Lesson Report-Adv.1-Dec.19th

[1] Kikutan-6K  Day 35: Healthy Human Microbes 
[maɪkroʊb] microscopic organism esp a disease-causing bacterium
Microbes are all over in a human body and some of them assist digestion and immune system.
[2] Inside Reading-2  Unit 8  Click or Clique
- clique  [kliːk/ klɪk] a small, exclusive group of friends or associates who don’t allow others to join them.
Before you Read 3. Pair Have you ever looked for information about someone on the Internet? Why?
Reading-1  Judging Roommates by Their Facebook Covers 
- Preview: Check the title, headings, image/captions, chart-> Predict the topic
- Skim the text=> Write the main ideas in three sentences=> Speak the main idea in 60 seconds
Many college freshmen anxiously look up social networking sites to find what their new roommate is like before entering their dorms. However, such profiles shown on the web may not always tell the truth. Students may find it easier to get along with their new roommate whose profile may not match their preferences.
- Read-1 Underline the topic sentences/main ideas
-> Reading Comprehension: T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false statements.
[3] Open Forum  Chapter 10 History Presentation about Ellis Island
- Pronunciation: Unstressed and Contracted *Auxiliary Verbs.  
*Auxiliary Verbs: A verb used in forming the tenses, moods and voices of other verbs. (be/do/have/will)
=> Think & Discuss Pair What do you think of immigrating to a totally new place where you have to start everything, a job, a place to live in, friends, and the language?
- Speaking Skills: Giving Presentations-> Add one or two tips of your own. 
☆ Presentation: Tom's Tips for presentation  
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdavzLSDxFg (2:48)
=> Prepare a two-min. presentation about your favorite place or thing (dish, book, movie, sport or event). 

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