- Grammar: C32-U2: G&C-2 make/find/keep/leave + O + adjectives,
G&C-3 have/get + O + adjectives
- Vocabulary in Use: C33-U1 #1
2. Read & Write Unit 9 Life Changes Reading-2 Becoming an Adult
- Revise writing: which idea, occasion or event you think better defines an adult in five to eight sentences.
- Vocabulary Skill: Using the Dictionary
A. Choose the correct definition for each bold word.
B. Look up each bold word in the dictionary and find the correct definition.
Reading Comprehension from Q-Skills: Moving Back Home
1. Choose the word that best fits in (1), (2), (4). Fill a word that best fits in (3) and (5).
2. Do you think children should leave their homes and live themselves or stay home and live with their parents?
Think not only from children’s but also parents’ point of views.
=> Discuss with a partner to form your opinion. => Write your answer within five sentences. => Pair
3. Cover to Cover Unit 10 Part 2: A Living Legend
- Com Task-2 Read par-2 2~3 times=>Retell the legend of the Hoan Kiem turtle in 4~6 sentences.
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