Lesson Report-Senior.1-Nov.30th

Dear Sr-1 Classmates,
What part of the lesson interested you the most today?
What were you interested in the most?
What was the most interesting part of the lesson?
You've learned how to use interest-interesting-interested!
[1] Communication: NHK基礎英語-3             
<1A> Review Practice: You look great in the blue sweater. It looks expensive. It was in a sale. I got it cheap. It cost me only \900.
Lesson-112   - Voc: try to …, explain about, invite ~ to …, dress code, give details about,
Lesson-111   - Voc: thoughtful, recently, software
Write a thank-you letter to someone for his/her gift, advice or help.
<1A> Practice & Writing: Who are you writing an email to?  I want to invite my aunt to my birthday party. It’s thoughtful of you to invite me to your Christmas party.
[2] Star Team-2: Bonus Unit-1 - School in the UK: Exercise-2
- Voc: secondary school, religious education, economics, sociology, optional subject, ambition
[4] Bridge Work  C32-U2 My mom made me clean the kitchen.
<1A> Review Gr-Writing-WB/p.29, Key Communication
- G&C-1: 受動態の慣用表現-> Ex-1=> Grammar Writing WB/p.30
<1B> Review Grammar Writing WB/p.30

- G&C-1: 過去分詞と現在分詞-ingの使い方=> Key Points => Activity-1WB/p.31

Lesson Report Junior-1 November 30th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, November 30th, 2013.
It was sunny and cold today.
Star Teamでは新しいPresentation Storyに入りました。
We had two speakers today.
Chiharu talked about her brother.
Takuya talked about his sister.
The next speaker is Shintaro.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 111 & 112
Bridge Work
Chapter 8 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2  Verbs to learn
(p. 124)
Star Team 
Unit 9  Presentation story Give the ball to me!
(p. 48)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Junior-1E November 30th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, November 30th, 2013.
It's sunny today.
今日のレッスンではChapter 6 Unit 1のまとめのKey Communicationの練習しました。
そして、Unit 2では疑問詞の使い方を練習しました。
Star Teamでは発音や早口言葉、歌を練習しました。

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 111 & 112
Bridge Work
Chapter 6 Unit 1
Key Communication
(p. 88)
Chapter 6  Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1
Exercise-1 #1
Star Team Unit 2
Pronunciation (p. 18)
Song At the weekend (p. 19)

See you next week!!


Lesson Report Junior-2 November 29th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, November 30th, 2013.

What did you have to do yesterday?
What do you have to do now?
What will you have to do in the near future?
きのうのレッスンでは、have to, had to, will have toの使い方を練習しました。
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speakers are Sho and Shunta.

Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 111 & 112
Bridge to MEL 2

Chapter 20 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2
had to, will have to
Exercise-2  #1, 2
(pp. 130-131)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-2 November 29th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, November 30 , 2013.
It's sunny today. It`s a very cold morning.
Picture Dictionary Topic 47 Worksheetはとても良くできていました。
Grammar ではcan cannot に関する文作りをしました。できたら復習してください。
<Lesson Review>
Phonics Jingle
Picture Dictionary Topic 48 At the Vet`s
Sing chant together
Worksheet Topic 48
基礎英語 #113,114
Grammar One
Chapter 15 Page 44 can / cannot exercise 1
Reader 4A Sunny the Ski Jumper p8-11

Have a great weekend! See you on next week!


Lesson Report Primary-1 November 29th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It’s Saturday , November 30, 2013.
It's sunny today. It was very cold this morning!
Support time で頑張っているadjectivesのコンテストはいかがですか? 
Picture Dictionary Topic 17 Spring on the Farmに入りました。
Chant に出てくる動物の鳴き声はおもしろかったですね!
Up and AwayLevel2 に入りました。My /yourは覚えましょう
The Naughty MonkeySunny は大変な事になりました。来週が楽しみですね。

<Lesson Review>
Phonics Jingle silent "e"
Picture Dictionary
Topic17 Spring on the Farm
Sing the Chant
Write new words in notebook
Up and Away Student Book Unit 1
Workbook P 1
Reader The Naughty Monkey P 12 -15

Hope you have a fun weekend! See you on Tuesday .


Lesson Report Senior-2 November 28th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, November 29th, 2013.
We learned about the difference between "a sport fan" and "fanatic" yesterday.
Did you understand what was written well?
You tried to analyze how the text was organized and explain it, then you added your opinion.
Did you find something interesting?
It's important for you when you write something to think about how to organize paragraphs.
Our speaker yesterday was Minori.
She talked about Angkor Wat in Cambodia.
The next speaker is Yu. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
BW  Chapter 37 Unit 2 Vocabulary in Use #4
=> Workbook p. 112
Cover to Cover 2 Unit 5 Sports Part 2 Fans or Fanatics?
Fluency strategy A => B => Checking Fluency and Comprehension
Communication Task-1 この文章の構成を分析して説明しなさい。
Open Forum Chapter 4  Part 2
Lis-3 w/Script-> Voc, Pronun=> Talk about your earliest memory
Speaking Skills=> Practice

See you next week!


See you tomorrow!

Lesson Report-Advancing-Nov.28th

Dear Advancing Classmates,
Do you now have what Kopernik does and how their Social Business Model work?
As you learned, it 's a unique concept that may explore a new way of helping others in a sustainable fashion by taking full advantage of the Internet and people's conscience. 
Be on time to the lecture on Monday at Temple University in Minami Azabu.
[1] Pre-Lesson: An Inspiring Lecture by Toshihiro Nakamura, Co-Founder and CEO, Kopernik
- About Kopernik:Video->Read what Kopernik’s is about and their organization and mechanism
1. What’s Kopernik?=> Task-1: Discuss what Kopernik does and how it works.
2. FUNDRAISING=> Task-2: Explain and convince your partner to donate money.
3. FELLOWSHIPS=> Task-3:Are you interested in working at K0pernik as fellow? Why/why not?
- corn sheller:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UatmLq8RjV8
- paddy mower: Photoes  http://kopernik.info/update/how-to-harvest-rice-and-intoxicate-mice
[2] Review Reading Task: Space archaeologist

Lesson Report Junior-1E November 28th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, November 28th, 2013.
It's sunny today.
今日のレッスンでは、ついにStar TeamのRole Playをしました。
Bridge Workのレッスンではいろいろな質問の仕方、答え方を練習しました。

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 109 & 110
Bridge Work
Chapter 6 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2
How often ...? を使った疑問文 Review
Exercise-2 #3
Grammar in Use  Jennifer's talk with her grandma
(pp. 85-87)
Star Team Unit 1 Presentation story
You're a good player! Role play

See you on Saturday!!


MEL News - December 2013

12月のMEL School からのお知らせです
2学期からMEL Schoolには新しく井上久美子先生が加わりました。 井上先生は小学校、大学を米国で過ごし、中学、高校は日本で教育を受けたバイリンガルです。
井上先生の自己紹介はこちら=> http://melschool-update.blogspot.jp/2013/11/new-teacher.html

年末最後のレッスン(12/23, 24, 25, 26)では、恒例のクリスマスケーキ(今年はフルーツタルト)を食べながら楽しくクラスのみんなとお話ができれば、と思います。そして2学期最後のプレゼンテーションテストもあるので、学習の成果を発揮してくれることを願っています!おうちでもぜひ鏡の前で繰り返し練習して聞き手に伝わる発表ができるようお声掛けください。

Primary-1, Junior-1 クラスについては、12月に面談をお願いする予定です。

5級 1,200円 4級 1,300円 3級 2,300円 準2級 3,400円 2級 4,100円

英検能力測定は 12月14日(土)、17日(火)、20日(金)に行います。
12月14日(土) 5級 13:30-14:30  4級 14:30-15:35  3級 15:40-16:40
12月17日(火) 準2級 19:30-21:00
12月20日(金) 2級 19:30-21:10



from Towako Asai
MEL School 三鷹

Lesson Report-Senior.1-Nov.27th

Dear Senior-1 Classmates,
Sorry haven't written you for such a long time. I've been busy doing ...
I look forward to seeing you on ...
Best regards,
Have you learned how to with a letter or an email like the above? 
Then, write one to someone you haven't contacted for a while!
[1] Communication: NHK基礎英語-3            
<1A> Review Practice  - I wonder where we can get tickets. I’m wondering if I can pass my math test the day after tomorrow. Could you tell me where we can get a map?
Lesson-109  - Voc: get on with, P.S. intelligent, in a sale-on sale, show ~ around
I can do it!/p.78
=> Write to Update Write a letter to someone close to you on what you’ve been up to.
<1A> Review Writing: ~ is the town (that) I live in.  ~ is the place where you want to live.
Do you know the place your grandpa used to live in?  ~ is the place where my grandpa used live.
[2] Deep Listening-2 - Lesson 14  Living Alone
[3] Bridge Work: C32-U2 My mom made me clean the kitchen
<1A> Reporting - KC => Gr-Writing-WB/p.29

<1B> G&C-1: 受動態の慣用表現-> Ex-1=> Grammar Writing WB/p.30

Lesson Report Junior-1 November 27th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, November 27th, 2013.
It was sunny and windy today.
今日のレッスンでは、me, him, her, it, us, you, them などの使い方を練習しました。
Star Teamではいろいろな職業について学びました。
What's your favorite subject? など、以前練習した内容を忘れていた人はしっかり復習してください。
We didn't have any speakers today.
The next speakers are Chiharu and Takuya.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 109 & 110
Bridge Work
Chapter 7 Unit 2
Grammar in Use  Is it snowing in Denver?
(p. 120)
Key Communication (p. 121)
Chapter 8 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  代名詞の目的格
Exercise-1 #1 (pp. 122-123)
Star Team 
Unit 7  Culture  Jobs and ambitions
(p. 41)

See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 November 26th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, November 27, 2013.
It's sunny today.
Phonics silent 'e' songは次回から一緒に唄いましょう!
Grammarのクイズは皆よくできていました。Good work!
New reader の音読は時間がある時に練習してください!

<Lesson Review>
Phonics Jingle silent e
Picture Dictionary Topic 48 At the Vet's
Sing chant together
基礎英語 #109, #110
Grammar One
Chapter 14 Exercise 6
Reader Sunny the Ski Jumper (p4-7)

Have a nice wonderful week ! See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 November 26th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It’s Wednesday, November 27, 2013.
It's sunny today. 
Support time で学習しているadjectives のコンテストに参加してくれてthank you
次回はPicture Dictionary Topic 17 にはいります!
Up and Away Level 1finish! 次回はLevel 2 に入ります。

<Lesson Review>
Phonics Jingle silent e
Picture Dictionary
Topic 16 The Weather
Sing the Chant
Topic 16 Worksheet
Up and Away Student Book Simple Present : More verbs
Workbook p45,46

Have a great week! See you on Friday .


Lesson Report Junior-2 November 26th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, November 26th, 2013.

We practiced how to use "have to" again today.
Are you getting used to it?
We'll learn about "had to" and "will have to" next time.
I hope every one of you will understand how to use them well!
Our speaker today was Mahiro.
She talked about visiting Showa kinen park to enjoy autumn leaves.
She showed some pictures and they looked beautiful.
The next speaker is Sho.

Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 109 & 110
Bridge to MEL 2

Chapter 20 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1
have to, has to, don't have to, doesn't have to
Exercise-1 #2, 3, and 4
Verbs to learn: deliver
Exercise-1  #5
(pp. 128-130)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report-Advancing-Nov.25th

Dear Advancing class students,
You may not consider yourself good at doing math or dealing with numbers. But sooner or later, they will become part of your life, at least to certain extent.
The more numerical indexes you have, the better your understanding on relevant issues. For example, the population, the prices of houses or smartphnes or even calories of food.
Don't you think it's helpful to have numerical indexes?
[1] Reading & Writing: U-9 Numbers
- Voc/p.171: be flattered (=honored) - You’re trying to flatter me, Don’t flatter yourself (think you can do)
- Reading-2-> Main Ideas, Details
- Vocabulary Skill: Numbers and mathematical terms-> [A]
=> Pair Ask four math problems with one or two digits
=> What do you think-B/p.176: 2. Some people have a natural ability in math or dealing with numbers, while others struggle with them. Do you like dealing with numbers? Why or why not?
Write your response within eight sentences. 
[2] Vocabulary Review: Daily 1500- 2nd Round  #10, 11, 12
[3] Reading Comprehension/Writing Task by Asai

- Reading Task: Space archaeologist-> Exercises=> Task

Lesson Report-Sr.1-Nov.23rd

Do you know where your grandfather was born?
Can you tell me what his favorite food was when he was a child?
Do you have any idea what he wanted to be when he was young?
Find out and report!
[1] Communication: NHK基礎英語-3             
<1A> Review Practice: ~ is the town (that) I live in.  ~ is the place where you want to live.
Do you know the place your grandpa used to live in?  ~ is the place where my grandpa used live.
Lesson-107     - Voc: souvenir
One more thing/p.67: I wonder where/if
Lesson-108   - Voc: stationary, stuffed toy, exit, dinosaur, I bet …
<1A> Practice & Writing: I wonder where we can get tickets. I’m wondering if I can pass my math test the day after tomorrow. Could you tell me where we can get a map?
[2] Star Team-2: Bonus Unit-1
- School in the USA: Exercise-2=> Pair
- Voc: compulsory, elective, contemporary music, freshman-sophomore-junior-senior, major in
[4] Bridge Work  C32-U1 He came up with an idea to solve the problem.
<1A> - Review: GIU-> (4)
<1B> - Review: GIU
- Reporting => Gr-Writing-WB/p.29

Lesson Report Junior-1 November 23rd

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, November 23rd, 2013. It was a beautiful sunny day!
Why ...? で理由をたずね、 because を使って答える練習もたくさんしましたね。
また、when she watches a sad movieのように「~するときに」という意味のwhenの使い方も練習しました。
次回はKey Communicationのテストです。
The speaker today was Sae.
She talked about her sister's daily routine.
The next speaker is Chiharu.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 107 & 108
Bridge Work
Chapter 7 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2
Why ...?  ... because ...の応答
動詞の紹介ー10 bark, cry, laugh, need
Exercise-2 #1, 2
(pp. 118-119)
Key Communication (p. 121)
Star Team 
Unit 8 Song Can we go out together?
(p. 45)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-2 November 22nd

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, November 23, 2013.
It's sunny today. Are you enjoying your day off?
Picture Dictionary Topic 47 に入りました。 
Human tiger の違いに 注目しましょう!
Grammar では散らかっているNick`s bedroom に関する文作りをしました。
Reader の Sunny the Ski Jumperは次回も頑張って読みましょう!
<Lesson Review>
Phonics Jingle
Picture Dictionary Topic 48 At the Vet's
Sing chant together
基礎英語 #107, #108
Grammar One
Chapter 14 Page 43 ⑤ Nick's bedroom
Reader 4A Sunny the Ski Jumper p2-3

Have a great weekend! See you on next week!


Lesson Report Primary-1 November 22nd

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It’s Saturday, November 23, 2013.
It's sunny today. Are you enjoying your day off?
Support time で練習しているadjectivesはたくさん覚えましたか? 
Up and Awayworkbookに出てきたverbsは皆とてもよくできていました。Good work!
The Naughty Monkeyに出てくるadjectivesを意識しながら音読がんばりましょう。

<Lesson Review>
Phonics Jingle
Picture Dictionary
Topic 16 The Weather
Sing the Chant
Up and Away Student Book Unit 31 Verbs P71 Let's ...!  P72
Workbook P 44
Reader The Naughty Monkey P 8-11

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! See you on Tuesday .


Lesson Report Junior-2 November 22nd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, November 22nd, 2013.

Did you like the Christmas tree in MEL School?
We are having a small Christmas party in a month!
After that, you can enjoy your holiday.
Tomorrow is holiday.
Do you have anything to do?
Do you have to do your homework?
Most of you had to study for the exams last weekend, didn't you?
We had two speakers today, Hitomi and Kaede.
Hitomi talked about her tests.
Kaede talked about her visiting Disneysea.
The next speaker is Mahiro.

Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 107 & 108
Bridge to MEL 2
Chapter 20 Unit 1
Chapter 20 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1
have to, has to, don't have to, doesn't have to
Exercise-1  #1

See you next week!


Lesson Report Senior-2 November 21st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, November 22nd, 2013.
The debate seminar is tomorrow!
Are you ready?
I'm sure you'll have fun there.
We've just reached the final chapter of Bridge Work.
It's been a long way since you started to learn English with Bridge Work.
Some of you didn't even know how to spell or read the alphabets when you started learning English here.
You've learned many things for only a few years. Hope you'll keep growing!
Our speakers yesterday were Yuka and Keisuke.
Yuka talked about an unusual sport, cell phone throwing from Finland.
Keisuke talked about a sport event. His school soccer team will go to the national competition!
The next speaker is Minori. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Cover to Cover
Unit 5 Sports Part 1 Michelle Wie
Communication Task-1 #2
Bridge Work Chapter 37 Unit 2
Vocabulary in Use #3 文明、思考などに関することば
Workbook p. 111
Chapter 38 1.時制の運用 Review exercise
Grammar Two, Three  a/an, theの使い方

See you tomorrow!


Lesson Report-Advancing-Nov.21st

Dear Advancing Classmates,
If you change your official language to English, you'll learn more new things but lose some of your culture gradually and identity eventually after several generations.
If you look at the descendants of immigrants, especially the ones whose parents are from different races, like the third generation and after in the U.S. All they carry on may  be their last names. But are they unhappy?
[1] Listening & Communication: Open Forum-2
Chapter 7 Language and Communication: Presentation on Language Change and Loss
- Prepare to Listen
-1st Listening/through: Find the Main Ideas and More Detail
- 2nd Listening/by part: Explain;
  [Part-1] Explain the background of the situation
  [Part-2] Explain why the topic of language loss is important
  [Part-3] Explain how the programs to revive/ preserve languages.
=>Task Do you think it’s important to preserve dying languages? Why or why not?
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500  - 2nd Round  #7,8,9

[3] Grammar in Use by Asai=> Review Reading Task: Sleep 'cleans' the brain of toxins

Lesson Report Junior-1E November 21st

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, November 21st, 2013.
It's sunny today.
今日のレッスンでは、How often ...? を使っていろいろなことをする頻度を尋ねる練習をしました。
パートナーとの応答では、Read and look up や 日本語から英語にしたりしましたね。
今日は時間切れでStar TeamのRole playができず残念でした。

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 107 & 108
Bridge Work
Chapter 6 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2
動詞の紹介-6 clean, wash, cook, take ... for a walk, come to ...
How often ...? を使った疑問文
Exercise-2 #2-a, Worksheet
(pp. 84-85)
Star Team Unit 1 Presentation story
You're a good player!

See you on Thursday!!


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Nov.20th

Dear Senior 1 Classmates,
Exam time! How are you doing? Working hard may not be just enough to get good test scores.
You need to work harder during class and work harder before the exams, like your parents or teachers always say. It is just like attending MEL School and practicing hard twice a week, 96 times a year!
[1] Communication: NHK基礎英語-3             
<1A> Review Practice    I wonder if boys look nicer in yellow. I wonder what color looks good on me.
 I read a book that says students should practice English every day.
Lesson-105     - Voc: guidebook, enclosure
Lesson-106     - Voc: territory, kiosk, be located, recommend
One more thing/p.63: a place where
<1A> Review Writing: ~ is the town (that) I live in.  ~ is the place where you want to live.
Do you know the place your grandpa used to live in?  ~ is the place where my grandpa used live.
[2] Deep Listening-2 - Lesson 13 Dilemma
-> Voc: leak, power failed, rent, brand-new, run down, put up with, same amount of,
[3] Bridge Work: C32-U1 He came up with an idea to solve the problem.
<1A> - Review: Exercises-WB/p.28
- GIU: The outbreak of an influenza epidemic-> (1)-(3)
<1B> - Review Exercises-WB/p.28
- GIU: The outbreak of an influenza epidemic

Self=> Task-和訳 Influenza, epidemic and pandemic]  

Lesson Report Junior-1 November 20th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, November 20th, 2013. It was a beautiful sunny day!
We have only ten days to go this month.
Time flies!
You did a good job!
The speaker today was Tomoya.
He talked about his sister's daily routine.
The next speaker is Sae.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 105 & 106
Bridge Work
Chapter 7 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1
動詞の紹介-9 feel, visit
Exercise-1 #3-a, 3-b.  Worksheet
(p. 117)
Star Team 
Unit 8 Pronunciation  The sounds /y/ and /w/
Song  Can we go out together?
(pp. 44-45)
Review: Units 5 to 8 
Jobs #6 (p. 47)

See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Junior-2 November 19th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, November 20th, 2013.
It's a sunny and beautiful day!
Did you enjoy TK sensei's lesson yesterday?
Would you like to go to the Grand Canyon someday?
How would you like to go there?
To tell you the truth, I hate riding the helicopter.
By the way, most of you are having exams this week, aren't you?
Unfortunately, we didn't have a speaker yesterday.
The next speakers are Hitomi and Kaede.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 105 & 106
Star Team  Unit 7  Culture
Bridge to MEL 2
Chapter 20 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2
Exercise-2  #2 Review
#3-a. 3-b. 

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 November 19th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It's  Wednesday, November 20, 2013.
It's sunny today.  But it is chilly!
Picture Dictionary の At the Doctor' s bingo, bongo はいつもと少し違うやり方でしたが、どうでしたか?
New reader に登場するSunny の正体はmonkey でしたね!次回が楽しみです。

<Lesson Review>
Phonics Jingle
Picture Dictionary Topic 47 At the Doctor's
Sing chant together
Bongo, bingo
Grammar One
Chapter 14 P 42 Exercise  3, 4
Reader Sunny the Ski Jumper  (p1-2)

Have a nice week !    See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 November 19th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.                                                        
How are you?
It's sunny today.  But it' s chilly.
Supportime adjectives をたくさん書きました。
Picture Dictionary Topic 16 The Weather の単語は覚えましたか?
Up and AwayUnit 30 Why? /becauseは少し複雑な内容です。
The Naughty Monkey は面白いですね!
Up and Away  student book に出てきたadjectives がたくさん出てきました!

<Lesson Review>
Phonics Jingle
Picture Dictionary
Topic 16  The Weather
Sing the  Chant
Up and Away Student Book p 69,70
Workbook p43
Reader  The Naughty Monkey  P4-7

Have a good week!  See you on Friday .


Lesson Report Junior-1E November 19th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, November 19th, 2013.
It's sunny today.
今日のレッスンでは前回練習したVerbs to Learn の動詞の文を復習しました。
Star TeamではRole Playをしました。

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 105 & 106
Bridge Work
Chapter 6 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2
動詞の紹介-6 clean, wash, cook, take ... for a walk, come to ...
Exercise-2 #1
(p. 84)
Star Team  Unit 1 Presentation story
You're a good player!
Role play

See you on Thursday!!


Lesson Report Senior-2 November 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, November 19th, 2013.
What a beautiful day!
What did you think of Michelle Wie?
Do you admire her? There are some great athletes around the world, and she is one of them.
They are talented for sure, but we shouldn't forget about the effort they have made to be the toughest.
Without making effort, you can't achieve anything. That's true for all of us.
So always try your best, but don't try too hard, otherwise you will be worn out before you get things done.
Our speaker yesterday was Tomohiro.
He talked about his cheering performance at school.
He was the moderator of the event.
The next speakers are Yuka and Keisuke. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Cover to Cover
Unit 5  Sports Part 1 Michelle Wie
Vocabulary in context
Bridge Work  Chapter 37 Unit 2
Vocabulary in Use #2 社会に関することば Review
Workbook p. 110
Open Forum Chapter 4 Part 1
Psychology: TV Program-how to improve memory
Lis-2=> Tasks Part-4,5 Lis-3 w/Script, Explain what Boot Camp is, how it works

See you on Thursday!


Lesson Report-Advancing-Nov.18th

Dear Advancing Classmates,
Making inference is fun, isn't it? There are basically two ways to make inferences. One is deductive and the other is inductive. Deduction is a way to infer a general law or principle by inferring from particular instances. Induction is another way to make inference by particular facts and examples.
Which way of inference do you prefer?
[1] Reading & Writing: U-9 Numbers
Review: Inference=> Extra Task Monkey Math. Can you make these inferences? Explain why you think so.
[2] Vocabulary Review: Daily 1500- 2nd Round  #4, 5, 6
[3] Reading Comprehension/Writing Task by Asai

- Reading Task: Sleep 'cleans' the brain of toxins=> Reviewed on Nov.21 for GIU

Lesson Report-Senior 1-Nov.16th

Dear Senior-1 Classmates,
Do you want to be free from homework someday?
You aren't through with your study yet. You're far from over.
In fact, it's important to be ready for more study!
[1] Communication: NHK基礎英語-3         
<1A> Review Practice: - Reading a book always makes me bored. 
- I want to pass the Eiken exam but I wonder if I can pass it.  - I’m sure you’ll pass it easily
Lesson-103 - Voc: unfortunately, find/get/buy one, something warm/nice, suit(v)
Lets Chant!/p.47 How about this?
Lesson-104      - Voc: a large selection of, flashy, go with
One more thing/p.51: I dont know what color looks good on me.
<1A> Practice & Writing:
          I wonder if boys look nicer in yellow. I wonder what color looks good on me.
          I read a book that says students should practice English every day.
[2] Star Team-2: Unit 9 We’ll need a name!
- Hope Street: Write what will happen within one quotation each and a narration.
[3] Vocabulary in Use: C32-U1 #2 熟語-1 <1B> Voc-Writing WB/p.88
[4] Bridge Work  C32-U1 He came up with an idea to solve the problem.
<1A> - Review G&C-3 -> Ex-3.1=> Exercises-WB/p.28

<1B> - Review G&C-3     -> Ex-3.1=> Exercises-WB/p.28

Lesson Report Junior-1E November 16th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, November 16th, 2013.
It's sunny today.
今日のレッスンでは、前回に引き続き always, usually, often, sometimes, never

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 103 & 104
Bridge Work
Chapter 6 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1
Exercise-1 #2-a, 2-b
Grammar and Communication-2
動詞の紹介-6 clean, wash, cook, take ... for a walk, come to ...
(pp. 83-84)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Junior-1 November 16th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, November 16th, 2013.
It's sunny today.
人の質問を上手に直せた人、Good job!
Star Teamでは 's の使い方を復習しました。
発音では、's も s' も同じなので、書くときに気をつけましょう!
The speaker today was Kentaro.
He talked about his brother's daily routine.
The next speaker is Tomoya.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 103 & 104
Bridge Work
Chapter 7 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1
動詞の紹介-9 feel, visit
Exercise-1 #1 Review
#2-a, 2-b. 質問づくり
(pp. 115-116)
Star Team Review: Units 5 to 8
Possesive 's #3 (p. 46)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Junior-2 November 15th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, November 16th, 2013.
It's a sunny and beautiful day!
Most of you are having the exams next week, so you have to study hard this beautiful weekend.
I'm sorry about it!
I'm hoping everyone will get a good result!
きのうのレッスンでは、hope to, decide toなどの表現の復習と、文章の内容についての質問づくりをしましたね。
Akane and Hitomi got the highest score in the class!
Our speaker was Akane.
She talked about the recital of Fourth elementary school.
The next speaker is Hitomi.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 103 & 104
Bridge to MEL 2
Chapter 20 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2
Exercise-2 #1-a. Review -> 1-b. Make questions
#2 -> Role play
 (pp. 124-125)

See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-1 November 15th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It’s Saturday, November 16, 2013.
It's sunny today. And much warmer than yesterday!
Picture Dictionary Topic 16 The Weather に入りました。 
The Naughty Monkey に入りました。音読をがんばりましょう!

<Lesson Review>
Phonics Jingle
Picture Dictionary
Topic 16 The Weather
Sing the Chant
Up and Away Student Book Unit 29 Where is? Who is? p67,68
Workbook P 41,42
Reader The Naughty Monkey P 1-3

Hope you have a great weekend! See you on Tuesday .


Lesson Report Primary-2 November 15th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, November 16, 2013.
It's sunny today.
Grammar ではLittletonの地図を見ながら作文作り。できたら復習しておきましょう。
3D May Goes to Star Z Reading Comprehension は良くできていました。Good work!
次回はSunny the Ski Jumper Reader を必ず持ってきてください。

<Lesson Review>
Phonics Jingle
Picture Dictionary Topic 47 At the Doctor`s
Sing chant together
基礎英語 #103, #104
Grammar One
Chapter 14 Page 42 Littleton
Reader 3D Reading Comprehension

Have a great weekend! See you on next week!


Lesson Report Senior-2 November 15th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, November 15th, 2013.
It's rainy and cold today.
You talked in English a lot yesterday.
Were you able to tell others what you wanted to say?
It's still challenging for you but I can see your progress.
Before English, you have to think about the topic, and this is the most important thing.
Our speaker yesterday was Akira.
He talked about Tanabata and the moon.
He learned about the story from one of the high school entrance exams.
I think the story on the test is often really interesting.
The next speakers are Tomohiro and Yuka. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Cover to Cover
Unit 4 Crime Part 2 A Second Chance
Communication Task #2, 3
Talk about what is suitable punishment for young criminals.
Open Forum Chapter 4 Part 1
Psychology: TV Program-how to improve memory
Lis-2=> Tasks Part-4,5 Lis-3 w/Script, Explain what Boot Camp is, how it works

Have a nice weekend!


Lesson Report-Advancing-Nov.14th

Dear Advancing Classmates,
The world population today is a little over seven billion and is expected to reach eight around 2030 and nine by the middle of the century.
There are approximately a little under 130 million people in Japan.
The population of Japan has been declining and is now just around 127 million.
There are many ways to describe numbers. Using approximation will help you describe numbers easier for the others to understand. 
[1] Listening & Communication: Open Forum-2
Chapter 7 Language and Communication       Lecture about other languages in the U.S.
- Vocabulary: Expressions for Approximations w/Numbers - approximately, around, something like, just a little
=> Explain your class, school, city, country or any stats using numbers and the approximations.
Let’s Learn, Think and Talk about the World Population
=> Communication Task Read the article [1] The World Population and [2] The Global Muslim Population, and study the list [A] 10 most populous countries around 2013 and the chart and [B] UN 2012 estimates and medium variant projections. Then explain what you think is important for the future of you, your country or the people in the world to your partner and ask his/her opinions.
[2] Grammar in Use by Asai
- Review Unit 143 Phrasal Verbs-7: up-1

- Unit 144 Phrasal Verbs-8

Lesson Report Junior-1 November 13th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Thursday, November 14th, 2013.
It's getting cloudy.
The speaker yesterday speaker was Chiaki.
She talked about her sister's daily routine.
The next speaker is Kentaro.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 101 & 102
Bridge Work
Chapter 7 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1
動詞の紹介-9 feel, visit
Exercise-1 #1
Worksheet  Make questions
(pp. 114-115)

See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Nov.13th

Dear Senior-1 Classmates,
Do you know anyone who never tells lies? Can you tell me a restaurant that serves the best pizza in town?
Hope you can give answers to these questions!!!
[1] Communication: NHK基礎英語-3        
<1A> Review Practice     - I think everybody likes cats but nobody likes mice.
 - Are you busy with something?         - I’ve been busy doing my homework.
Lesson-101       - Voc: awesome, look ~ in/on …, can’t help -ing, exactly, inexpensive
I can do it/p.38: It looks good on you. You look good in ~.
Lesson-102       - Voc: embarrassing, overpriced, trendy, last a long time, not always
One more thing/p.43: who/that
<1A> Review Writing: - I don’t know anyone who never tells lies. 
- I have a friend who always tries to help others. - I know a restaurant that serves the best ~ in town.
[2] Deep Listening-2 - Lesson 12 One-sided Love
[3] Vocabulary in Use: C32-U1 #2 熟語-1    
[4] Bridge Work: C32-U1 He came up with an idea to solve the problem.
- Review G&C-3 -ing/to-[1] to ~: -> Ex-3.1[1]
- G&C-3 -ing/to-[2] -ing: -> Ex-3.1[2]

- G&C-3 -ing/to-[3] to/-ing: -> Ex-3.1[3]