1. Grammar in Use
Unit 62: for, to, so that: purpose
-> Grammar Challenge: To, for, so that from BBC Learning English
2. My Global Learning-2 Part-2: Industrial Revolution #3
Group Review Writing: What would you do if you were the ruler of one of the states in Europe in the 17th -18th century when the situation and playing field were changing that drastically?
=> Q&A You said … But if …, Do you think …? It sounds ~ but …, I agree/disagree with …
Review Prep Reading-1 Task: Why the Industrial Revolution happened in Britain #2
Manufacturing in Britain – Steam Engine, Textile
=> Summary-2 Changes made by Industrial Revolution: Situations in Europe, Background in Britain, Source of Energy, Steam Engine, Manufacturing
☆ Prep Reading-2: Industrial Revolution=> by Sep. 1
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