Lesson Report Primary-1 March 28th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It’s Saturday, March 29, 2014.
It's sunny and warm today!
Picture Dictionary Topic23, Time and Shapesはしっかり覚えましたね。Good work!
Up and Away Unit 18の復習プリントに出てきたリスニングは少し難しかったですね。

Jimmy's Lucky Day P18-23を読みました。


<Lesson Review>
Support time: Phonics Polite Vowels chant  Use word cards
Picture Dictionary
Topic 23 Time and Shapes ()
Sing the Chant
Up and Away workbook What time is it? P37
Up and Away Homework workbook Review units 16-18 P26
Reader 2C Jimmy`s Lucky Day P18-23

Thank you for being in my class ! 
Good luck to all of you ! 
Always remember: YOU CAN DO IT !!


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