Lesson Report-Advancing 2-Mar.3rd

Dear Advancing Classmates,
Now what do you think is the right choice for your college? Have you gotten enough inputs to decide which college or major to take?Next time when you make a big decision, try to be ahead of game by gathering as much information as you can.
[1] Reading Comprehension
Learn From Students' Biggest High School Lessons, Regrets: Practice Conditional-Type 3
 1 Complete the sentence using the given words.
 2 Rephrase the words. (A) pivotal (B) intriguing (C) to job shadow
[2] Express and Discuss
[3-1] Write in Japanese: You may still find that you do like the industry, but getting your questions answered now could put you ahead of the game when the material is presented in college courses, allowing you to spend more time applying and exploring the concepts further rather than struggling to figure them out.
[3-2] Explain what “comfort zone” is in Japanese within 50 words.
=> Talk how you chose and what could make you choose the college you’re going to attend

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