Lesson Report-Senior 2-Nov.29th

1. Bridge to MEL Book 3
- Grammar: C33-U1 G&C-4 being repaired, C33-U2:  G&C-3 Summary for Indirect speech
- Vocabulary in Use: C33-U1 #2
2. Presentation Contest Result
Review Debate Writing: Students should be allowed to take the classes of the teachers they like.
3. Cover to Cover   Unit 11 Challenges Part 1: A Lesson Learned
- Before Reading: summer vacation in US (Jun-Aug)
- Comprehension Strategy: Recognizing Point of View – according to, says, believes, thinks
- Listening-1 => Task-A , Checking Comprehension =>Read w/CD-> Read aloud: Pr. 4-7
=> Com Task-1適当な日本語にしなさい
(1) Par 5  Helping at meals … , they rarely complained.
(2) Par 7  I worked at the residence …the most valuable lessons of my life.
4. Read & Write  Unit 9 Life Changes: Before Writing
- Grammar: Clauses with after and after that-> A=> B: Write sentences with after/after that.
- Writing Skill: Making a Timeline to Plan your Writing
=> A: Make a Timeline to show a perfect day with at least six events.
=> B: Write at least eight sentences about your perfect day.

Lesson Report Junior-2 November 29th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, November 29, 2014.
It's rainy and cold today.
If you become too hungry at midnight, what do you usually do?
If you are thirsty at home, what do you usually drink?
Do you usually go to bed early if you have a test next day?
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers today.
Our next speakers will be Shun, Haruka, and Minori.
Get ready for your speech!

Don't forget to bring Kiso-eigo December issue with you next time!
And you have a Recap test.

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 111 & 112
Star Team  Unit 7  Culture  Teenagers and computers
Bridge Work 
Chapter 21 Unit 3
Grammar and Communication-3  if ...
Grammar in Use 

Have a good holiday.
See you next week!


Lesson Report Junior-2E November 29th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, November 29, 2014.
It's rainy and cold today.
If you become too hungry at midnight, what do you usually do?
If you are thirsty at home, what do you usually drink?
Do you usually go to bed early if you have a test next day?
Our speaker today was Kentaro.
He talked about his exams.
The next speaker is Chiharu.
Get ready for your speech!

Don't forget to bring Kiso-eigo December issue with you next time!
And you have a Recap test.

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 111 & 112
Star Team  Unit 7  Culture  Teenagers and computers
Bridge Work 
Chapter 21 Unit 3
Grammar and Communication-3  if ...
Grammar in Use 

Have a good holiday.
See you next week!


Lesson Report Junior-3 November 28th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, November 29, 2014. 
It's rainy and cold today.
Is Mitaka known to many people in Japan?
What is your school known as?
What are you supposed to do on Saturday afternoon?
Was it interesting to learn how to use "-ed or -ing form"?
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
Our next speaker on Friday is still Shunta.
Get ready for your speech!

Don't forget to bring Kiso-eigo December issue with you next time!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 111 & 112
Bridge Work
Chapter 32 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  受動態の慣用表現、現在分詞と過去分詞の使い方
Exercise-1  #1 
Chapter 31 Unit 2  Vocabulary in Use #1 発明や発見、議論などに関することば
Practice the sentences with the tablet PC

Have a good weekend.

See you on Tuesday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 November 28th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, November 29, 2014.
It's rainy and cold today.
きのうのレッスンでは、Picture Dictionary は新しいUnit に入りましたがみんなほとんどの
Grammar のReviewは難しかったですがみんなで協力してよく理解できましたね。
Reader は最後残り1ページで時間切れ。残念!

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary   Topic 40 (1) School Bag Search   
This is Phonics 2  Murmuring Vowels Unit 4   Reading  P63   
Listen to jingle and sing along 
Find the murmuring vowels and read the sentences                        
Grammar Starter  REVISION  2      #11
Up and Away Reader 3C  pp.  20-21

Have a good weekend.
See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-1 November 28th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, November 29, 2014.
It's rainy and cold.
What time is it?
It is a quarter after eight. や It is ten to two. などいろいろな言い方がありましたね。
Phonics の Do you like ...? の応答は上手にできましたね!

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary        Topic 16(2) The Weather
Practice the words with "It is" and sing the chant
This is Phonics      Unit 6 Polite vowels   P62
Speaking  Do you like fruit juice?
Up and Away  student book  Unit 27  pp. 61-62  Two ways of telling time
Up and away workbook  Unit 27 p. 38
Up and Away reader book 1D pp. 24-25

Have a good weekend!
See you on Tuesday.


MEL News December 2014

それでは、MEL News (2014年12月号)をお届けします。

News-1 年末年始のスケジュールと*時間の変更
                           最終レッスン レッスン開始
Primary-1・2      12月23日         1月6日
Junior-1             12月22日         1月5日
Junior-2          12月24日         1月7日
Junior-3             12月23日         1月6日   
Senior-1             12月23日         1月6日 
Senior-2           *12月24日         1月7日  
Advancing-1      12月22日         1月5日(土曜日は10日)

- Junior-2E   15:50-17:35
- Junior-2      17:45-19:30
- Senior-2      17:45-19:45

News-2  Christmas Event
今年のChristmas Event は12月22日(月)23日(火)24日(水)の各クラス最終レッスンです。

News-3 2015年度 新入生仮申込 受付開始
Primary-1 クラス 新小学4-6年生の英語初心者対象
 日時:火・金曜日  17:00-17:50 定員10名 4月開始
Junior-1 クラス 新中学1年生対象
 日時:月・木曜日 19:30-21:15  定員10名 4月開始
    火・金曜日 17:45-19:35 開始時期未定

News-4 11月23日@文教大学 ディベート講座
11月23日(日・祝)にはSenior-1 & 2 の2クラスの17名の生徒がディベート講座に参加しました。2012年から参加を開始して今年で3年目の今年のテーマは「生徒たちは好きな先生の授業を選べる」。この是非について他校の生徒と話し合い、実際のディベートを体験しました。

News-5 2014年第3回英検・能力測定のご案内
2014年度第3回の英検の一次試験は 1月25日(日) です。(二次試験 2月22日)
5級 1,500円  4級 1,600円  3級 2,800円  準2級 4,100円  2級 5,000円
*MEL Schoolでの受験は 5, 4, 3, 準2級 が対象です。2級は本会場での受験になります。

5級 12月12日(金) 16:00-16:50
4級 12月13日(土) 14:30-15:40
準2級 12月13日(土) 15:50-17:20

Update-1 欠席、遅刻、早退連絡についてのお願い
10月から欠席、遅刻、早退の連絡は電話ではなくmel@myenglish.co.jp にメールでお願いします。
なお、高校生は保護者宛ての CC をつけた本人からのメールでも構いません。

Update-2 インフルエンザ、感染症の予防について


MEL School 三鷹
Towako Asai

Lesson Report-Senior 1-Nov.28th

1. 11月号基礎英語3: Listen to Communicate  Listen w/o Textbook=> Task-> Read
- L-112 Listen =>How did Nick look? #1  Listen & Repeat=> How did Nick look? #2=> Image/p.89
・Presentation Contest Result
2. Review Debate Writing: Students should be allowed to take the classes of the teachers they like.
3. Cover to Cover  Unit 7 Survivors  Part 1: Survival after eight days at sea
・Reading-3 with CD => Checking Comprehension-B -> Read aloud: Pr.2-5
=> Com Task-1 Pr-2: The huge ~ be his last. 表現(現在分子)を意識して、切実な状況を伝える日本語にしなさい。
・Looking at Vocabulary in Context/p.89: drift, mosque, struck, devastate-devastating, drown, destroy
・Vocabulary: drift, raging water, sweep-swept-swept, be about to, manage to, crack, current, devastate-devastating-devastated, drown
・What do you think: Study the questions-> Do you think you’re good at dealing with an emergency?
4. Read & Write  Unit 9 Life Changes  Reading-2   Becoming an Adult
Review writing: which idea, occasion or event you think better defines an adult in five to eight sentences
=> Pair Explain what you think w/o the writing in 90 sec.=> Q&A
Vocabulary Skill: Using the Dictionary
A. Choose the correct definition for each bold word.
B. Look up each bold word in the dictionary and find the correct definition.

Lesson Report-Advancing 1-Nov.27th

1. Grammar in Use
Unit 27 must (you must be tired): 27.A, B-> 27.3, 27.C-> 27.4
=> Pair I went to bed early-> You must have been tired.
I didn’t do well on math test=> You must have not prepared for the test.
Unit 28: may and might (1): 28.B-> 28.3, 28.C-> 28.D
Unit 29: may and might (2): 29.D-> 29.5
2. Reading and Writing-2  Unit 6 Self-Reliance
Grammar: Infinitive of Purpose -> A. Identify and underline each infinitive of purpose
=> B. Write your answers to the questions using infinitives of purpose.
=> Pair Ask B.1 and B.4. Add another sentence or two to the answer.

Lesson Report Junior-1 November 27th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Thursday, November 27, 2014.
It's sunny and cold today.
Who is your school principal?
When is your school foundation day?

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 6 Unit 2
Key Communication test
Chapter 6 Unit 3 
Grammar and Communication-1  what, who, when, where + is/are ?
基礎英語 Lessons 109 & 110
Star Team Unit 8
Song  Can we go out together? 
Grammar review  Can
Review Units 4 to 8   Jobs

Have a great weekend!

See you next week!

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report-Senior 2-Nov.26th

1. Debate Work
- Review the Debate Seminar: Assign Affirmative and Negative speakers
- Proposition: Students should be allowed to take the classes of the teachers they like.
- Review the points discussed at the seminar and choose 2~3 points to support your position.
  Think how could your speech be attacked.
- Write a three-minute Constructive Speech of the side (by Asai)
2. Presentation Contest
Present clearly with confidence. Clarify your opinion and reasons to persuade the audience.
=> Attack by the last speaker (opposite side): Repeat the key points and attack respectively
- You said/mentioned … but I think/don’t think …, it sounds …
- Scores by – 25p/Do you understand the speech clearly?
 - 25p/Is the proposition well supported?
 - 50p/Is it convincing?
Read & Write Unit 9 Life Changes
Reading Comprehension from Q-Skills: Moving Back Home
2. Do you think children should leave their homes and live themselves or stay home and live with their parents?
 Think not only from children’s but also parents’ point of views.
 => Discuss with a partner to form your opinion.

Lesson Report Junior-2 November 26th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, November 26, 2014.
It's rainy and cold today.
Did you begin to learn English as early as your best friend?
Do you drink orange juice as often as milk?
Can you drive a car in Japan as early as in California?
We learned how to use "as ... as" and other expressions.
You may think they are difficult now, but you'll get used to them in the future if you keep trying!
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers today.
The next speakers are Haruka and Shun.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 109 & 110
Star Team  Unit 7  Grammar review   object pronouns
Bridge Work 
Chapter 21 Unit 3
Grammar and Communication-2  begin/learn/prefer to
enough to ..., too-to
Exercise-2  #1, 2, and 3  Review
#4 => Worksheet practice

Enjoy the rest of the week!
See you on Saturday.


Lesson Report Junior-2E November 26th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, November 26, 2014.
It's rainy and cold today.
Did you begin to learn English as early as your best friend?
Do you drink orange juice as often as milk?
Can you drive a car in Japan as early as in California?
We learned how to use "as ... as" and other expressions.
You may think they are difficult now, but you'll get used to them in the future if you keep trying!
Our speakers today were Tomoya and Chiaki.
Chiaki talked about her exams.
Tomoya talked about his soccer practice and going to karaoke.
The next speaker is Kentaro.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 109 & 110
Star Team  Unit 7  Grammar review   object pronouns
Bridge Work 
Chapter 21 Unit 3
Grammar and Communication-2  begin/learn/prefer to
enough to ..., too-to
Exercise-2  #1, 2, and 3  Review
#4 => Worksheet practice

Enjoy the rest of the week!
See you on Saturday.


Lesson Report Junior-3 November 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, November 26, 2014. 
It's rainy and cold today.
Do you remember coming to MEL School for the first time?
You won't forget meeting your classmates on the first day at school?
Do you always try to do things you've never done before?
Do you try doing things you've never done before?
It's hard to remember all the things you learned, but please keep trying!
Our next speaker is Shunta.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 109 & 110
Bridge Work
Grammar and Communication-3  動詞+to/-ing の使い方
Exercise-3 #1, 2 Review
=> #3
Key Communication

Enjoy the rest of the week.

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Nov.25th

1. ・11月号基礎英語3: Listen to Communicate  [7:35-7:45] Listen w/o Textbook=> Task-> Read
- L-111 Listen =>What is dress code? #1  Listen & Repeat=> What is dress code? #2
2. Debate Work
- Review the Debate Seminar: Assign Affirmative and Negative speakers
- Proposition: Students should be allowed to take the classes of the teachers they like.
- Review the points discussed at the seminar and choose 2~3 points to support your position.
- Write a three-minute Constructive Speech of the side (by Asai)
3. Presentation Contest
Present clearly with confidence. Clarify your opinion and reasons to persuade the audience.
- Scores by – 25p/Do you understand the speech clearly?
- 25p/Is the proposition well supported?
- 50p/Is it convincing?
4. ・Read & Write Unit 9 Life Changes  Reading-2   Becoming an Adult
Review writing: which idea, occasion or event you think better defines an adult in five to eight sentences
=> Pair Explain what you think w/o the writing in 90 sec.=> Q&A

Lesson Report Junior-1 November 24th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, November 25, 2014.
It's rainy and cold today.
When is your birthday?
Who is your favorite teacher at school?
きのうのレッスンでは、what, who, when, where とis, are を使った質問やその答え方を練習しました。
What do you ...? などの質問としっかり区別していきましょう。
次回はKey Communication のテストです。

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 6 Unit 2
Grammar in Use  Review
Key Communication
Chapter 6 Unit 3 
Grammar and Communication-1  what, who, when, where + is/are ?
基礎英語 Lessons 107 & 108
Star Team Unit 8
Pronunciation  w, y
Song  Can we go out together? 

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Thursday!

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report Primary-2 November 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, November 25, 2014.
It's rainy and cold today.
上手に like, don't like が使えましたね!
Grammar の復習ではみんなの理解がよく確認できました。
「なぜそうなるのか」をきちんと説明できていましたね! Good job!
Reader は文が長くなってきたのでぜひCDを聞いておうちでも練習してみてください。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary   Topic 39 (4) 
This is Phonics 2  Murmuring Vowels Unit 4   Exercise P62  
Listen to jingle and sing along                         
Grammar Starter  REVISION  2      8, 9, 10
Up and Away Reader 3C  pp. 18 - 20

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 November 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, November 25, 2014.
It's rainy and cold.
今日のレッスンでは The weather についての言葉を練習しました。
thunder と lightning の違いもよくわかりましたね!
American money はみんなとてもよく覚えていました。I was impressed!
時刻の尋ね方、答えかたも上手にできました。Good work!
Reader は Happy end で何よりですね。
Did you enjoy the story?

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary        Topic 16(1) The Weather
Check the new words and sing the chant
Write new words in notebook
This is Phonics      Unit 6 Polite vowels   P61
Read words together, listen to the CD and repeat. 
Up and away workbook P35 American Money
Up and Away  student book  Unit 25  P60  What Time is it?
Up and away workbook  Unit 25
Up and Away reader book 1D pp. 16-23

Enjoy  the rest of the week.
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report-Advancing 1-Nov.24th

1. Daily 1500 #44, 45 Becoming a Department Manager (1) (2)
Voc aspire-aspiration, enthusiasm-enthusiastic, agenda, adequate=> Terms/p.107 Department Names
Dic adequate: enough in quantity, sufficient <-> inadequate  ~ supply/space/food/resources
☆ Integ. Speaking [60 sec] Explain what happened to the person and what he is going to do with it.
2. Open Forum-2  Chapter 6 Social Studies: Radio Program about self-employment in the US  [40 min]
- Lis-2 - Part-3 => 3-1. Who are the 17.5 million people? 3-2. What kind of work do these people do?
3-3. Why does Jenny Huang think self-employment is on the rise?
3-4. What are the downsides to self-employment?
=> Integrated Speaking Explain who are entrepreneurs, what they do, why they are on the rise and what are the downsides in 90 seconds. Use the two people as examples if you can.
- Working Out Unknown Vocabulary: on the front line, juggle, get out on my own, getting by
Lis-3 w/Script->Voc: census, substitute, day-to-day stuff, health benefits, get by, downside underestimate
- Pronunciation: Contraction with Be and Have
- Speaking Skills: Expressing Opinions
- Thinking & Speaking: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of self-employment
=> Independent Speaking Which work style are you interested in, employed, free-lance or entrepreneur?
3. Reading and Writing-2  Unit 6 Self-Reliance
Rewrtee why the blogger hate machines concisely within 50 words. Use the words from the text.
When she needed assistance to get the Internet access to her apartment, she got recording messages, transferred, put on hold and even hung up, and it took two weeks to get the problem solved. She was also frustrated and embarrassed when she used self-service checkout machine at the supermarket. (49 w)
Writing-1: Writing Skill & Grammar
Writing Skill: Describing a Process-> A. Underline the time order words
-> B. Number the Steps=> C. Write the process using time order words.

Lesson Report Junior-2 November 22nd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, November 22, 2014.
It's sunny and cold today.
When did you begin to learn English?
Are you enjoying learning English?
What do you prefer to do on weekends?
Do you prefer to go out or stay home?
Our speakers today were Sota and Yoshiki.
Sota talked about his open P.E. class.
Yoshiki talked about the ball game competition at school.
The next speaker is Haruka.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 108
Star Team  Unit 7  Presentation story    be going to
Bridge Work 
Chapter 21 Unit 3
Grammar and Communication-1  道案内
Tell your partner the way to your school.  Review
Grammar and Communication-2  begin/learn/prefer to
enough to ..., too-to
Exercise-2  #1, 2, and 3

Have a good weekend!
See you on Wednesday.


Lesson Report Junior-2E November 22nd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, November 22, 2014.
It's sunny and cold today.
When did you begin to learn English?
Are you enjoying learning English?
What do you prefer to do on weekends?
Do you prefer to go out or stay home?
Our speaker today was Sae.
She talked about a long-distance relay race.
Unfortunately, she won't take part in the race.
The next speakers are Tomoya and Chiaki.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 108
Star Team  Unit 7  Presentation story    be going to
Bridge Work 
Chapter 21 Unit 3
Grammar and Communication-1  道案内
Tell your partner the way to your school.  Review
Grammar and Communication-2  begin/learn/prefer to
enough to ..., too-to
Exercise-2  #1, 2, and 3

Have a good weekend!
See you on Wednesday.


Lesson Report Junior-3 November 21st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, November 22, 2014. 
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Most of you finished the most important exams!
Everyone tried very hard.
Are you expecting to get good results?
Hope everyone had a sound sleep.
The flu is going around, so don't risk going out and avoid visiting crowded places!
The speakers yesterday were Kaede and Mahiro.
Kaede talked about her exersion to Hiroshima, Nara and Kyoto.
Mahiro talked about her end-term exams.

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 107 & 108
Bridge Work
Chapter 31 Unit 2
Vocabulary in Use  #1 発明や発見、議論などに関することば  Practice example sentences
Chapter 32 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-3  動詞+to/-ing の使い方
Exercise-3 #1, 2

Have a great weekend!
See you on Tuesday.


Lesson Report Primary-2 November 21st

Hello Class!
This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Saturday, November 22, 2014.
It's sunny  today.
Picture Dictionary Topic 39 (3) を学習しました。
This is Phonics 2 Murmuring Vowels P61 を学習しました。
リスニングが良くできていました。Good work!
Grammar Starter  P53 REVISION の問6, 7 を完成させました。
This を使うかTheseを使うかしっかりと考えて問題が解けました。ここは皆良くできていました。
Up and Away Reader Book 3C   P14 - 17を音読しました。

<Lesson Review>  
Picture Dictionary Topic 39(3
Sing chant
Say your favorite school word
This is Phonics 2.  Murmuring Vowels  Unit 4 P61
Grammar Starter  Unit 11 They aren't mine.  They're Trig's! 
Do exercise 7  Do REVISION 2  6, 7
Up and Away Reader Book 3C P14-17

Have a great weekend! 
See you soon !


Lesson Report Primary-1 November 21st

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Saturday, November 22, 2014. 
It is sunny and cold today.
Picture Dictionary のTopic 15 (3)を学習しました。
This is Phonics Unit 6 Polite Vowels P59, 60を学習しました。
Up and Away student book ; Unit 14のDo you have..?を復習しました。
Up and away workbook P18 を完成させました。  
Up and away student book Unit 14 Does he / she have? P34を学習しました。
Up and away student book Unit 26 How much?を学習しました。
Up and away workbook Unit 26を完成させました。
Up and Away Reader Book 1D  P 16 - 19 を音読しました。
サポートタイムでリーダーの音読練習をしましたが、皆良くできていました。Good work!

<Lesson Review> 
Picture Dictionary Topic 15(3)
Sing the chant.
Say your favorite space word
This is Phonics Unit 6  Polite Vowels P59, 60. Listen, read and repeat after CD. Fill in the blanks
Up and Away student book P34 Unit 14  Do you have? (Review)  Do P18 in workbook
Up and Away student book Unit 14  Does he/ she have? 
Up and Away student book Unit 26  How much?  Do workbook.
Up and Away reader book 1D  P16 - 19

Have a nice weekend. 
See you next week!               


Lesson Report Junior-1 November 20th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Thursday, November 20, 2014.
It's rainy and cold today.
How do you go to school?
How long does it take?
今日のレッスンでは  How をつかって交通手段を尋ね、また質問に答える練習をしました。学校やよく行く場所にどのように行くかを説明できるようになりましたか?

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 6 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-3 交通手段の言い方
Grammar in Use
基礎英語 Lessons 105 & 106
Star Team Unit 8
Communication   Do you like ...?
Song  Can we go out together? 

Have a great weekend.
See you next week!

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report Junior-2E November 19th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, November 19, 2014.
It's sunny and cold today.
We practiced how to tell someone the way to our school.
Do you think you can help someone on the street when they ask you the way?
You are getting better at remembering English sentences in a short time.
That's good for you!
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers today.
The next speakers are Sae and Tomoya.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 107
Star Team  Unit 7  Presentation story
Bridge Work 
Chapter 21 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-5  形容詞の復習   writing practice  #19-25
Chapter 21 Unit 3
Grammar and Communication-1  道案内
Exercise-1 => Tell your partner the way to your school.

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report-Advancing 1-Nov.20th

1. Grammar in Use
Unit 75  Names w, w/o the-1: 75.A, C, D, E-> 75.2,  Read aloud 75.3
Unit 76  Names w, w/o the-2: 76.C, E-> 76.2 as Quiz, 76.3
=> Additional Exercise: a/an and the (Unit 67-76) #29/p.313
2. Open Forum-2 Chapter 6 Social Studies: Radio Program about Self-employment in the U.S.
- Review Voc and Expressions/p.49-50: benefits, job security, time-off, free-lancer, lay off, self-employed
- Preparing to Listen: Discuss Advantages and Disadvantages. Are you interested in self-employment?
- Lis-1 by Part: Answer the questions
- Part-1: 1-1. Who are entrepreneurs? How many such people are there in the US?
1-2. What does he do? How does he manage his life?
- Part-2 => 2. Why and how does she do her business?
- Part-3 => 3-1. Who are the 17.5 million people? 3-2. What kind of work do these people do?
3-3. Why does Jenny Huang think self-employment is on the rise?
3-4. What are the downsides to self-employment?
- Lis-2 => Integrated Speaking Explain who are entrepreneurs, what they do, why they are on the rise and what are the downsides in 90 seconds. Use the two people as examples if you can.
- Working Out Unknown Vocabulary: on the front line, juggle, get out on my own, getting by
3. Reading and Writing-2  Unit 6 Self-Reliance
Reading 2 : I Hate Machines
- Vocabulary: access, assist, connection, eventually, frustrated, furious, install, on hold, scan, transfer
- Read-1=> Main Idea-1
=> Write why the blogger hate machines concisely within 50 words. Use the words from the text.

Lesson Report-Senior 2-Nov.19th

1. ・Bridge to MEL Book 3
- Grammar: C32-U2: G&C-2 make/find/keep/leave + O + adjectives,
  G&C-3 have/get + O + adjectives
- Vocabulary in Use: C33-U1 #1
2. Read & Write  Unit 9 Life Changes  Reading-2   Becoming an Adult
- Revise writing: which idea, occasion or event you think better defines an adult in five to eight sentences.
- Vocabulary Skill: Using the Dictionary
A. Choose the correct definition for each bold word.
B. Look up each bold word in the dictionary and find the correct definition.
Reading Comprehension from Q-Skills: Moving Back Home
1. Choose the word that best fits in (1), (2), (4). Fill a word that best fits in (3) and (5).
2. Do you think children should leave their homes and live themselves or stay home and live with their parents?
Think not only from children’s but also parents’ point of views.
=> Discuss with a partner to form your opinion. => Write your answer within five sentences. => Pair
3. Cover to Cover Unit 10  Part 2: A Living Legend
- Com Task-2 Read par-2 2~3 times=>Retell the legend of the Hoan Kiem turtle in 4~6 sentences.

Lesson Report Junior-2 November 19th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, November 19, 2014.
It's sunny and cold today.
We practiced how to tell someone the way to our school.
Do you think you can help someone on the street when they ask you the way?
You are getting better at remembering English sentences in a short time.
That's good for you!
I'm so sorry I skipped the speech part.
The next speakers are Sota and Yoshiki.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 107
Star Team  Unit 7  Presentation story
Bridge Work 
Chapter 21 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-5  形容詞の復習   writing practice  #19-25
Chapter 21 Unit 3
Grammar and Communication-1  道案内
Exercise-1 => Tell your partner the way to your school.

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday!


11月23日のディベート講座-Senior 1, 2 クラス

Senior-1, Senior-2クラスの生徒は、1123日(日)は文教大学湘南キャンパスで開催されるディベートセミナーに出席します。http://www.bunkyo.ac.jp/newstopics/2014/pdf/nt88.pdf



・当日の連絡は沓澤(tk@myenglish.co.jp, 070-5081-3980)、または、浅井(asai@myenglish.co.jp)にお願いします。

Lesson Report Primary-2 November 18th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Wednesday, November 19, 2014.
It's sunny today.
Picture Dictionary Topic 39 (2)を学習しました。
This is Phonics 2 Murmuring Vowels P60 を学習しました。
Grammar Starter Chapter 11 問7 を完成させました。 
P52 REVISION の#1, 2 を完成させました。
Up and Away Reader Book 3C   P10-13を音読しました。

<Lesson Review>  
Picture Dictionary Topic 39 (2
Sing chant
Say your favorite school word
This is Phonics 2.  Murmuring Vowels  Unit 4 P60
Grammar Starter  Unit 11 They aren't mine.  They're Trig's! 
Do exercise 7  Do REVISION 2  1, 2
Up and Away Reader Book 3C P10-13

Have a great week! 
See you!


Lesson Report Primary-1 November 18

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It’s Wednesday, November 19, 2014.  
It is sunny and cold today. 
Picture Dictionary のTopic 15 (2)を学習しました。
This is Phonics Unit 6 Polite Vowels P57, 58を学習しました。
Up and Away student book ;  have, don’t haveの復習をしました。
Unit 14のDo you have..?も学習しました。
Up and away workbook P17を完成させました。
Up and away student book Unit 25 American Moneyを学習しました。

<Lesson Review>  
Picture Dictionary Topic 15(2)
Sing the chant.
Say your favorite space word
This is Phonics  Unit 6  Polite Vowels P57, 58. 
Listen, read and repeat
after CD. Fill in the blanks 
Up and Away student REVIEW  have, don’t have  P31, 32.
Unit 14  Do you have…?     Write sentences in notebook.
Up and Away workbook P17
Up and Away Student book  Unit 25  American Money

Have a nice week.  

See you !                


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Nov.18th

1. ・Bridge Work  C34-U2: G&C-1  participle
・Vocabulary in Use  C33-U1 #2: Voc. Writing
2. ・11月号基礎英語3: Listen to Communicate  [8:25-8:35] Listen w/o Textbook=> Task-> Read
- L-109 Listen=> What did Tino buy?#1=> Listen & Repeat What did Tino buy?#2 -> Read
- L-110 Listen & Repeat=> Shadow Reading->
3. ・Read & Write Unit 9 Life Changes   Reading-2   Becoming an Adult
=> Write which idea, occasion or event you think better defines an adult in five to eight sentences
=> Pair Explain what you think w/o the writing in 90 sec.=> Q&A
4. ・Cover to Cover   Unit 7 Survivors  Part 1: Survival after eight days at sea
・Before Reading: Aceh and Sumatra in Indonesia, tsunami in 2005
・Comprehension Strategy: Finding main ideas in paragraphs
・Reading-1: Underline the main idea of each paragraph=> Task-A: Events by order
 => Recognize the Subject of the main ideas-> Recognize the Subjects of the supporting details.
 => Checking Comprehension A: Number the events in the order they happened to Rizal
・Reading-2 with CD => Checking Comprehension-B -> Read aloud: Pr.2-5
=> Com Task-1 Pr-2: The huge ~ be his last. 表現(現在分子)を意識して、切実な状況を伝える日本語にしなさい。
・Looking at Vocabulary in Context/p.89: drift, mosque, struck, devastate-devastating, drown, destroy
・Vocabulary: drift, raging water, sweep-swept-swept, be about to, manage to, crack, current, devastate-devastating-devastated, drown
・What do you think: Study the questions-> Do you think you’re good at dealing with an emergency?
Pair Give your answer to a partner and explain why with example(s).

Lesson Report Junior-3 November 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, November 18th, 2014. 
It's sunny and beautiful today.
We practiced the example sentences very hard.
The vocabulary is getting more and more challenging to remember.
Practice, practice, practice!
Practice makes perfect.
Don't forget how to use "make, have, and let".
The next speakers are Kaede and Mahiro.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 105 & 106
Bridge Work
Chapter 31 Unit 1
Vocabulary in Use  #2 文明や政治に関することば  Practice with the tablet PC
Chapter 32 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2  使役動詞の使い方
Review practice

Have a great week!
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Junior-1 November 17th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, November 18, 2014.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
It's getting cold!
Do you like riding a bike?
How often do you ride your bike?
Key Communicationが合格できなかった人は次回必ず再テストを受けましょうね。

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 6 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2 動詞の紹介−7 Review
Exercise-2 #1, 2, and 3
基礎英語 Lessons 103 & 104
Star Team Unit 8
Communication   Do you like ...?

Have a wonderful week.
See you on Thursday!

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report-Advancing 1-Nov.17th

1. Daily 1500 #43  Becoming a Better Speaker with Speechmasters
Voc anything but …, a known fact, what it takes ~ to …
☆ Integ. Speaking [60 sec] What will it take to make your speech more interesting to the audience?
2. Open Forum-2  Chapter 6 Social Studies: Lecture about Working Hours in the US and Europe
Review Listening w/Transcript => Rewrite the summary-3
Key Points:
- The lecture is about the difference in working hours and vacation time between Europe and America.
- Modern Europeans work fewer hours than Americans with four-week paid leave or more guaranteed by the regulations.
- Americans have to work longer hours because there are no paid vacation requirements to employers and is stiffer job security and competition than Europe.
- It seems that they have different priorities over life and work. (72 words)
- Study the Transcript-> Voc: bargain (v), benefit (n), prosper-prosperous
- Focus on the Listening Skill/p.48: Identifying Organizing Phrases - look at, describe, point out, compare
- Vocabulary/p.49-50: self-employed, freelance, time off, benefits, job security, lay off/fire
=> Extended Study Wage and Salary Comparison
- Minimum Wage in rural region   Minimum Wage in Tokyo Average Wage for a temporary job
Salary for a low-skill job/rural region Salary for a large company employee
=> Discuss the difference in pay, benefits, job security and lifestyle
=>☆ Integ. Speaking [90sec/Prep=>90 sec] Explain what kind of job or life style you’d like to have & why.
3. Reading and Writing-2  Unit 6 Self-Reliance
Reading 2 : I Hate Machines
- Vocabulary: access, assist, connection, eventually, frustrated, furious, install, on hold, scan, transfer
- Read-1=> Main Idea-1
=> Write why the blogger hate machines concisely within 50 words. Use the words from the text.

Lesson Report Junior-2 November 15th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, November 15, 2014.
What a beautiful day it is!
It's sunny and cold today.
Are you ready for telling someone how to get to your school?
We learned a lot of words and phrases when we tell how to get to a place.
You also have a Recap test next time.
Please get ready for the test.
Our speakers today was Ami.
She talked about the end-term exams.
The next speakers are Sota and Yoshiki.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 106
Bridge Work 
Chapter 21 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-5  形容詞の復習   writing practice #10-18
Oral practice  #19-25
Chapter 21 Unit 3
Grammar and Communication-1  道案内
Star Team  Unit 6  Pronunciation, Song

Enjoy the holiday!
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report-Senior 2-Nov.15th

1. ・Bridge to MEL Book 3
- Grammar: C32-U2: G&C-2 make/find/keep/leave + O + adjectives, G&C-3 have/get + O + adjectives
- Vocabulary in Use: C32-U2 #2
2. Read & Write  Unit 9 Life Changes: Reading-2   Becoming an Adult
WDT-B.2 Write which idea, occasion or event you think better defines an adult in five to eight sentences.
=> Pair Explain what you think w/o the writing in 90 sec.=> Q&A
3. Cover to Cover  Unit 10  Part 2: A Living Legend
-Review Reading w/CD=> Read aloud: Par.6
- Com Task-1 日本語にしなさい
2. Pr-6: There is now a plan ~, so that the turtle will survive in real life as well as in the legend.
=> Grammar: , so that … / so that …
☆  , so that:(結果)それで、そのため、その結果   I overslept, so that I missed the flight.
☆  so that: (目的)…するために、…するように Talk louder so that I may hear you better.
注: 主節とso that節の主語が同じなら不定詞で可
He made dinner so that he could please his wife. => He made dinner to please his wife.
- Expanding Vocabulary: -ist, -er, -or
- Vocabulary: legend-legendary, rule the country-ruler, defeat the enemy, from that day/now on, sight-sighting, elsewhere, escape from,

Lesson Report Junior-2E November 15th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, November 15, 2014.
What a beautiful day it is!
It's sunny and cold today.
Are you ready for telling someone how to get to your school?
We learned a lot of words and phrases when we tell how to get to a place.
You also have a Recap test next time.
Please get ready for the test.
Our speakers today were Kota and Shintaro.
They both talked about the end-term exams.
The next speaker is Sae.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 106
Bridge Work 
Chapter 21 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-5  形容詞の復習   writing practice #10-18
Oral practice  #19-25
Chapter 21 Unit 3
Grammar and Communication-1  道案内
Star Team  Unit 6  Pronunciation, Song

Enjoy the holiday!
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 November 14th

Hello Class! 
This is Kumiko from MEL School. 
It's Saturday, November 15, 2014. It' s sunny and nice today.
Picture Dictionary Topic 39(1)を学習しました。
This is Phonics 2  Murmuring Vowels P59 を学習しました。
Grammar Starter Chapter 11 問5, 6 を完成させました。

<Lesson Review>  
Picture Dictionary Topic 39 (1)  
Sing chant
Write new words in notebook
This is Phonics 2  Murmuring Vowels  Unit 4  P59
Grammar Starter  Unit 11 They aren' t mine.  They' re Trig' s!  
Do exercise 5, 6

Have a good weekend!  
See you next week.


Lesson Report Primary-1 November 14th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It’s Saturday, November 15, 2014.  It is nice and sunny today. 
Picture Dictionary のTopic 15 を学習しました。宇宙に関する単語がいっぱ
This is Phonics Unit 6 Polite Vowels P55,56を学習しました。
Up and Away student book  Unit 8 above/ below/in front of/ behind/ next toの内容と前回学習したat the top of/ at the bottom ofの問題を解きました。
Up and away workbook P10のAは完成させました。
Up and away student book Unit 13  P31, 32を学習しました。
Up and Away Reader Book 1Dを音読練習をサポートタイムでしました。

<Lesson Review>  
Picture Dictionary Topic 15(1)Sing the chant
Write new words in alphabetical order
This is Phonics  Unit 6  Polite Vowels  P55 56 
Listen, read and repeat after CD. Fill in the blanks 
Up and Away student REVIEW  P21  Unit 8  above,/ below/ next to
/ in front of/ behind / at the top of/ at the bottom of /at the side of/ in the middle of 
Up and Away workbook P10  Complete A.  B is for HW
Up and Away Student book  Unit 13 have/ don’t have  P31,32  
Up and Away workbook Unit 13 P16

Have a nice weekend!  
See you next week!                


Lesson Report Junior-3 November 14th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, November 14th, 2014. 
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Does your mom sometimes ask you to do grocery shopping?
What did she have you do recently?
Does she let you watch TV during the meal?
Does your English teacher always make you read the textbook aloud?
Please remember how to use "make, let, and have".
Our speaker today was Yuma.
He talked about the exams next week.
The next speakers are Kaede and Mahiro.
The next speech is on Friday.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 103 & 104
Bridge Work
Chapter 31 Unit 1
Vocabulary in Use  #2 文明や政治に関することば
Chapter 32 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  Phrasal verbs
Exercise-1  Review
Grammar and Communication-2  使役動詞の使い方

Have a good weekend!
See you on Tuesday!


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Nov.14th

1. ・Bridge Work  C34-U1: G&C-2 Relative pronouns-object/who, which, that Ex-2
G&C-3 adjective order => Ex-3
・Vocabulary in Use  C33-U2 #2: Voc, Sentences, practice
2. ・11月号基礎英語3: Listen to Communicate  Listen w/o Textbook=> Task-> Read
- L-107 Listen & Read => Read=> Repeat: => Let’s Chant/p.67 Listen & Repeat
- L-108 Listen & Read => Read=> Repeat:
=> Pair I was surprised to see ~ –ing in/on … (when)… => Q/A
3. ・Read & Write  Unit 9 Life Changes:  Reading-2   Becoming an Adult
- Vocabulary:
- Preview Reading 2-> Scan the Blog to find the answers
- Reading #1=> Underline the Main Point of each Blogger for MI, Details, Mark the Margins (!)
=> Pair Check the Answers=> Explain why you marked ! on the specific point(s).
=> WDT-B.2: Which do you feel better defines an adult: a cultural ceremony or a person who stopped growing? Prepare in 90 sec=> Explain in 90 sec.