How was the last lesson before the holidays? Do you know how many lessons you've had since April? If you attended all of them, you've attended 38 lessons!
If you figure how much time 38 lessons is, it's 4,560 minutes or 76 hours!!!
You must have learned a lot, right?
・Bridge Work C32-U1: Key Communication, Writing about a belonging
・Vocabulary in Use C31-U2 #2: Practice, Voc. Writing->Practice
8:20 – Speech in Reported Speech-> Q&A => Report Writing (Speaker to revise w/T)
・Cover to Cover U Unit 3 Part 1: An Extra Sense
Reading-3 with CD => Read aloud: Pr. 1-2=> Task-2
The psychic told the detective something that she couldn’t have known if she hadn’t seen it.
Vocabulary in Context
Vocabulary: psychic, client, sense-sensory, perceive-perception, skeptical, clues, term, experiment, predict-prediction, skeptical-skeptics, turn out to be
What Do You Think?
Interview=> Answer Yes/No, and explain each answer in one or two sentences. => Change Partner
☆BW C38 文の構造、品詞
See you all on Aug.22nd!
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