I always eat both french fries and fried onions with a hamburger.
Cindy usully takes either of them when she eats sandwiches.
Julie eats neither of them because she doesn't like either potatoes or onions.
Do you understand how to use both, either and neither?
[1] Listening: Open Forum-2 Chapter 1 Environmental Studies
Interview w/an
expert on public parks #1
- Introducing
the Topic: Show images of some usual and well-planned parks;
Central Park in
New York, Boston Common, Balboa Park in San Diego, the Lakefront in Chicago
Hyde Park in
London, Showa Kinen Park in Tachikawa, Inogashira Park in Kichijyoji
- Prepare to
Listen: Describe a public park of your choice in two minutes, what it offers
and how people enjoy or use them.
- Listening-1:
Main Ideas, What are the features of good parks?
- Listening-2:
[Part 1] Listening for Details [Part 2]
Listening for Explanation
[2] Vocabulary:
Daily 1500
- Review #104
Feng Shui made easy!
[3] Grammar:
Grammar in Use
- Review Unit
79: Singular & Plural, Unit 85: some/any, Unit 86: no/none/any
Practice Unit 89: both/either/neither
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