるものと区別をしましょう。
Our speaker yesterday was Ikumi.
She talked about her favorite meal.
The next speaker is Shutaro.
Your new topic is shopping.
Get ready for your speech!
<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 22 Unit 1
Recap test
Chapter 22 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 more, the most の比較級、最上級
Exercise-1 #1-b, 1-c, 2-a, 2-b, 3-a, and 3-b.
基礎英語 Lessons 121 & 122
Have a great week!
See you on Thursday.
Miharu and Towako
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, December 15, 2015.
It's cloudy.
Which is colder in winter, Tokyo or Osaka?
We are having a warmer winter than usual this year.
I heard cherry blossoms are blooming in Washington in the US!
昨日のレッスンではmore, the most を使った比較級、最上級を練習しました。
-er, -est をつけるものと区別をしましょう。
Our speaker yesterday was Ikumi.
She talked about her favorite meal.
The next speaker is Shutaro.
Your new topic is shopping.
Get ready for your speech!
<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 22 Unit 1
Recap test
Chapter 22 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 more, the most の比較級、最上級
Exercise-1 #1-b, 1-c, 2-a, 2-b, 3-a, and 3-b.
基礎英語 Lessons 121 & 122
Have a great week!
See you on Thursday.
Miharu and Towako
Lesson Report Junior-1 December 14th
Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, December 15, 2015.
It's cloudy.
Now you can use "can" well, can't you?
昨日のレッスンでは interviewをしてクラスメートの紹介をしました。
Yui did a great job!
<Lesson Review>
Chapter 9 Unit 1
Exercise-1 #3 Review
Grammar and Communication-2 can ... well
Exercise-2 #1, 2-a, 2-b, and 3
Engage Unit 5 Fun and games
Writing and presentation
Have a great week!
See you on Thursday.
Towako and Miharu
How are you?
It's Tuesday, December 15, 2015.
It's cloudy.
Now you can use "can" well, can't you?
昨日のレッスンでは interviewをしてクラスメートの紹介をしました。
Yui did a great job!
<Lesson Review>
Chapter 9 Unit 1
Exercise-1 #3 Review
Grammar and Communication-2 can ... well
Exercise-2 #1, 2-a, 2-b, and 3
Engage Unit 5 Fun and games
Writing and presentation
Have a great week!
See you on Thursday.
Towako and Miharu
投稿 (Atom)