Now it's August!!! How have you spent your summer vacation so far?
You still have about a moth before fall semester. What are you going to achieve or try?
Try not to waste your time. Play hard study hard, all right?
・Bridge Work C32-U1: G&C-2 => Ex-2
・Vocabulary in Use C31-U2 #2: Voc, Sentences, Practice, 訳
・Cover to Cover U Unit 3 Part 1: An Extra Sense
Before Reading: Dic sense
- (n) : one of the five powers-sixth sense, feeling, understanding-sense of humor,
(v): become aware -> sensible: practical, reasonable sensitive: conscious of, delicate
- sixth sense, Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)
Comprehension Strategy: Finding main ideas in paragraphs
Reading-1 => Task-A: Find the main ideas, Checking Comprehension
Reading-2 with CD => Read aloud: Pr. 4-5
=> Task-1 (Pr-5) Many people think ESP doesn’t existについて、以下に続く具体的な説明をまとめなさい
>Presentation Test a paragraph about what makes someone laugh. [9:10-9:30 ]
-Pair=> Revise => Presentation=> Q&A
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