The first computer is believed to a device found in an ancient Greek ship.
=> navigate to plan, direct, or plot the path or position of a ship, an aircraft. –navigation, navigator
- Practice Voca Chant:
2. Read & Write-2 Unit 6: Self-Reliance Reading 2 I Hate Machines
Unit Assignment: Write a paragraph describing a process-> A. Brainstorm -> B. Select a Topic
Blog Revise the paragraph to describe the process. Refer to p.117.
Add a conclusion sentence(s) to encourage the reader to follow the steps for their benefits.
Check if the verbs are used properly. Clarify what the pronouns refer to.
3. Cover to Cover-2 Unit 12 The Arts Part 1 A Worldwide Phenomenon
- Before Reading: Do you watch TV dramas or movies often?
Do they have strong influence on the way you think or behave?
- Comprehension Strategy: Summarizing-> Skim the text=> Task A
- Reading-1 -> Checking Comprehension, Check Task-A/p.156
- Vocabulary in Context-A, B
- Read w/CD-> Read aloud: Par.3-7=> Task
1. (par-7) It’s the perfect combination of allowing viewers to relate but also allowing them an escape from real life. It、relateの指すもの、意味するものを補って日本語にしなさい。
主人公たちは素敵な部屋に住んで、流行の最先端の服装をして、最新の高級車に乗っていたりするものの、なお 実在の人物であると感じさせることは、視聴者にとっては主人公たちを自分と重ね合わせることができるとともに、日常生活から逃避させてくれるという絶妙の組み合わせになっている。
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