Lesson Report Junior-1 June 29th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Sunday, June 30th, 2013.
It's sunny today.
きのうのレッスンでは、Chapter 2のまとめとして、Key Communication の練習をしましたね。
そしてChapter 3 のhaveの使い方を練習しました。be動詞と使い方が違うので、これから上手に使えるように練習していきましょう。
Star Teamでは新しいユニットに入りましたね。次回は音読の練習をして、上手に読めるようになりましょう!
The speaker yesterday was Sae. 妹さんについてお話しましたね。しっかりお話できましたね!
次のスピーチの担当はShintaroです。Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 47 & 48
Bridge Work
Chapter 2 Unit 2
Key Communication の練習
(p. 36)
Chapter 3 Unit1
Grammar and Communication-1
have の使い方
Exercise-1 (pp. 37-39)
Star Team Unit 3
Presentation story (p. 20)

See you next week!


Lesson Report-Sr.1-Jun.29th

Dear Sr-1 Classmates,
Are you now interested in taking part in a poluck party?
It's fun. You can enjoy different kinds of dishes and taste.
You should try it someday but make sure to remember that the host or hostess should prepare the main dishes.
[1] NHK基礎英語
Lesson 47 What is a potluck party?
Lesson 48 What did you bring?
Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Dancing Men - Part 3
[2] Star Team-2: Unit 3 Ricky’s Question Unit 4 Out and about in London
- Vocabulary/p.25: Towns and Buildings-> Ex.1-> 2 => 3. Q&A Location: Where is the ~?
- Communication/p.26 => Pair Ex.2 Excuse me. How do I get to ~?
- Pronunciation/p.26: s/z
[3] Bridge Work Voc in Use: C28-U1 #2感情に関することばVoc-Writing WB/p.72
[4] Bridge Work Book 3: C29-U1 We’ve just arrived in London!
- G&C-3: 現在完了(完了・継続)を含む時制の運用-so/neither do I.-> Ex-3
- GIU: Traveling to Oxford-2 - The first email from Ron

Lesson Report Primary-1 June 28th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Friday, June 28th, 2013.
It's sunny and warm today.
今日のレッスンではFruit in the Gymの総復習として単語をアルファベット順に書く練習をしました。
Up and Away では、引き続き、先生が出す授業中の指示を英語で練習しました。
また、May I ...? を使って「~していいですか」と尋ねる言い方も練習しましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 6 Fruit in the Gym
Write the words in the alphabetical order
The Papaya Chant
Up and Away Student Book  
Unit 12Classroom commands
Unit 13 May I ...?  (pp. 27-29)
Workbook Unit 12 (p. 19)
Reader 1A Magic Picture Board (pp. 12-23)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-2 June 28th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Friday, June 28th, 2013.
It's sunny and warm today.
今日からPicture Dictionary ではThe Schoolyard のトピックの練習をしました。
Grammar One では this, these, that, those の使い方をさらに練習しました。
Reader はすべてお話は読み終わりましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 38 The Schoolyard
The Schoolyard Song
基礎英語 Lessons 47 & 48
Grammar One
Chapter 7 These are mine
Exercise #2  (p. 23)
Reader 3B Adventure with Good Friend (pp. 20-23)
New Words (p. 24)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Junior-2 June 28th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, June 28th, 2013.
It's sunny and warm today.
今日のレッスンでは、過去形の復習と、call, name の使い方の練習をしました。
French fries, potato chips, crisps のアメリカでの言い方とイギリスでの言い方が違っていて興味深かったですね。
なかなか慣れないとややこしいですが、いつかぜひイギリスでfish and chips を食べてみてください!
Our speaker today was Soichiro.
He talked abou his sleeping problem.
He can't sleep well at night but he sleeps well during the lesson!
The next speakers are Sho, Hitomi, and Akane. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 47 & 48
Review 12
Bridge to MEL to 2
Verbs from Book 1 #28-35
Writing practice #28-35
(p. 25)
Chapter 14 Unit 2
Exercise-1 #1, #2-a, 2-b (pp. 38)

See you next week!


Lesson Report-Adv.1-Jun.28th

Dear Adv-1 Classmates,
You've learned what the local currency is about, its objectives and the benefits.
And you seem to be supportive of the idea.
Just keep the idea somewhere in your memory so that you may come up with this or similar idea in the future because it's universal concept.
[1] Reading: Cover to Cover  Unit 1- Part 2  Changing Faces #3
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500  
- Review #30 Orientation Meeting => Voc. Writing
- Practice #31-32 Pre-Departure Tips => Lis. Task What are the tips for international travel?
[3] Listening & Communication: Open Forum  C-6: Money
#1 Radio Report about a Town with its Own Currency
- Introducing the Topic: trading, currency, banknote, in circulation, valid
- Prepare to Listen/Main Idea: What is a local currency? Why might someone use such a currency?
- 1st listening=> Main Ideas-> 2nd Listening=> More Details

Lesson Report Senior-2 June 27th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday
, June 27th, 2013.
It's sunny today.
What would you like to eat if you are told you can eat whatever you want?
What would you get if you can get whatever you want?
Do you know what you have to do if you want to get good scores on your exams?
All you can do is to practice as many times as possible.
We learned how to use "whatever" and other relative pronouns today.
Most of you seemed to understand how to use them, which is very good!
Did you enjoy learning about how to tell others about places?
Our speaker today was Yu.
He talked about his Eiken interview test and end-term exams.
He has to work very hard!
Next speakers are still Yuka and Michihiro.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Warm up: Talk about the weed
Bridge Work
Chapter 35 Unit 1
Vocabulary in Use #2 実験などに関することば Review -> Workbook (p. 100)
Chapter 35 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 関係代名詞の作り方-4:what の使い方
Exercise-1 #1 Review #2, #3
Grammar and Communication-2 whatever の使い方
Exercise-2  #1, #2
TUNE-IN  Unit 5 Countries and Places  Lesson 1  How was your trip?

See you next week!


Lesson Report-Adv.2-Jun.27th

Dear Adv-2 Classmates,
The harder you work, the more you'll learn.
The more you learn, the broader opportunities you may get in the future. 
I can't agree more!
The more you do, the higher
[1] Listening: Open Forum-2 Chapter 3 Food Science 
Review Listening-Interview with a Food Scientist w/Script
- Pronunciation: Intonation with Questions
- Speaking Skills: Hesitating and Taking Time to Think
=> Speaking Practice: Discuss
1. What is one way your eating habits have changed in the past year(s)?
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500   
- Practice #118 Reality Television
[3]Review APU Class on Jun.23
- Describe the features of a retailer and Explain how it creates/offers “wants” for “needs.”
[4] Grammar: Grammar in Use
- Review Unit 102 so and such-> 102.1, 2, 3
- Unit 104 quite, pretty, rather and fairly->
- Unit 106 Comparative-2: The ~, the … 106.D-> 106.4 => Write a sentence using “The ~, the … “ as learned in 106.D and explain it with an example(s).

Lesson Report Junior-1 June 26th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Thursday, June 27th, 2013.
It's sunny today.
きのうのレッスンでは、What is that? やWhat are those? を使った会話の練習をしました。
Who is that man with a green cap over there? のような人について説明する箇所があるものは少し難しかったようですが、すらすら言えるようにすると表現がしっかり身に付きますよ!
Star Team では宿題を忘れてactivity に参加できなかった人もいて残念でした。
The speaker yesterday was Minori. 妹さんについてお話しましたね。よく準備ができていましたね!
次のスピーチの担当はSaeです。Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 45 & 46
Bridge Work
Chapter 2 Unit 2 Grammar and Communication-3
What, Who を使った疑問文
Exercise-3  #3
Grammar in Use  Ron's room
(pp. 33-35)
Star Team Unit 4
Vocabulary Members of the family (p. 25)
Song All Around the World (p. 27)

See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report-Sr.1-Jun.26th

Dear Senior-1 Classmates,
How long have you learned English at MEL School?
Some of you have attended since they started junior high school.
Others have learned it for more than three years.
How many times have you said "How are you?" at MEL School?
Try to count it!
[1] NHK基礎英語
Lesson 45 What is she like?: ~ for me to …, consider-considerate, look up to,
Lesson 46 Tell us about ~.: raise a child, graduate from, independent, lively, curious
[2] Deep Listening-1: Lesson 13 Schedule
[3] Bridge Work Vocabulary in Use: C28-U2 #1 感情に関することばPractice
[4] Bridge Work Book 3: C29-U1 We’ve just arrived in London!
- G&C-1: 現在完了(継続)の使い方 w/since, for-> Ex-1. 1-> 2=> 3
- G&C-2: 現在完了(継続)を含む時制の運用 Ex-2. 1.-> 2=> Activity-1 WB/p.10

Lesson Report Primary-1 June 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, June 25th, 2013.
It's rainy, cloudy, and sunny today.
今日のレッスンではFruit in the Gymで Can you do a handstand?  Yes, I can.
また、Up and Away では、先生が出す授業中の指示を英語で練習しました。
Reader では、巨大なoctopusが出てきました。
boat に乗ったJimmy たちはどうなるのでしょうね。 

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 6 Fruit in the Gym
Dialog  Can you do a handstand?  Yes, I can./No, I can't.
The Papaya Chant
Up and Away Student Book
Unit 11 Hello. How are you?
Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.
Unit 12Classroom commands (pp. 25-28)
Workbook Unit 11  B (p. 18)
Reader 1A Magic Picture Board (pp. 10-15)
音読リレー (pp. 1-10)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 June 25th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, June 25th, 2013.
It's rainy, cloudy and sunny today.
今日はPicture Dictionary のDesertsのトピックの総復習をしました。
Grammar One では this, these, that, those の使い方を練習しました。
Up and Away で去年学習した内容ですが、忘れてしまっているところが多かったようなので、しっかり練習をしていきましょう。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 37 Deserts
The Lizard Chant
基礎英語 Lessons 45 & 46
Grammar One
Chapter 7 These are mine
Presentation story
Exercise #1  (pp. 22-23)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Junior-2 June 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, June 25th, 2013.
It's cloudy, rainy and sunny today.
Did you like any of those foreign names?
What do your parents usually call you?
今日は、name, call などの動詞の使い方、Chapter 14 Unit 1 のRecapの練習をしましたね。
テストが終わったらRecap の復習もしておいてくださいね。
How often do you come to MEL School?
Star Team では、久しぶりにHow often ...? を使った応答練習をしました。
We didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speakers are Sho, Soichiro and Hitomi. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 45 & 46
Star Team  Unit 3  Communication  How often do you ...?
Bridge to MEL to 2
Verbs from Book 1 #21-27
Writing practice #21-27
(p. 25)
Chapter 14 Unit 1  Recap (p. 36)
Unit 2 Grammar and Communication-1
name, call の使い方
Name quiz
Exercise-1 #1 (pp. 37-38)

See you on Thursday!


Lesson Report-Adv.1-Jun.25th.

Dear Adv-1 Classmates,
So, what do you think of Gaokao, China's state-sanctioned college entrance exams?
Is it fair to all? Is judging one's future or fate only by a test score?
Think and write your opinion.
[1] Reading: Cover to Cover-3 Unit 1- Part 2  Changing Faces #2
- Review reading w/CD=> Communication Tasks-> Vocabulary
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500
- Review #29 Severe weather in the central US => Voc. Writing
- Practice #30 Orientation Meeting => Lis. Task Explain what you will enjoy, learn and experience.
[3] Writing: Gaokao-2
Review Reading Gaokao-1: Gaokao opened to migrant students-1.a
Gaokao-2: Gaokao, the bottom line of social equality-Opinion by the state newspaper
What do you think of gaokao, a one-time nationwide college entrance exam?
Do you think it’s a fair opportunity beyond wealth and family background as quoted by the People’s Daily?Write your response within 100 words. => HW

Lesson Report Senior-2 June 24th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday
, June 25th, 2013.
It's sunny today.
Some of you looked sleepy or tired yesterday.
The weather changes all the time recently, so it's not strange for everyone to be in a bad condition.
What you have to do is to concentrate on what you have to do now!
When you attend a class, you have to concentrate on it.
When you talk with someone, you need to listen to him or her eagerly.
All you can do is just trying your best!
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
Next speakers are still Yuka and Yu.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Warm up: Talk about the weekend
Cover to Cover Unit 10 Animals Part 1 The Camel Library
Comprehension check, Looking at Vocabulary in Context, Communication task
Bridge Work
Chapter 35 Unit 1
Vocabulary in Use #2 実験などに関することば
Chapter 35 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 関係代名詞の作り方-4:what の使い方
Exercise-1 #1
Deep listening Lesson 10 Heart beats

See you on Thursday!


Lesson Report-Adv.2-Jun.23rd

Dear Adv.2 Classmates,
Hope you enjoyed the special lesson at APU Tokyo Campus on Sunday.
Which teaching style or approach, or learning style do you prefer, Confucian or Socratic?
Either case, the key is how eager and hard you work on the topic.
Please be reminded that there will be no lesson on Monday, June 24th.

Asia Pacific University Lecture at Sophia Tower, Ohtemachi from 1:00-4:00pm on Jun. 23rd
on Japan’s Retail Marketing by Prof. Kenji Yokoyama
- Lecture: Confucian Style vs. Socratic Approach, Business and Management
- Workshop: Feature Analysis of convenience stores, UNIQLO, Muji, Don Quixote, Daiso

We'll have a review discussion about the lecture on Thursday, Jun. 27th.

Lesson Report Junior-1 June 22nd

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Saturday, June 22nd, 2013.
It's sunny, cloudy ,and rainy today.
今日のレッスンでは、this is, that are の使い方に続いて、that is, these are の使い方の練習をしました。みんなよくわかったようですね。
Star Team では、みんなのfamily tree を書いてもらいました。
Today's speaker was Kentaro. 弟さんについてお話しましたね。はっきりとお話ができました!
次のスピーチの担当はHinakoです。Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 43 & 44
Bridge Work
Chapter 2 Unit 2 Grammar and Communication-2
複数形の作り方-2 (不規則変化)
Exercise-2 #1, 2
That is, Those are, That isn't, Those aren't
(pp. 31-33)
Star Team Unit 4
Vocabulary Members of the family (p. 25)
Song All Around the World (p. 27)

See you next week!


Lesson Report-Sr.1-Jun.22nd

Dear Sr.1 Classmates,
While I was eating breakfast, someone called me on my smart phone.
I dopped my knife while I was eating my fried eggs.
I burned my lips when I tried to sip my coffee.
Have you learned how to use the past simple and past continuous?
[1] NHK基礎英語
Lesson 43 Can I really help them?
Lesson 44 Have you rented out your house?                  
[2] Star Team-2: Unit 3 Ricky’s Question
Culture: Roman Towns
Review: Units 1-4/p.29 - Ex-3/p.28: While I was going home …
[3] Bridge Work Voc in Use: C28-U1 #2 人の生活や一生に関することばVoc-Writing WB/p.71
[4] Bridge Work Book 3: C28-U2 Has Fred already left for school?
Review-> Write or Rewrite 10 or more sentences about what you did, have/haven’t done, need to/have to/be going to/will do this week or today in 15 minutes.
Identify 1. Subject, 2. Verb/Tense, 3. Adv/Time before writing each sentence.
=>Talk=> Ask/Answer Questions=> Report

Lesson Report Primary-1 June 21st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, June 22nd, 2013.
It's cloudy today.
きのうのレッスンでは、Picture Dictionary のUnit Fruit in the Gymで、パズルの中から単語を見つけるゲームをしましたね。
Up and Away のテキストでは、Hello. How are you? などのあいさつを練習しました。
Reader Book では、Dinosaur が吹いた火を消すのにMay がPicture Board に firefighter を描きましたね。続きが楽しみですね!

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 6 Fruit in the Gym
Dialog  Do you want a mango?  Yes, please. / No, thanks.
Worksheet #1
The Papaya Chant
Up and Away Student Book
Unit 11 Hello. How are you?
Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.  (pp. 25-26)
Workbook Unit 11  A (pp. 18)
Reader 1A Magic Picture Board (pp. 6-11)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-2 June 21st

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, June 22nd, 2013.
It's cloudy today.
今日のレッスンでは、Picture Dictionary のDesertsのトピックの総復習をしました。
Grammar One では 今回もこれまでの復習をしました。
質問への答え方は、Yes, he is.になるのか、 Yes, it is. になるのか、など聞かれていることをよく考える必要がありましたね。
Reader では、前回は白夜についてのお話が出てきましたが、今回は冬にはまったく日が昇らないことについて学びましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 37 Deserts
Worksheet #2
The Lizard Chant
基礎英語 Lessons 43 & 44
Grammar One
Revision 1 #2, 4 (pp. 18-19)
Reader 3-B Adventure with Good Friend (pp.19-21)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Junior-2 June. 21st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, June 22nd, 2013.
It's cloudy today.
When do your exams start? When do they end?
きのうの基礎英語のレッスンでは、When ...? を使った表現を復習しましたね。
Bridge to MEL では、 Could you swim 100m when you were eight? など、
when ... を使って「~のとき」といつのことかを加える文の作り方を練習しました。
会話になると、答えるときには I could swim 100m when I was eight. のように
you were を I was に言いかえるのが慣れないと難しかったですね。
We didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speakers are Sho and Soichiro. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 43 & 44
Review 11
Bridge to MEL to 2
Verbs from Book 1 #16-20
Writing practice #16-20
(p. 24)
Chapter 14 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2
Verbs to learn
Exercise-2 #5
Grammar and Communication-3 when を使った文
Verbs to learn -4 build, buy, fall, grow, sell
Exercise-3  #1-a, 2

See you next week!


Lesson Report-Adv.1-Jun.21th

Dear Adv-1 Classmates,
Are you now more interested in anthropolgy?
It seems to have substantial influence on how people view others, their cultures and values, doesn't it?
It also seems that it's not how smart you are but how eager you to learn something.
At any rate, it's important to do your best.
[1] Reading: Cover to Cover-3 Unit 1- Part 2  Changing Faces #1
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500          
- Review #28 A visit to the La Brea Tar Pits => Voc. Writing
- Practice #29 Severe weather in the central US=> Lis. Task What are tornados like in the U.S.?
[3] Listening & Communication: Open Forum-1  C-5 Web
Student Presentation about Margaret Mead, Anthropologist
- Lis-1-> Exercises-> Lis-2=> Com Tasks
Part-1: Explain how Mead’s childhood was like.
Part-2: Explain what others thought then and how she thought.
Part-3: Explain what she found in Samoa.
Part-4: Explain her belief. 

Lesson Report Senior-2 June 20th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday
, June 20th 2013.
It was rainy today.
Was it interesting for you to learn about the UN?
There are many organizations and units in it.
You know well about some of those as you studied about them in social studies class when you were in elementary school.
I'm sure you had fun in TUNE IN lesson.
You talked about your favorite movie with your partner, didn't you?
We become talkative when we talk about our favorite things, don't we?
The composition you tried in Bridge Work lesson was challenging, and you worked very hard!
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers today.
Next speakers are Yuka and Yu.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Warm up: Talk about the week
Cover to Cover  Unit 10 Animals Part 1 The Camel Library Review reading
Bridge Work
Chapter 35 Unit 1
Vocabulary in Use #1 戦争や兵器に関することば
Workbook (p. 99)
Grammar in Use   United Countries and Bodies

See you next week!


Lesson Report-Adv.2-Jun.20th

Dear Adv-2 Classmates,
The movie I saw last week was so funny that I don't even remember the story line.
It was such a funny movie that I even forget the title of it.
Have you ever seen such funny movies that you couldn't help laughing crazy?
[1] Listening: Open Forum-2 Chapter 3 Food Science 
Interview with a Food Scientist
Preparing to Listen: Statistics about food and eating habit/p.22-23
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500
- Review #117 Becoming a Working Actor (2)=> Voc. Writing
[3] Grammar: Grammar in Use
- Review Unit 99-A, B, 99.1, Unit 101-A: well-adj
- Unit 102 so and such-> 102.1, 2, 3

Lesson Report-Sr.1-Jun.19th

Dear Sr.1 Classmates,
So, what have you done and haven't you done today?
If you have a lot of "haven't done" things, you have to do a lot of things from now or tomorrow.
And you'll be quite busy tomorrow!

[1] NHK基礎英語
Lesson 41 When does your summer holidays start?
Lesson 42 It’s about a day camp for primary school children.
[2] Deep Listening-1: Lesson 12 Award Experience
[3] Bridge Work Vocabulary in Use: C28-U1 #2 人の生活や一生に関することば Practice
[4] Bridge Work Book 3: C28-U2 Has Fred already left for school?
- Review-1 Pair - A: Have you done your homework yet?
- Review-2  GIU: Traveling to Oxford-1
=> Grammar Writing WB/p.9=> Sheet
Identify: 1. Subject  2. Verb/Tense  3. Adv/Time
=> Write 10 or more sentences about what you did, have/haven’t done, need to/have to/be going to/will do this week. Identify 1. Subject, 2. Verb/Tense, 3. Adv/Time before writing each sentence.

Lesson Report Junior-1 June 19th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Wednesday, June 19th, 2013.
It's cloudy and windy today.
今日のレッスンでは、Chapter 2 Unit 1 のまとめのKey Communication を練習しました。
Chapter 2 Unit 2 では、This is ..., These are ... の練習をしました。
質問文や否定文は、he isn't, they aren't, Are you, Is she ...? などと作り方は同じなので、
Star Team の歌は面白かったですね!
Today's speaker was Hinako. 弟さんについてお話しましたね。
次のスピーチの担当はKentaroです。Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 41 & 42
Bridge Work Chapter 2 Unit 1
Key Communication
(pp. 23, 28)
Chapter 2 Unit 2 Grammar and Communication-1
This is, These are, This isn't, These aren't, Is this ...?, Are these ...?
(pp. 29-30)
Star Team Unit 4
Song  All Around the World (p. 27)

See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 June 18th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, June 18th, 2013.
It's rainy today.
今日のレッスンではPicture Dictionary では、Desertsのトピックに出てくる砂漠にいる動物や植物の単語を探すゲームをしましたね。
Grammar One では これまでの復習をしました。
We're, His などの使い方を思い出したようですね。
Reader では、白夜について学ぶことができました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 37 Deserts
Worksheet #1
The Lizard Chant
基礎英語 Lessons 41 & 42
Grammar One
Revision 1  #1, 5 (pp. 18-19)
Reader 3-B Adventure with Good Friend (pp.14-19)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 June 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, June 18th 2013.
It's rainy today.
今日のレッスンでは、Picture Dictionary は新しいUnit Fruit in the Gymで、いろいろなフルーツの言い方を練習しましたね。
Up and Away のテキストでは、I am, You are, He is や Is he ...?  Are you ...? などの質問の仕方を総復習しました。上手に応答もできるようになってきましたね!
Reader Book では、Magic Picture Board にJimmyが描いたのはDinosaur Egg でした。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 6 Fruit in the Gym
スペリング練習(oral, writing)
The Papaya Chant
Up and Away Student Book  
Unit 10 Review (pp. 23-24)
Workbook Unit 10 (pp. 16-17)
Reader 1A Magic Picture Board (pp. 1-9)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Junior-2 June. 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, June 18th, 2013.
It's rainy today.
今日のレッスンでは、Who took care of you when you were little?
やWho takes care of you now? などの質問のし方と答え方を練習しましたね。
Bridge Work では、過去形の復習と、Verbs to Learn では、afford, spend, pay, forget, lose, tryなどの動詞の使い方を練習しました。
Our speaker today was Yuria.
She talked about Father's Day.
She gave him a throw pillow and flowers.
The next speaker is Yuria. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 41 & 42
Bridge to MEL to 2
Verbs from Book 1 #8-20
Writing practice #8-15
(p. 24)
Chapter 14 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2
Verbs to learn
Exercise-2 #3, 4-a, 4-b

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report-Adv.1-Jun.18th

6/23 APU: Meet at the campus at 12:45 
map=> http://www.ritsumei.jp/tokyocampus/t02_j.html
[1] Reading: Cover to Cover-3 Unit 1- Part 1  Male Beauty #2
- Review reading w/CD=> Communication Tasks-> Vocabulary
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500
- Review #26-27 A Message from Monaco(1), (2)  => Voc. Writing
- Practice #28 A visit to the La Brea Tar Pits => Lis. Task
[3] Writing-8 from Cover to Cover-Unit 12
Peer Review an essay about what aspect of your culture you want to promote to foreigners within 120 words.=> Revise => Present
- Introduce the culture you want to promote and explain it briefly
[4] Reading: Gaokao-1 Gaokao opened to migrant students-1.a
1a. テキストにあるgaokao(高考)の解放について、“hukou(戸口:戸籍)”、“出稼ぎ労働者”という言葉を用いて60語以内で説明しなさい。
[解答例] 従来戸籍のある故郷でしか大学入試を受験出来なかった出稼ぎ労働者の子供達に、主に大都市の出稼ぎ先での受験機会を与えること。(60語)

Lesson Report Senior-2 June 17th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday
, June 17th 2013.
It was sunny and hot today.
Did you enjoy the story of Aladdin?
Have you ever read the story in Japanese?
Most of you didn't seem to know much about the story.
If you are interested in reading the story in English, you can borrow the book from our library.
Also, we read about The Camel Library.
We can't imagine there are few libraries in a country, can we?
We are very fortunate to read what we want, aren' we?
Our speakers today were Yuka and Yurie.
That was Yuka's first speech in MEL School, but she tried her best!
She talked about a Karate competition. She learned an important lesson from her senior teammate.
Yurie talked about a day at Disneyland. There were a fewer people than usual, so she and her friends enjoyed the day.
Next speakers are Yuka.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Warm up: Talk about the weekend
Cover to Cover  Unit 9 Extensive Reading  Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp
Unit 10 Animals Part 1  The Camel Library
Bridge Work
Chapter 35 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2 関係代名詞を使った復習-2
Exercise-2 The first president who was murdered Review
Vocabulary in Use #1 戦争や兵器に関することば

See you on Thursday!


Lesson Report-Adv.2-Jun.17th

6/23 APU: Meet at the campus at 12:45 sharp!!!
map=>   http://www.ritsumei.jp/tokyocampus/t02_j.html
To get to the APU Tokyo campus, make sure to assume at least 15 minutes from the platform of the Chuo Line or the Metro's Ohtemachi station.

[1] Reading and Writing Book 2 Unit 5: Family Ties
Write-1 a personal letter to a friend you have not seen in a long time. Tell your friend about a new (family) business you’re creating.
=> Write-2 a response letter to the sender about what you think of the business plan and wish its success within 100 words in 15 minutes.
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500
- Review #116 Becoming a Working Actor (1) => Voc. Writing
- Practice #117 Becoming a Working Actor (2)
=> Lis Task What will you need to do to become an actor?
[3] Reading: Just Explain It: What Is Déjà Vu? 
Video: http://news.yahoo.com/video/just-explain-science-déjà-vu-213611145.html
1. Which of the following words you think the most suitable to represent Déjà Vu?
2. Explain the two more likely theories described in the text in Japanese within 150 words.

Lesson Report-Sr.1-Jun.15th

Dear Sr-1 Classmates,
Don't forget to do your homework by the next lesson.
Remember to hand it in on Monday.
You've got to try to speak and read Englsih louder!
You'll be perfect if you remember the above three senences!!!
[1] NHK基礎英語
Lesson 39 I left my pencil case at home.
- Voc/Expression: is/are broken, another one, left ~ at …, no more ~ until …, forget to, try to
Lesson 40 You don’t need to worry.
- Voc/Expression: so ~/such ~, Well done, be proud of you.
[2] Star Team-2: Unit 3 Ricky’s Question
- Review Presentation Story -> Voc: What a coincidence!
[3] Bridge Work Vocabulary in Use: C28-U1 #1 農業に関することばVoc-Writing WB/p.70
[4] Bridge Work Book 3: C28-U2 Has Fred already left for school?
- G&C-2:have, do を使った現在完了の運用表現-> Ex-2. 1-> 2
- G&C-3: have got, have got to の表現-> Ex-3. 1-> 2.=> Activity-2 WB/p.7
- GIU: Traveling to Oxford -1