☆ Integ. Speaking [60 sec ] What are the three things the speaker said (answers to his own questions)?
Dic (v) trigger: cause, set off, spark, bring about (n) a device, as a lever, that releases a detent or spring.
=> Pair Ask the three questions.
Open Forum-2 Chapter 8 Technology Interview with a tech writer
- Introducing the Topic: transistor radio
- Preparing to Listen: Inventions Quiz - photographic film, radar range, means of communication,
Eastman Kodak, Remington’s Typewriter Remington and Sons
- 1st Lis-through: Main Ideas, More Details/p.65-66
- 2nd Lis-by Part:
[Part-1] 1-1. Explain what the writer thinks are essential to invent something.
1-2. Explain who Eastman was and why and how he invented film.
[Part-2] 2-1. Explain how microwave oven was invented.
[Part-3] 3-1. Explain why the typewriter didn’t become popular at on.
- Lis w/Transcript-> Voca: cumbersome,
- Focus of the Listening Skill: Identifying the Purpose of a Story/Example/p.66-67
Read & Write-2 Unit 7 Buy or Reuse Blog - In Praise of the Throwaway Society
- Review Future Time Clause; 4-1.what you would have done if you had had a 3-mo holidays this past summer. => Challenge: what you would have done last year if you had known that you are going to study in English at college.
☆Grammar-Extra: Types of Clause
Unit Assignment: Write a paragraph to Answer the Test Question-> A. Brainstorm -> B. Plan
=> Plan in 10 min-> T’s Check: Write your answer (= topic sentence)
Make an outline to organize your ideas/reasons to support your answer (main idea).
=> Write a paragraph to answer the question
Write a TS. => Write 2~3 reasons to support your answer with at least one example/fact/data/experience. =>Write a conclusion sentence to restate or reinforce your answer.
Review answer the question: Is it better to save what you have or buy new things? => Pair
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