You studied and practiced very well at the lesson. Such hard exercises are rarely seen at schools, so you must have learned a lot.
Hope you continue working and practicing hard, even during the holidays!
Please be advised that there is no lesson on May 4th, so your next lesson will be on May 11th.
1. Bridge Work: Chapter 26 Unit 1
Assignment-> Review/Practice/Activity
- Vocabulary in Use C26-U1#2 場所や社会に関することば WB/p.64->
Review Reading
- Grammar Writing: WB/p.2-> Review Reading
- Grammar Writing: C24-U2 接続詞の使い方-> Review
Practice/Activity: C26-U2 You can talk but you mustn’t be too noisy
- Vocabulary in Use C26-U2 #1学校などに関することば
- G&C-1->Ex-1.1=> Repeat ->2-a.=> Repeat ->2-b.=>
Repeat -> 2-c.=> Repeat -> 3
=> 4=> Activity-1 WB.p.3
2. Star Team Culture: The Global Teenager
- Read-> Ex.1-> Read aloud
-> Voc: research-researcher, discover-discovery, similar-same,
opposite sex, conclude-conclusion
[Assignment]1. Bridge Work
- Vocabulary in Use C26-U2 #1学校などに関することば p.65/Workbook
- G&C-2->Exrcise-2/p.16
- G&C-3->Exercise-3.1, 2/p.17
- Grammar in Use: Planning a Trip to Oxford-2-> Read->
Exercise-> Read aloud=> Write in Eng
- Vocabulary Review/p.20
- Write ten sentences or more about Your Town. Refer to C26-U2/p.20
2. Star Team Culture: The Global Teenager: Read aloud-> Exercise 2
3. Deep Listening: Lesson 4, 5
4. NHK基礎英語/Support Time:
Lesson 17-20
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