Are you now more interested in anthropolgy?
It seems to have substantial influence on how people view others, their cultures and values, doesn't it?
It also seems that it's not how smart you are but how eager you to learn something.
At any rate, it's important to do your best.
[1] Reading: Cover to Cover-3 Unit 1- Part 2 Changing Faces #1
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500
- Review #28 A visit to the La Brea Tar Pits => Voc. Writing
- Practice #29 Severe weather in the central US=> Lis. Task What are tornados like in the U.S.?
[3] Listening & Communication: Open Forum-1 C-5 Web
Student Presentation about Margaret Mead, Anthropologist
- Lis-1-> Exercises-> Lis-2=> Com Tasks
Part-1: Explain how Mead’s childhood was like.
Part-2: Explain what others thought then and how she thought.
Part-3: Explain what she found in Samoa.
Part-4: Explain her belief.
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