Lesson Report-Sr.2p-Dec.22nd

1. Kikutan-4K  Day 33  Beautiful Mars
For many years, people have been speculating to see a life form in the beautiful red-orange planet, Mars. Explorations of/to the neighboring planet have been made by some countries but no such sign of life forms has been found so far.
2. Read & Write-2  Unit 7 Buy or Reuse Reading 2 : In Praise of the Throwaway Society
- Review Reading w/CD
- What do you think?-A.2: Clarify Mad Anthony’s reasons to support his opinion on Worksheet
 Main Point: A throwaway society is sign that things are better and people are wealthier.
 Support-1: Lower Prices - Technology lowered the costs. Smaller price difference between buying and fixing
 Support-2: Increased Wealth <- More money, lower prices
 Support-3: Increased Features <- Technology especially electronics. Digital camera, cell phone, GPS
 Conclusion: The throwaway society shows how good things are.
=> Discuss the arguments Anthony makes. Do you agree or disagree with each of his arguments?
☆ HW-1  Do you agree or disagree with Anthony’s arguments? Write your response in 5-8 sentences.
3. Cover to Cover-2   Unit 12 The Arts   Part 2  The Concert for Bangladesh
- Expanding Vocabulary-A->B
- Vocabulary: (par.1) raise money/fund-fund raising, countless  (par.2) labialization-liberal, war-torn, 
life-threatening <-Dic threat (n) ~ to do sth,  threaten (v) ~ sb with sth  (par.3) brainchild, ex-member/boyfriend/wife, took a few steps further  (par.4) short-term-long-term, royalties to UNICEF
- What’s your Opinion?  Pair Ask and answer one question from 3, 4, or 5.
☆ HW-2  Read the text and Supplemental Reading Bangladesh-Wikipedia 
Bangladesh について第二次大戦後からThe Concert for Bangladesh が開かれるまで、そしてそれ以降現在に至るまでの状況を日本語で要約しなさい。
☆ HW-3  Watch a Movie or Read a Book=> Show & Tell

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