The first computer is believed to a device found in an ancient Greek ship. It was thought to be a navigational device but is now assumed to be a showcase for Greek’s engineering superiority.
2. Read & Write-2 Unit 7 Buy or Reuse
Reading 1: Think Before You Toss
- Vocabulary: consequence-consequent(adj), possess-possession
Dic dispose: arrange sth/sb in a particular way, tempt, incline, adapt
-> dispose of sb/sth: get rid of sth no longer needed, destroy, get rid of, dump, eliminate
-> disposable: needless, unnecessary, useless=>~ diapers/razors/gloves, available for use=> ~ assets/income
- Read-> Main Ideas, Details
3. Cover to Cover-2 Unit 12 The Arts Part 1 A Worldwide Phenomenon
- Read w/CD-> Read aloud: Par.3-7
- Vocabulary (par.1) - glimpse a very brief, passing look, sight, or view
- flock (v) to gather together (n) a group of animals of one kind (sheep/birds), a large number of people; crowd
(par.3) fascination-fascinate to attract and delight by arousing interest or curiosity: entice, please, tempt
(par.5) immense huge, gigantic, extensive - dynasty - spark trigger, set off, stimulate
(par.6) stability-stable constant, solid, steady (par.7) plot story line, scenario, plan, design
=> Task 2. 津波は日本で生まれた言葉で、地震によって引き起こされる海の極端に大きな波を表すのに使われる。(par-5)
Tsunami is a word/term originated in Japan and (is) used to describe an extremely large wave in the sea caused by an earthquake.
- What’s your Opinion? 1. Which foreign culture or lifestyle are you most interested in?
5. What aspects of your culture or lifestyle do you think foreigners might be interested in?
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