Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, April 9th, 2013.
It's sunny and warm today. It's windy in the afternoon as well.
How is your new school or class? Did you like it?
How is your homeroom teacher?
We've just finished Deep listening level 2 textbook. You are supposed to start the new one next Monday. Are you excited about it?
As for the Bridge Work, you started a new chapter which tells you how to use "Relative pronouns."
Although you have used relative pronouns for a while, this will be a good chance to review how to use very basic things like singular or plural, present or past, and "a" or "the."
We had two speakers yesterday, Yuka and Azusa.
Yuka talked about a welcome party for new students in her school.
She said she had been practicing dancing for it since February.
Azusa talked about an opening ceremony of high school.
Next speakers are Michihiro and Aoi.
Get ready for your speech!
<Lesson Review>
Cover to Cover Unit 6 Age Part 1 The secret to a long life
Communication task 1 and 2.
Workbook (p. 38) 現在完了形・間接話法のまとめ
Bridge Work Chapter 34 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1 関係代名詞の作り方
Exercise-1 #1
Deep listening Level 2 Lesson 20
See you on Thursday!
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