Lesson Report-Adv.1-Apr.30th

Dear Adv-1 Classmates,
Explain something you like in your heart is very challenging, even in your native tongue because it is part of your soul or value.
It is therefore a good exercise to communicate something complicated easily and clearly to others. Hope you enjoyed the challenge.
[1] Reading Cover to Cover-2  Unit 10-Part 2 American Sayings #1
- Fluency Strategy Signal words -> Task A
Reading w/CD -> Checking Fluency and Comprehension -> Expanding Vocabulary
- Communication task 1
[2] Vocabulary  Daily 1500
- Review #8, 9 Opinion on Social Issues (1), (2) => Voc. Writing
- Practice #10 Opinion on Social Issues (3)
=> Listening Task Explain what each student’s perspective or main point is.
=> Practice 英語で行うPresentation (1)p.37 (2) p.39
[3] Grammar & Writing
Writing/C2C Write about your choice of saying, either from Chapter-10 Wise Words/Cover to Cover or any other source within 100 words. Explain what the saying means first and describe why you like the saying with examples.

Lesson Report Senior-2 April 29th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Monday, April 29th, 2013.
It's sunny and warm today.
Did you find the friendship between Owen and Mzee interesting?
I like the photo of the two animals.
They look cute, don't they?
Owen was separated from his family and he must have felt really uneasy.
That was when he met Mzee for the first time.
Since he was still a baby, Mzee couldn't be aggressive towards Owen, so he just moved away from him at first.
Our speaker today was Akira.
He talked about a school field trip to Ueno and Tokyo area.
He visited Yushima-tenjin and bought a lucky charm for his entrance exam.
Next speakers are Yuka and Yu.
Get ready for your speech!

< Lesson Review>
Cover to Cover Unit 7 Survivors Part 2 An Unlikely Friendship
Bridge Work
Bridge Work Chapter 34 Unit 1
Vocabulary in Use  #2 身体の障害などに関することば
Workbook Chapter 34 Unit 1 関係代名詞 Grammar Writing  #1, 2 (p. 41)
Deep listening  Lesson 3 (pp. 10-11)

See you next week!


Lesson Report-Adv.2-Apr.29th: No lesson on May 2nd

Dear Adv-2 Classmates,
What do you think of the unfair advantage we read and talked about?
Money is onething that makes clear and distinct advantage on almost any issues, sports, games, politics, technologies, medical care and education.
There is nothing undoubtfully fair because fainess relies on aspects.
You'll learn more at the next lesson on May 6th.

[1] Reading and Writing Book 2  Unit 4 Games: What makes a competition unfair? 
Reading 1: Money and Sports #1
- Preview the Chart of the world top football teams/p.67
- Reading-1-> Main Ideas, DetailsUnderline the Main Idea and Identify the Supporting Ideas/Examples of each Paragraph
=> Write what this article wants to say within three sentences in 5 minutes.
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500
- Practice #105 The Problem with Low-Fat Diets (1)
=> Listening Task What is one problem with low-fat diets?
- Practice #106 The Problem with Low-Fat Diets (2)
=> Listening Task What are the problems of low fat diets?
[3] Special Reading: 立教大学統一問題2011年度  New View of Aging
=> Extra Tasks/HW

Lesson Report Junior-1 April 27th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Sunday, April 28th, 2013.
It's sunny today.
今回はMinoriがとても上手にできました。You did a great job!
Bridge Workでは、文を暗記して書く練習をしました。みんな上手に書けていたようですね。
The speaker yesterday was Kentaro.
次回のスピーチの担当はMinoriです。Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 15 & 16  
Lessons 13-16 のまとめ Role play
Bridge Work Chapter 1 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1
I am, you are, we are, you are
I'm, you're, we're, you're を使った文の練習

See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report-Sr.1b-Apr.27th

Dear Sr-1b Classmates,
You studied and practiced very well at the lesson. Such hard exercises are rarely seen at schools, so you must have learned a lot.
Hope you continue working and practicing hard, even during the holidays!
Please be advised that there is no lesson on May 4th, so your next lesson will be on May 11th.

1. Bridge Work: Chapter 26 Unit 1
Assignment-> Review/Practice/Activity
- Vocabulary in Use C26-U1#2 場所や社会に関することば WB/p.64-> Review Reading
- Grammar Writing: WB/p.2-> Review Reading
- Grammar Writing: C24-U2 接続詞の使い方-> Review Reading
Practice/Activity: C26-U2 You can talk but you mustn’t be too noisy
- Vocabulary in Use C26-U2 #1学校などに関することば
- G&C-1->Ex-1.1=> Repeat ->2-a.=> Repeat ->2-b.=> Repeat -> 2-c.=> Repeat -> 3
=> 4=> Activity-1 WB.p.3
2. Star Team  Culture: The Global Teenager
- Read-> Ex.1-> Read aloud
-> Voc: research-researcher, discover-discovery, similar-same, opposite sex, conclude-conclusion
1. Bridge Work
- Vocabulary in Use C26-U2 #1学校などに関することば p.65/Workbook
- G&C-2->Exrcise-2/p.16
- G&C-3->Exercise-3.1, 2/p.17
- Grammar in Use: Planning a Trip to Oxford-2-> Read-> Exercise-> Read aloud=> Write in Eng
- Vocabulary Review/p.20
- Write ten sentences or more about Your Town. Refer to C26-U2/p.20
2. Star Team Culture: The Global Teenager: Read aloud-> Exercise 2
3. Deep Listening: Lesson 4, 5
4. NHK基礎英語/Support Time: Lesson 17-20

Lesson Report-Sr.1-Apr.27th

Dear Sr-1 Classmates,
You studied and practiced very well at the lesson. Such hard exercises are rarely seen at schools, so you must have learned a lot.
Hope you continue working and practicing hard, even during the holidays!
Please also be advised that there is no lesson on May 4th.
[1] Bridge Work Book 2: C24-U2 Cindy burned herself while she was cooking
- Review reading G&C-Writing
- GIU: Email from Yuki to Jennifer, Sally and Luna-> Read-> Ex-> Read aloud=> Write in Eng
[2] Star Team-2: Unit 1 Jeff’s a DJ now!
Culture: The Global Teenager
- Read-> Ex.1-> Read aloud-> Ex.2
-> Voc: research-researcher, discover-discovery, similar-same, opposite sex, conclude-conclusion
=> Task => Pair - What is the most popular free-time activity among girls?
- What is the second most popular free-time activity among boys?
- What are your three favorite free-time activities?
- What are your favorite clothes when you go out with your friends on a weekend in May?
[3] Bridge Work Vocabulary in Use: C26-U2 #1学校などに関することば Practice
[4] Bridge Work Book 3/55 min.: C26-U2 You can talk but you mustn’t be too noisy.
- Review-1: Unit 1 Gr-Writing/WB p.2=> HW=> Check 5/1
- Review-2: Ex.1 3 => Activity-1 WB.p.3
- G&C-2->Ex-2 => Pair Own Answer w/o Text
- G&C-3->Ex-3.1-> 2 => Activity-2 WB.p.3

Lesson Report Primary-2 April 26th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, April 27th, 2013.
It's sunny today.
きのうのレッスンでは、Jenny is on the bus. などの文を Is Jenny on the bus? のような質問に変える練習をしました。みんな上手に質問や答えができるようになりましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 33 African Plains
The African Animal Chant 
基礎英語 Lessons 15 & 16
Grammar One Chapter 1
Hello! I'm Jenny
Exercise-6   Zoe, Carlo, Maria, and George  a 質問と答え方の練習 (Worksheet #2) (p. 7)
Up and Away Reader 3A Magic Picture Book (pp. 18-21 音読練習)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-1 April 26th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, April 27th, 2013.
It's sunny today.
昨日のレッスンでは、a, an の使い方の復習と It is ...を使った文を練習しました。
What is it?  It is ... で答える練習のときには、is it と it is の発音に注意が必要でしたね。
Picture Dictionaryでは今回もHow many apples? のように「いくつですか?」と聞いて Fourteen apples. のように答える練習をしました。上手に言えるようになってきましたね!
Number Songも少し速くて大変ですが、上手に歌えるようになってきましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Unit 1 Word Bongo & Bingo #2
Picture Dictionary Topic 2 Numbers
応答練習 How many elephants?  Five elephants. (Worksheet)
Song Number song
Up and Away Student Book
Unit 1 an Unit 2 an  単語の復習
Unit 3  It is (pp. 7-8)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Junior-2 April 26th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing today?
It's Saturday, April 27th, 2013.
It's sunny today.
Did you enjoy listening to Misako?
She said Mahiro, Takeshi, and Yuma did a very good job on the presentation yesterday.
みんなの先輩も言っていたように、MEL Schoolでの学習は最後の2年間は英語でいろいろなことが学べるようになります。高校生になったときに英語で新しいことを学び、それについて話し、まとめたり、発表したりできるようになるように日々の練習をがんばって行っていきましょう。
Our speakers yesterday were Takeshi and Yuhei. They did a good job, especially Yuhei. He practiced hard before the speech.
The next speaker is Yuma. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語3 Lessons 15 & 16
Review 4
Bridge Work Book 1
Chapter 12 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2
be動詞の過去形 否定文・疑問文
Exercise-2 #1 Review
#2-a, 2-b => Activity
Grammar and Communication-Bonus 天気と気温の表し方
Exercise #1-b => Presentation   (pp. 195-197)

See you next week!


Lesson Report-Adv.1-Apr.26th

Dear Adv-1 Classmates,
Aren't you now interested in taking the Boots Camp for the Brain?
You probably haven't worried about your memory so much.
You'd better work on remembering words and phrases first before worring about your memory!
[1] Reading Cover to Cover-2
- Review Unit 10-Part 1 The Wisdom of the World #2: Expanding Vocabulary
- Reading-> Comprehension
[2] Ask and Talk with a MEL Graduate #1 by Misako 
[3] Listening & Communication Open Forum-1  Chapter 4  Psychology
TV News Report about the Boot Camp for the Brain #1
- 1st Listening-> Main Ideas and More Details
- 2nd Listening=> Listening Tasks
=> Communication Task Explain what “Boot Camp for the Brain” is about and how it works.

Lesson Report Senior-2 April 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, April 26th, 2013.
It's sunny and windy today.
Do you know the person who lives in the White House now?
Do you remember the person who we talked about yesterday?
The person is the founder of one of the biggest computer companies in the world.
We exchanged our opinions with each other about a controversial issue of "the handshake" between Bill Gates and the Korean President.
There is a saying which says "When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do."
Why don't you use this saying when you talk about this kind of issue?
Our speaker yesterday was Mizuki.
She talked about her excursion to Hiroshima. She's been busy preparing for the trip.
Next speakers are Akira and Yuka.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Cover to Cover Unit 7 Survivors Unit 1 Survival After Eight Days at Sea   Review reading
Bridge Work
Bridge Work Chapter 34 Unit 1
Review Grammar in Use Diverse cultures  Task review
Grammar and Communication-2 
Exercise-2  #1 Review activity  -> #2
TUNE-IN  Unit 1  The family  Lesson 2  It really annoys me.

See you next week!


Lesson Report-Adv.2-Apr.25th

Dear Adv-2 Classmates,
Have you gotten any idea what kind of place you'd like to live in for your future?
There are several factors to look at it, such as safety, natural environment, noise, transport, scenary, neighborhood, location, school districts and living standards.
What are your priorities? They could change as you grow and when you grow your kids.

[1] Listening: Open Forum-2 Chapter 1   Environmental Studies
Interview w/an expert on public parks #2
- Review Listening w/Script=> Summarize the interview to present. Describe key features of good parks. What sort of consideration is needed to make a park work?
Web Listening: A TV Report - Best Place to live in America
- Exercises => Lis Tasks 1. Explain the features of a popular city to live in.
2. Explain the problems to be a popular city to live in.
=> Talk What kind of place do you want to live in? What kind of place do you think is suitable to grow children?
[3] Grammar: Grammar in Use
- Review Unit 89: both/either/neither
- Unit 90: all/every/whole

Lesson Report Junior-1 April 24th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Thursday, April 25th, 2013.
It's sunny today.
きのうのレッスンではいよいよBridge Work Book 1にはいりました。
The speakers yesterday were Chiharu and Hinako.
次回のスピーチの担当はKentaro です。Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 13 & 14
Star Team  Where are you from? (p. 11)
国や国籍、he, she, they を使った表現
Bridge Work Book 1  キャラクターやカリフォルニアの紹介(pp. 2-3)

See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report-Sr.1-Apr.24th

Dear Sr.1 Classmates,
It's much easier and more effective to practice harder and speak/read louder than solving problems like math or history.
If you practice at the lesson, you'll not only remember useful words and phrases but also learn them!
[1] Bridge Work Book 2  C24-U2 Cindy burned herself while she was cooking.
- Review G&C-2: oneself  Read & Look up=> Pair A: Japanese=> B: English
- G&C-3 接続詞のまとめ Ex-3.1, 2, 3 => G&C-Writing
[2] Deep Listening-1: Lesson 4 The Things to Do
- Before Listening Voc: => Pair Read-> Repeat I-> You
[3] Bridge Work Vocabulary in Use: C26-U1 #2場所や社会に関することば Voc-Writing/WB
[4] Bridge Work Book 3: C26-U2 You can talk but you mustn’t be too noisy.
- G&C-1->Ex-1.1=> Repeat ->2-a.=> Repeat ->2-b.=> Repeat -> 2-c.=> Repeat 
=> Activity-1 WB.p.3

Lesson Report Primary-2 April 23rd

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, April 24th, 2013.
It's rainy today.
きのうのレッスンでは、Jenny, Maria, Carlo, Nick, Zoe, Georgeについていろいろな質問や文を作りました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 32 Playtime in the Park
Let's play basketball! OK. Good idea! No, thanks.
Swing, Slide, Jungle Gym Chant
基礎英語 Lessons 13 & 14
Grammar One Chapter 1
Hello! I'm Jenny
Exercise-6 Make sentences  質問と答え方の練習 (Worksheet)  (p. 6)
Up and Away Reader 3A Magic Picture Book (pp. 14-19 音読練習)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 April 23rd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, April 24th, 2013.
It's rainy today.
きのうはUp and Awayのテキストで a と an の使い方を練習しました。
a, e, i, o, u の音の前では an を、それ以外には a がつきましたね。
Picture Dictionaryでは、How many apples? のように「いくつですか?」と聞いて Fourteen apples. のように答える練習もしましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Unit 1  Word Bongo & Bingo
Picture Dictionary Topic 2 Numbers
応答練習 How many bananas?  Ten bananas.
Song Number song
Up and Away Student Book
Unit 1 an 単語の復習 (Worksheet)
Unit 2 an (pp. 4-5)
Up and Away Workbook Unit1 (p. 7)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Junior-2 April 23rd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Wednesday, April 24th, 2013.
It's rainy today.
Were you tired yesterday? Did you enjoy the lesson?
Star TeamではNew Yorkについていろいろな写真を見て学習しました。
Do you want to go there someday?
Our speaker yesterday was Takehiro. He talked about tennis practice. He takes a tennis lesson on Saturdays.
The next speakers are Takeshi and Yuhei. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Star Team  Unit 1 Culture New York  Big Apple
基礎英語3 Lessons 13 & 14
Bridge Work Book 1
Chapter 11 Unit 2
Exercise-2  #5-b
(pp. 187)
Chapter 12 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2
be動詞の過去形 否定文・疑問文
Exercise-2  #1  (pp. 195)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report-Adv.1-Apr.23rd

Dear Adv-1 Classmates,
I wish I had started preparing for my math exam a little earlier.
If I had started preparing for the not-overly-difficult exam, I could have passed it.
If I had passed the exam, I wouldn't have to take a make-up test next week.
If I don't have to take a make-up test, I would go out with my friends this weekend.
Do you understand how to use the conditionals!
[1] Reading Cover to Cover-2  Unit 10-Part 1 The Wisdom of the World #2
- Review reading w/CD -> Expanding Vocabulary
-> Vocabulary (Worksheet) *Have them pick up the unknown vocabulary.
=> What’s your opinion?: 
[2] Vocabulary Daily 1500
- Review #6-7 A Personality Questionnaire (1), (2)
- Practice #8, 9 Opinion on Social Issues (1), (2)
=> Listening Task Explain what each student’s perspective or main point is.
[3] Grammar & Writing Short Essay: A thing I tried last year and will try this year. #1
- Peer Review: HW Part [3], [4] -> Revise => Present [1]-[4]

Lesson Report Senior-2 April 22nd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's everything?
It's Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013.
It's cloudy today.
We learned about "a survivor" yesterday.
He was on a tree in the middle of ocean for eight days!
Can you imagine how hard it was?
If you want to survive in a dangerous situation, you have to be strong both mentally and physically.
Our speaker yesterday was Harutaka.
He talked about going for a picnic as a field trip of his school.
He and his classmates are making curry and rice.
Next speakers are Mizuki and Akira.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Cover to Cover Unit 7 Survivors Unit 1 Survival After Eight Days at Sea
Bridge Work
Bridge Work Chapter 34 Unit 1
Review Grammar in Use  Diverse cultures
Deep listening  Lesson 2  Telephone message

See you on Thursday!


Lesson Report-Adv.2-Apr..22nd

Dear Adv-2 Classmates,
You've learned how influential social media are even in China, where any critical messages and postings are all monitored. Have there been any country or dynasty that last long by controling people's talks or voices? They seem to know the answer and that is why they're trying to take advantage of it rather than controling or restricting them.

[1] Reading and Writing Book 2  Unit 3 Courtesy: What does it mean to be polite?
Lesson-5  Writing-1: Write a paragraph with supporting examples HW
Write a paragraph to answer the question with two or more examples to support your answer.
=> Peer Review/p.60: Check if the examples are introduced and shown clearly and supportive to the main idea.
=> Revise/Rewrite the paragraph=> Edit with Self-Assessment Checklist  => Present
[2]Special Reading: Can (Q-1)   media clear air over China?
Q-1. Fill just one word that suits all the blanks.                       
Q-2. What does “them” refer to?                        
=> Task-1 Explain how IPE is trying to clear the air over China in Japanese.
=> Task-2 Write your response to the text question within 100 words.

Lesson Report Junior-1 April 20th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Monday, April 22nd, 2013.
It's sunny and windy today.
また、まとめのRole Play もしましたね。
みんな上手に音読ができましたね。中でもYusukeは浅木役になりきって、みんなからよい評価がありましたね。You did a good job!
そして、Bridge Workでは、国や国籍の言い方、そして出身地の尋ね方をたくさん練習しました。
Where is Maria from?  She is from America. She's American. などの応答も上手にできましたね。
次回のスピーチの担当はChiharuとHinako です。準備を忘れずに!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 11 & 12
Review Lessons 9-12
Bridge Work Starter Lesson 5 国や国籍の言い方
he, she を使った応答練習 (pp. 18-21)

See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report-Sr.1B-Apr.20th

Dear Sr-1b Classmates,
Have you been used MEL lessons yet?
It might be quite different from the lessons at your school.
If you practice every day and try hard, you'll be able to learn English well.

Bridge Work: Chapter 26 Unit 1
Assignment-> Review/Practice/Activity
- Print: C24-U1 不定詞の使い方のまとめ-和文英訳-> Review Reading
- Key Communication/p.13-> Review Reading
- Reporting/p.13=> Practice => Write
- Vocabulary in Use C26-U1 #1 人の性格に関することWorkbook/p.63: -> Review Reading
- Grammar in Use: Planning a Trip to Oxford-1/p.12-> Pair Reading
- Vocabulary in Use C26-U1#2場所や社会に関することばPractice=>Write all the texts
1. Vocabulary in Use C26-U1#2 場所や社会に関することば WB/p.64
2. Grammar Writing: WB/p.2
3. Grammar Writing: C24-U2 接続詞の使い方
4. [Assignment] Deep Listening: Lesson 3
5. NHK基礎英語/Support Time: Lesson 13-16


Lesson Report-Sr.1-Apr.20th

Dear Sr.1 Classmates,
A: Can I borrow ~? -> B: Sure, here you are.
A: Can use your ~? -> B: I'm sorry but I'm using it now. You can use it later.
Just remember these two sentences abob, they you'll have better chancde to deal iwth such inssues.

[1] Bridge Work Book 2.: C24-U2 Cindy burned herself while she was cooking
- G&C-2: enjoy oneself-> Ex-2. 1 => Practice
- A: Have you cut/hear/burned/hit yourself badly/recently?->B-> A: How/When did you do that?
- A: Did you enjoy last weekend/spring break? ->B-> A: What did you do? /Why you didn’t enjoy?
-> Ex-2. 2a, 2b=> Pair
[2] Star Team-2: Unit 1 Jeff’s a DJ now!
Let’s Remember-Skill Work: Passport to English/p.10 Listen all
=> Prepare to talk about your interests, hobbies, favorites and why learning English in 3 min.
=> Talk/Ask in 3 min. ea.
Presentation Story #2/p.12 - Review Lis-> Read aloud
-> Vocabulary Guess: equipment, publicity, ancient temple<->modern building
- Communication: Excuse me, could you …? -> Excuse me, may I … ? -> Can I …?
[3] Bridge Work Book.: C26-U1 I don’t like milk but I drink it every day.
- Vocabulary in Use #2場所や社会に関することば Practice=>Write all the texts
- Grammar in UsePlanning a trip to England-1 #2 -> Pair Reading=> Task Answer w/o Textbook.
- Reporting => Write

See you on tnext wednesay.


Lesson Report Primary-2 April 19th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, April 20th, 2013.
It's rainy and chilly  today.
きのうからPicture Dictionary では新しいTopic "Playtime in the Park" に入りました。
Grammar Oneでは、Greece出身のZoe とCarlo, Italy 出身のCarloとMariaが登場しました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 32  Playtime in the Park
Swing, Slide, Jungle Gym Chant
基礎英語 Lessons 11 & 12
Grammar One Chapter 1
Hello! I'm Jenny
Exercise-6  Make sentences (p. 6)
Up and Away Reader 3A Magic Picture Book (pp. 12-15 音読練習)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-1 April 19th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, April 20th, 2013.
It's rainy and chilly today.
きのうから Up and Awayのテキストでの学習が始りました。
What's this?  It's a dog. などの言い方が上手にできましたね。
You did a good job!
Picture Dictionaryでは新しいTopic Numbersに入りました。
Topic 1 で学習した単語が多かったので、みんな上手に読めましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Alphabet Bongo
Alphabet Bingo
Picture Dictionary Topic 2 Numbers
Song Number song
Up and Away Student Book  Unit 1 a
(pp. 1-3)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Junior-2 April 19th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Saturday, April 20th, 2013.
It's rainy and chilly today.
Are you enjoying the weekend?
You can read books or watch a movie on rainy days.
もうすぐBook 1がすべて終了します。学習したことがすべて身につけられるようにがんばりましょう!
Our speaker yesterday was Mahiro. She talked about going out with her friend in Musashi-sakai.
She enjoyed tapioca juice.
The next speakers are Takehiro and Takeshi. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語3 Lessons 11 & 12
Review 3
Bridge Work Book 1
Chapter 11 Unit 2
Exercise-2 #4, 5-a
(pp. 186)
Chapter 12 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1
Grammar and Communication-2
be動詞の過去形 否定文

See you next week!


Lesson Report-Adv.1-Apr.19th

Dear Adv-1 Classmates,
How many of those sayings did you agree with?
Are there any sayings you like?
Aren't you interested in making one(s)? It'll be interesting, isn't it?
[1] Reading Cover to Cover-2  Unit 10-Part 1 The Wisdom of the World#1
- Reading-> Comprehension
[2] Vocabulary Daily 1500
- Review #5 How People Feel about Plastic Surgery
- Practice #6-7 A Personality Questionnaire (1), (2)
=> Listening Task Fill your Questionnaire [1] [2] [3]
=> Activity  A Personality Questionnaire
Today’s Speech [SHS Topic] Kotaro=>  Rina Yuka Minori Emi Akane Atsu
[3] Listening & Communication Open Forum-1
C3-#5 Web: A Radio Program “The Natural World”
- Lis #1-> Answer the questions
- Lis #2=> Explain
(1) What was the agreement Ms. Latimer had with the local fisherman?
(2) What had the fish been thought before it was discovered by Ms. Latimer?
(3) What do the new organizations do with coelacanth?