Lesson Report-Senior 1-Jan.9th

Bridge Work-Round 2  C35-U2: G&C-2 whatever, who, which => Ex-2
・Vocabulary in Use  C35-U1 #1: Voc Writing
Tactics for Listening  Unit 1: The Weekend #1
Getting Ready: Pair What did you do during the holidays?-1
- Listening-1: Listen and learn how to ask and answer questions.
=> Pair What did you do during the holidays?-2
- Listening-2: Pair Describe what the person did during the in indirect speech.
Cover to Cover  Unit 9 Part 1 Understanding Ourselves #1
- Before Reading: rebellious, active, reserved, dependable
- Comprehension Strategy: Recognizing Reference Words - it, them, this, that, etc.
- Reading-1 => Task-A => Checking Comprehension
- Reading-2 with CD -> Check the answers with a partner

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