MEL News April 2014

それでは、MEL News (2014年4月号)をお届けします。

News-1 4月期のレッスン開始および新年度のカレンダー

News-2 ゴールデンウィークのお休みについて

News-3 新年度クラス時間
月・木曜日   Junior-1(中1)     7:45-9:30 (サポートタイム  7:15-7:45) 
      Advancing(高2-3)      7:45-9:45 (サポートタイム  7:15-7:45) 

火・金曜日   Primary-1 (小4-5年生)5:00-5:50 (サポートタイム   4:45-5:00) 
                  Primary-2(小5-6年生) 6:00-6:50 (サポートタイム   5:45-6:00)
                  Junior-3   (中3)           7:30-9:15 (サポートタイム   7:00-7:30)
                  Senior-1  (高1, 中3)    7:30-9:30 (サポートタイム   7:00-7:30)

水・土曜日 Junior-2E (中2)           5:50-7:35 (サポートタイム  5:20-5:50) 
       Junior-2   (中2)            7:45-9:30 (サポートタイム  7:15-7:45) 
                 Senior-2   (高1)           7:45-9:45 (サポートタイム  7:15-7:45)         


News-4 New Teacher
4月からMEL Schoolに新しい先生が加わりました。
森實美春(Morizane Miharu) 先生は、静岡県出身でアメリカの大学を卒業されています。

News-5 Tablet PC

News-6 TOEIC, TOEIC-Bridge

Update-1 2014年度第1回英検申込
5級  1,500円(MEL Schoolでの受験)
4級  1,600円(MEL Schoolでの受験)
3級  2,800円(MEL Schoolでの受験)
準2級 4,100円(MEL Schoolでの受験)
2級  5,000円(本会場での受験になります)

Update-2 英検能力測定(無料)
13:00 開始 5級 および 4級
14:20 開始 3級 および 準2級
16:00 開始 2級


MEL School 三鷹
Towako Asai

Lesson Report Primary-2 March 28th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.

How are you?
It's Saturday, March 29, 2014
It's sunny and warm today!
Grammar One  Review Lesson23 Exercise 1,2 P 77を学習しました。
Reader 4C The Missing Monkey P 14-22を読みました。
The missing monkey は取り戻せましたね!

<Lesson Review>
Phonics: consonants blend, chant.
Polite e . Match cards and word cards
基礎英語 #175, 176
Grammar One
Review : Lesson 23 P77 Exercise 2

Thank you for being in my class. 
I had a wonderful time working with you. 
You are all very special students. 
I wish you lots of luck in the future and always remember : YOU CAN DO IT!

Kumiko J

Lesson Report Primary-1 March 28th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It’s Saturday, March 29, 2014.
It's sunny and warm today!
Picture Dictionary Topic23, Time and Shapesはしっかり覚えましたね。Good work!
Up and Away Unit 18の復習プリントに出てきたリスニングは少し難しかったですね。

Jimmy's Lucky Day P18-23を読みました。


<Lesson Review>
Support time: Phonics Polite Vowels chant  Use word cards
Picture Dictionary
Topic 23 Time and Shapes ()
Sing the Chant
Up and Away workbook What time is it? P37
Up and Away Homework workbook Review units 16-18 P26
Reader 2C Jimmy`s Lucky Day P18-23

Thank you for being in my class ! 
Good luck to all of you ! 
Always remember: YOU CAN DO IT !!


Lesson Report Junor-3 March 28th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Friday, March 28th, 2014.
It's sunny and warm!
You finished this school year.
Today's speaker was Yuma.
He talked about what he did yesterday.
The next speaker is Hirokuni.
Get ready for your speech!

お休みした人、Google ドライブの共有ファイルから C23U2 p187 のエクササイズ4とExercise-2 をやってから答え合わせと音読、Dictationの練習をしておいてください。


<Lesson Review>
Speech test
Bridge Work
Chapter 23 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  get + 形容詞
#3 Pair Work => #4 => Practice with tablet PC
Grammar and Communication-2  may, may not
Exercise-2 => Practice with tablet PC

Have a good weekend!
See you on Tuesday.


Lesson 24-Senior 1-Mar.28th

[1] BridgeWork: Chapter 26 Unit-2
- Grammar in Use
- Key Communication
[2] Vocabulary in Use/Asai: C26-U2 #2 身体や健康に関することば
✩Practice Reading: Words, Sentences => Voc-Writing ✩Practice Reading
[3] Read & Write: Unit 2 Work: What is a good job?
Preview the Unit: Listen to the Q Classroom-> C/p.26
=> Pair Talk about the job someone in your family or close to you.
Describe the job and Explain what you think about it and why.
- Vocabulary/p.27
[4] Presentation Test
The most impressive/memorable talks you had, or words or advice you were given for the last three years. Write in the reported speech and use at least 15 verbs and two relative pronouns (関係代名詞).
1. Introduction: In my presentation today, I’d like to talk about … First, I’ll talk about … After that, I’ll explain …
2. Describe the situation: When … => 3. Explain the talk/words/advice:
4. Conclusion: So, that was the most impressive/memorable …
=>Pair Do the presentation again to a partner=> Ask & Answer three questions.

Lesson Report Advancing-1 March 27th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, March 28th, 2014.
It's sunny and warm today.
We fianlly finished Bridge Work yesterday!
Congratulations, everyone!
Hope you will be able to use what you learned without any difficulties in the near future.
Now you are ready for the next step.
Actually, your English learning has finished, and your learning in English is starting.
You read, think and express your opinions in English!
Always try your best.

The first speakers for the new school year are Yuka and Keisuke.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
BW-3 Second Round 2 Chapter 36 Unit 2
Grammar Writing  比較、数量の表し方
Cover to Cover
Unit 11  Extensive Reading

Have a great weekend!
See you on Monday.


Lesson Report Junior-2 March 26th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, March 27th, 2014.
It's rainy today.
You did a great job on the speech test yesterday.
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speakers are Ayu and Takuya.
Get ready for your speech!

今回のレッスンをお休みした人は、Bridge Work p. 10 の解説を読んでからExerciseの1番をやって、タブレットで解答確認と練習をしてください。
タブレットPCにGoogle ドライブのC13-U1フォルダから C13U1-Ex-4-pp10-11のテキストをダウンロードして音読、テキストを見ないでリピーティング、シャドウイング(テキストを見ずに少し遅れて聞いた英語を言う練習)をしておいてください。


<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 173 & 174
Bridge Work Chapter 13 Unit 1 Grammar and Communication-3 => Exercise-3  Review Pair Work
Grammar and Communication-4  not only ... but also ..., both ... and ...
Exercise-4 #1 => Practice with tablet PC
Star Team
Unit 11 Culture  Fast food in the USA  Review Reading, Worksheet 
(p. 59) 

Enjoy your spring break!
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Junior-2E March 26th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, March 27th, 2014.
It's rainy today.
You did a great job on the speech test yesterday.
We had three speakers yesterday.
Chiaki talked about going to the movies in Shinjuku.
Kentaro talked about his baseball game.
Yoshiki talked about his hobby.
The next speaker is Chiharu.
Get ready for your speech!


<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 173 & 174
Bridge Work Chapter 13 Unit 1 Grammar and Communication-3 => Exercise-3  Review Pair Work
Grammar and Communication-4  not only ... but also ..., both ... and ...
Exercise-4 #1 => Practice with tablet PC
Star Team
Unit 11 Culture  Fast food in the USA  Review Reading, Worksheet 
(p. 59) 

Enjoy your spring break!
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson 24-Senior 2-Mar.26th

Dear Senior-2 Classmates,
How was the last lesson of this school year? If you had attended all of them, you would have practiced 96 times, two hours each lesson! Regretfully, none of you attended all of them, though.
Please be reminded that there will be no lesson on this Saturday and your first lesson will be on April 2nd.
Also, for those who didn't make their presentation on 26th, make sure to prepare for your presentation on the 2nd.
[1] Deep Listening -3: Lesson 9 Speeding
☆Vocabulary: false ticket/license/ID, particular, speed-limit, write/get a ticket, excuse, in order
[2] Presentation Test:
Write to describe one of the most impressive/memorable talks you had, or words or advice you were given for the last three years. Write in the reported speech and use at least 15 verbs and two relative pronouns.
[3] Vocabulary in Use: C35-U1 #2  実験などに関することば
✩Review Reading-> Eng->日: - A clone is an animal
✩春休みHomework: Vocabulary Writing p.100/Work Book=> ✩Practice Reading
[4] Bridge Work: C35-U1 Ron has a dog whose tail is curled.
GIU: United Countries and Bodies-> Practice Reading
✩春休みHomework: Practice Reading GIU
✩春休みHomework: Key Communication
✩春休みHomework:  Reporting

Lesson Report Junior-3 March 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Wednesday, March 26th, 2014.
It's cloudy today.
How was your speech test?
Did you try your best?
Some of you wrote you were nervous when you made a speech.
You are becoming the third graders very soon!
Are you getting excited?
そしてp. 185-187の部分もしっかり練習しておきましょう。
We had four speakers yesterday; Takehiro, Sho, Takeshi, and Yuhei.
They were well prepared and did good speeches!
Well done, boys!
The next speaker is Yuma.
Get ready for your speech!


お休みした人は、Google ドライブの共有ファイルから C23U1 のなかの、Recapのテキストをダウンロードして答え合わせと練習をしてください。また、C23U2 p185-186 のエクササイズ1と2をやってから答え合わせと音読、Dictationの練習をしておいてください。

<Lesson Review>
Speech test
Bridge Work Chapter 23 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-3 mind –ing …
Exercise-3 #2 => Dictation
(p. 181)
Chapter 23 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  get + 形容詞
#1, #2 => Practice with tablet PC

Have a great week!
See you on Friday.


Lesson Report Primary-2 March 25th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, March 26 , 2014
It's cloudy today!
Phonicspicture cardsを使って sh, ch, th, ph, ng, などの子音ブレンドの単語とカードをマッチさせました。
Grammar One Lesson 23 Did Trig help? では動詞の過去形が出てきました。

Exercise 1,2 P 77を学習しました。

<Lesson Review>
Phonics consonant blend chant 
Matching phonics word cards
基礎英語 #173, 174
Grammar One
Listen to the skit , read Did Trig help ? repeat after the CD
Study the rules of +d, +ed, +ied, + con, ed
P 77 Exercise 1,2



Lesson Report Primary-1 March 25th

How are you?
It’s Wednesday, March 26, 2014.
It's cloudy today. 
Picture Dictionary のTopic23 Time and Shapes (2) を学習しました。 
Up and Away のUnit 18 Where Questions P41の復習をしました。
Unit 18 Who Questions (p 42 )は 誰が、の疑問文です。
Unit 18 (P25) Up and Away のworkbookの内容を復習しておきましょう。

次回はwhat, where, whoの内容の確認をします!
Jimmy's Lucky Day はP 10-17 の音読をしましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Phonics chant
Picture Dictionary Topic 23 Time and Shapes
Sing the Chant
Review Up and Away Student Book
Unit 18 Present Progressive: Where questions P41
Up and Away Student book Unit 18 Present Progressive : Who questions P42
Workbook Unit 18 Up and Away workbook P25

Have a wonderful week!  
See you on Friday! 
It will be our last lesson!


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Mar.25th

Dear Senior-1 Classmates,
The next lesson will be your last in this school year. You'll have a presentation test to show off how much you've advanced for the last 12 months, or through 96 lessons!
Please make sure to prepare and practice for your show.
[1] Bridge Work/Asai: C26-U2 Grammar in Use
Key Communication, Reporting
[2] Vocabulary in Use/Asai: C26-U2 #1
- Repeat after CD-> Fill in the blanks->✩Practice Reading
[3] Deep Listening -3: Lesson 10 The Rhythm of the Heart
☆Vocabulary: frequently, measure, rhythm, circulate blood, pump blood  Dictation => Read aloud
[4] Read & Write: Unit 1 Names: How did you get your name?
Writing-2  Unit Assignment: Write 4~6 Sentences about a Name You Like.
- Peer Review-> Revise=> Pair
=> Ask three questions to report what your partner said in the present tense
(~ says he likes ~ because he doesn’t …)
[5] Writing for Presentation Test on Mar.28th
Write to describe one of the most impressive/memorable talks you had, or words or advice you were given for the last three years. Write in the reported speech and use at least 15 verbs and two relative pronouns (関係代名詞).
1. Introduction: In my presentation today, I’d like to talk about … First, I’ll talk about … After that, I’ll explain …
2. Describe the situation: When …
=> 3. Explain the talk/words/advice:
4. Conclusion: So, that was the most impressive/memorable …

Lesson Report Advancing-1 March 24th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, March 25th, 2014.
It's sunny and warm today.
Are you enjoying the sunny spring day?
Did you enjoy the speech test yesterday?
All of you did a great job!
We were really impressed by your speeches.
As TK sensei said to you, next time, try to change speed and tone where necessary, which will make your speech even better!
Our speakers yesterday were Harutaka and Akira.
Hrutaka talked about his Karuta competition.
Akira talked about his trip to Osaka.
The next speaker is Yuka.
Get ready for your speech!

One more lesson to go for the school year!

<Lesson Review>
BW-3 Second Round 2 Chapter 37 Unit 2
Grammar Writing  仮定法
Cover to Cover
Unit 11 Luck  Part 1 Creating your own luck
Review reading

Part 2 The winning TicketFluency Strategy: Previewing and Predicting
What’s your opinion?  Having a lot of money is a good thing?

Have a wonderful week!
See you on Thursday.


Lesson 24-Adv.2-Mar.24th

Dear Advancing-2 Classmates,
How do you feel after finishing your last lesson at MEL School?
Let me express my deepest appreciation for your patience to work with me such a long time.
It was my privilege to have spent time teaching and learning English with you.
As said at the lesson, Keep Practicing, Learning and Trying!
And lastly but not the least, let us stay in touch. Our doors are always open to you.
See you all!

[1] What is Democracy?
- Definition/Wikipedia
- Four Basic Elements/Prof. Larry Diamond/Stanford Univ.
- Turnout: The turnout of 3/23/2014 Osaka City’s mayoral election was only 23.6%
=> Explain what democracy is, what makes democracy work or what are essential for democracy in three to five sentences.
[2] Lesson to Graduating Students
Things are moving faster and becoming unpredictable
Globalization isn’t just going abroad or working with foreigners but will bring
Convergence of intelligence, labor, costs,  income, lifestyle,  middle class
You need to be;
-Adaptable to unpredictable changes and environments,
-Competitive in the globalized and converged world, and
-Valuable to people you work for and with.

Lesson Report Junior-2 March 22nd

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Monday, March 24th, 2014.
It's sunny and warm today.
We can smell the spring in the air!
Bridge Work Book 1 204ページの Fred's Sunday を参考に、過去のことについて
また、お休みした人は、タブレットPCにGoogle ドライブのC13-U1フォルダから C13U1-Ex-2-p8のテキストをダウンロードして音読、テキストを見ないでリピーティング、シャドウイング(テキストを見ずに少し遅れて聞いた英語を言う練習)、ディクテーション(英語を聞いて一時停止を押して書き取る練習)をしておいてください。
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speakers are Ayu and Ami.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 171 & 172
Bridge Work Chapter 13 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2 => Exercise-2 => Check your answers. => Practice w/tpc
Grammar and Communication-3 => Exercise-3
Star Team Unit 11 There is/are a/an/someの使い方(否定、疑問) Review
Unit 11 Culture Fast food in the USA
(p. 59)
Have a great week!
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Junior-2E March 22nd

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Monday, March 24th, 2014.
It's sunny and warm today.
We can smell the spring in the air!
Bridge Work Book 1 204ページの Fred's Sunday を参考に、過去のことについて
また、お休みした人は、タブレットPCにGoogle ドライブのC13-U1フォルダから C13U1-Ex-2-p8のテキストをダウンロードして音読、テキストを見ないでリピーティング、シャドウイング(テキストを見ずに少し遅れて聞いた英語を言う練習)、ディクテーション(英語を聞いて一時停止を押して書き取る練習)をしておいてください。
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speakers are Chiaki, Yoshiki and Kentaro.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 171 & 172
Bridge Work Chapter 13 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2  => Exercise-2 => Check your answers. => Practice w/tpc
Grammar and Communication-3 => Exercise-3
Star Team Unit 11 There is/are a/an/someの使い方(否定、疑問) Review
Unit 11 Culture  Fast food in the USA 
(p. 59)
Have a great week!
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report-Senior 2-Mar.22nd

Dear Senior-2 Classmates,
You'll have your last lesson and presentation test for this school year on the 26th.
You definitely want to do well on the test and you know what it takes to get a good score.
Then just do it!!!
[1] Read & Write: Unit 4 Positive Thinking
Objective: Write about a time when you/someone changed a situation with positive thinking.
Reading-1: The Power of Positive Thinking?
- Reading #1-> Main Ideas: Identify the key words in the text that made you find the answers
-> Details: Underline the key words that made you decide your answers
=> What Do You Think 1-> 2-> Choose two true statements => Write
[2] Vocabulary in Use: C35-U1 #2  実験などに関することば
- Fill in the blanks-> Read aloud => ✩Practice Reading
✩Eng->日: - A clone is an animal …
[3] Bridge Work: C35-U1 Ron has a dog whose tail is curled.
- Review: C35U1 Ex-1.2: Religions
=> Gr-Writing p.45/WB
[4] Writing for Presentation on Mar.28
Write to describe one of the most impressive/memorable talks you had, or words or advice you were given for the last three years. Write in the reported speech and use at least 15 verbs and two relative pronouns (関係代名詞).
1. Introduction: In my presentation today, I’d like to talk about … First, I’ll talk about … After that, I’ll explain …
2. Describe the situation: When … => 3. Explain the talk/words/advice:
4. Conclusion: So, that was the most impressive/memorable …

Lesson Report Junior-3 March 21st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Saturday, March 22nd, 2014.
It's sunny and windy today.
Do you mind taking a walk on windy days?
I hate windy days! I don't mind walking in the light rain, though.
きのうは mind -ing の使い方を練習しました。
We had four speakers yesterday; Takehiro, Sho, Takeshi, and Yuhei.
They were well prepared and did good speeches!
Well done, boys!
The next speaker is Yuma.
Get ready for your speech!


お休みした人は、Google ドライブの共有ファイルから C23U1 のなかの、p181 のテキストをダウンロードしてp181のエクササイズをやってから答え合わせと音読、Dictationの練習をしておいてください。

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 171 & 172
Bridge Work  Chapter 23 Unit 1
Exercise-4  #1, 2-a, 2-b, 2-c. Review reading => Dictation
Grammar and Communication-3  mind –ing …
Exercise-3 #1-a, 1-b, 2 => Practice with tablet
(p. 181)

Have a great weekend!
See you on Tuesday.


Lesson Report Primary-2 March 21st

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, March 22, 2014
It's sunny today!
Phonics consonant blendsのカードをマッチするゲームをしました!
Good work!
Grammar One P 46 Exercise 1-3を学習しました。

Reader 4C はThe Missing MonkeyP4-8を復習しましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Phonics: consonants blend chant. 
Match word cards with word cards

基礎英語 #171, 172

Grammar One
Review : P46 Exercise 1-3

Have a wonderful three-day weekend! S
ee you on Tuesday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 March 21st

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It’s Saturday , March 22, 2014.
It's sunny today!
Picture Dictionary Topic23, Time and Shapesに入りました。
Up and AwayUnit 17 P39,40の復習をしました。 
また、Unit18 のP41の学習をしました。 
Where Questionsしっかり理解しておきましょう!
Jimmy's Lucky Day はP6-9をよみましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Support time: Phonics Polite Vowels chant  Use word cards
Picture Dictionary
Topic 23 Time and Shapes (1)
Sing the Chant
Write new words in notebook
Up and Away Student Book Review Unit 17 Present Progressive: What questions P39,40
Up and Away Unit 18 Present Progressive: Where questions P41
Workbook Unit 18 Where Questions P24
Reader 2C Jimmy's Lucky Day P6-9

Enjoy your three-day weekend!  
See you on Tuesday.


Lesson Report Advancing 1 March 20th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing today?
It's Saturday, March 22nd.
It's sunny and windy again!
The wind is really cold.

How did you do with TOEIC test on Thursday?
Hope you did your best.
You have your presentation test on Monday.
This is going to be your final presentation, so try your best!

I'm looking forward to it.

Have a great weekend.
See you on Monday!


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Mar.21st

Dear Senior-1 Classmates,
How did you do on the TOEIC Bridge test?
Was it more difficult than the entrance exams or Eiken Pre-2nd?
Well, if you think it was easy, you'd expect a very very good score, like over 160 or even 170.
You'll get the results sometime next week.
[1] TOEIC Bridge
[2] Vocabulary in Use:C26-U1 #2 場所や社会に関することば
✩Practice Reading: Words, Sentences => Voc-Writing ✩Practice Reading
- Key Communication/p.11
- Reporting/p.11

Lesson Report-Advancing 2-Mar.20th

Dear Advancing 2 Classmates,
How did you do on your last TOEIC test?
Your scores had improved approximately 100 points in average every year, and are expected to show the same or even more this year. Didn't you feel more certain about what you answered the questions?
There are only two more lessons and one of them is your graduation ceremony.
Hope you'll enjoy them.

Lesson Report Junior-2 March 19th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, March 20th, 2014.
It's rainy today.
We've just started a new textbook!
The speaker yesterday was Minori.
The next speaker is Ayu.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 169 & 170
Bridge to MEL Worktext 2
Chapter 13 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1
(pp. 6-7)
Star Team  Unit 11   There is/are a/an/someの使い方(否定、疑問)

Have a great week!
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Junior-2E March 19th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, March 20th, 2014.
It's rainy today.
We've just started a new textbook!
The speaker yesterday was Tomoya.
The next speakers are Chiaki and Yoshiki.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 169 & 170
Bridge to MEL Worktext 2
Chapter 13 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1
(pp. 6-7)
Star Team  Unit 11   There is/are a/an/someの使い方(否定、疑問)

Have a great week!
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report-Senior 2-Mar.19th

Dear Senior-2 Classmates,
How did you do on your first TOEIC test?
Of course you weren't able to answer all the questions in time but it's perfectly OK for now because you haven't learned business terms and expressions yet.
It's the first measurement and you'll take the text the next year and the following years.
You'll get the results in a week or so.
Please be reminded that you'll have a presentation test at the last lesson!

Lesson Report Junior-3 March 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Wednesday, March 19th, 2014.
It's sunny and warm today.
Which is farther from the Sun, Mercury or Venus?
What is the largest continent on Earth?
Unfortunately, we didn't have time for Today's speech.
The next speakers are Sho, Shunta, Takehiro, Takeshi and Yuhei.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 170
Star Team  Unit 12  My favorite movie/book/drama/song
Bridge Work Chapter
Chapter 23 Unit 1

Grammar and Communication-4  -times を使った比較表現
(pp. 182-183)

Have a good week!
See you on Friday.


Lesson Report Primary 2 March 18th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, March 19 , 2014
It's sunny and warm today!
Phonicspicture cardsを使ってsh, ch, th, ph, ng, などの子音ブレンドの単語を覚えました。
Grammar One Revision P47 Exercise 5 What's in the town?
P67 Exercise 4 Word Puzzleを学習しました。
The Missing Monkey では P1-4 を読みました。

<Lesson Review>
Phonics consonant blend chant   Matching phonics word cards
基礎英語 #169, 170
Grammar One
P 47 Exercise 5, P67 Exercise 4
Review The Missing Monkey P1-4

Hope you are recovering! See you soon!

P.S. 今日のレッスンは欠席者が多かったため、主に復習や間違えやすい内容の学習をしました。体調の悪い生徒は心配せず、早く元気になってください!


Lesson Report Primary-1 March 18th

How are you?
It’s Wednesday, March 19, 2014.
It's sunny and warm today. 
Picture Dictionary のTopic22 、 Every Day (5) の曜日は覚えましたね!  
次回はTopic 23に入ります。
Up and Away のUnit 16の復習をしました。
Unit 17 What Questions (p39,40)は難しいところなので次回までに復習しておきましょう!
Unit 17 (P22,23) Up and Away のworkbookの内容ももう一度確認しておきましょう。

<Lesson Review>
Phonics chant
Picture Dictionary Topic 22 Every Day
Sing the Chant
Review Up and Away Student Book
Unit 16 Yes/ no questions. P 37,38
Up and Away Student book
Unit 17 Present Progressive : What questions P39,40
Workbook Unit 17 Up and Away workbook P22,23

Have a wonderful week!
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Mar.18th

Dear Senior 1 Classmates,
How did you like your new tablet PC? It won't take so long until you get used to using it.
Just keep practicing, it'll be yours soon.
[1] Bridge Work: C26-U1
- Review Gr Writing
- GIU: Planning a trip to Oxford
- Reporting
Tablet[2] Vocabulary in Use: C26-U1 #1  人の性格などに関することば
- Repeat after CD-> Fill in the blanks->✩Practice Reading
=> Task Eng->日: - Tom’s dad is …
[3] Deep Listening -3: Lesson 9 Speeding
☆Vocabulary: false ticket/license/ID, particular, speed-limit, write/get a ticket, excuse, in order
[4] Read & Write: Unit 1 Names: How did you get your name?
- Writing Skill: Capitalizing Proper Nouns <-> Common Nouns -> A, B, C
- Grammar: Simple Present=> Confirm when and how to use the Simple Present -> A, B
Unit Assignment: Write 4~6 Sentences about a Name You Like.
- Brainstorm: Think of names and come up one to write about
- Plan: List what you know about the name-> Think why you like the name
=> Write four to six sentences about a name you like (to use for your child or pet),
and Explain why you like it. Use the vocabulary from Reading-1.

Lesson Report Advancing-1 March 17th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, March 18th, 2014.
It's sunny and very windy today.
It's really warm! We don't need overcoats.
As I told you, you have your homework this time.
The exams are over, and I know you have a lot of activities to join, but you still need to study every day.
A little effort goes a long way.
Some of you wrote you would read Cover to Cover textbook again during spring break.
That makes a huge difference!
Why don't you try it?
Our speakers yesterday were Riko and Mizuki.
Riko talked about her dream.
I hope her dream will come true!
Mizuki talked about her graduation from junior high school. 
The next speakers are Harutaka and Akira.
Get ready for your speech!

You have a TOEIC test next time.
You must come here by 7:15.

<Lesson Review>
BW-3 Second Round2 Chapter 36 Unit 2
Grammar Writing  複合関係詞
Cover to Cover
Unit 11 Luck  Part 1 Creating your own luck
Checking Comprehension B

Looking at Vocabulary in Context
Open Forum Chapter 9 Part 1
News Prog about running in the rain

Enjoy the spring!
See you on Thursday.


Lesson Report-Adv.2-Mar.17th

[1] Reading Comprehension
Reading: Kenneth Griffin makes largest gift in Harvard College history
Alumnus donates $150 million to principally support financial aid
Task-1: Explain what Harvard’s need-blind admission policy is within 50 words.
Task-2: Discuss why Griffin and others donate big money to Harvard.
[2] Express and Discuss
Study: How to finance college education
Task-3: The amount of tuition and expenses paid by students and their families vary greatly. What do you think of that? Is it fair or unfair?
Task-4: If you have a chance to attend an undergraduate or graduate school in the USA, how would you finance the tuition and expenses? Would you ask your parents to pay, apply to a scholar ship or borrow a student loan?
[3] Feedback-Review Write and email your essay by Mar.17th
- Summarize the cull and the explanation/rationales by the zoo and EAZA in five to eight sentences.
- Write your opinion and the reasons in five to eight sentences.
- Conclude your essay with additional thoughts, reinforcement or restatement of your opinion
in three to five sentences.
=> Revise and Present on 21st

Lesson Report 15th Junior-2 March

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Monday, March 17th, 2014.
It's sunny and warm today.
Spring had come!
土曜日のレッスンでBook 1の内容がすべて終了しましたね。
The speakers on Saturday were Haruka and Shun.
The next speaker is Minori.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 167 & 168
Bridge Work Bridge Work Chapter 12 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication Bonus  could
Extra Reading My old friend
(pp. 205-206)

See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Junior-2E

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Monday, March 17th, 2014.
It's sunny and warm today.
Spring had come!
土曜日のレッスンでBook 1の内容がすべて終了しましたね。
The speakers on Saturday were Arisa and Tomoya.
The next speaker is Chiaki.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 167 & 168
Bridge Work Bridge Work Chapter 12 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication Bonus  could
Extra Reading My old friend
(pp. 205-206)

See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report-Senior 2-Mar.15th

Dear Senior-2 Classmates,
How did you learn the words and phrases for wars and weapons? These aren't the words you are familiar with or often use, so it'll be challenging to learn them. However, if you practice now, you'll remember them easily when you see them next time. So, practice now!
[1] Read & Write: Unit 4 Positive Thinking
Objective: Write about a time when you/someone changed a situation with positive thinking.
Preview the Unit: Listen to the Q Classroom=> Talk A/p.61
- Do you know someone with a positive way of thinking? Give examples.
- Why is the woman in the photo smiling?
-> C/p.62: Underline/Mark the key word(s) of the saying and explanation-> Try to match
=> interpret Interpretation of one of the sayings.
=> Talk D-1/p.61: Which of the sayings in the page do you like the best? Why?
Reading-1: The Power of Positive Thinking?
- Vocabulary-> Dic how to look up a phrasal verb: work out, give up, hand sth in, hand sth out
- Reading #1-> Main Ideas: Identify the key words in the text that made you find the answers
-> Details: Underline the key words that made you decide your answers
[2] Vocabulary in Use: C35-U1 #1  戦争や兵器などに関することば
✩Review Reading=> Voca Writing p.94/WB=> ✩Practice Reading
[3] Bridge Work: C35-U1 Ron has a dog whose tail is curled.
- Review: G&C-2=> Activity-2  p.44/WB
- Ex-2= Listen and Practice The first US president who was murdered.
Listen and Practice: C35U1 Ex-1.2: Religions=> ✩春休み中特別HW Practice Reading