Lesson Report-Senior 2-Nov.1st

1. ・Bridge to MEL Book 3
- Grammar: C32-U1: G&C-2  make/let/have + object + infinitive, Gr-activity and writing Round 2,
G&C-3  to infinitive or -ing form, Gr-activity and writing Round 2
- Vocabulary in Use: C32-U1 #1
2. Cover to Cover   Unit 10  Part 1: The Camel Library
- Before Reading: Kenya, remote villages, camels, camel library
- Comprehension Strategy: Identifying meaning from context
☆ Skimming: Check the Title, Photo and First few words of each paragraph
-> Guess what this text is about and Identify the topic of each paragraph
- Reading-1 => Task-A/p.128 , Checking Comprehension A
- Review w/CD-> Read aloud: Par.2-3
- Com Task-1: 下線部の内容を明らかにして、日本語にしなさい。
1. (Pr-2) They cannot afford to buy books, let alone have access to the Internet. Until 1996, the only library in the area was in Garissa. The distance meant villagers could not get to it.
2. (Pr-3) Camels are often the most efficient form of transportation in Northern Kenya, as the poor roads make driving difficult.
Com Task-2: Write in English.
- While one of troops/soldiers was acting as a guard to make sure no one tries to steal their belongings, the others were resting under the shade of the big tree.
3. Read & Write Unit 8  Honesty: is it ever OK to lie?
Topic Discussion: ☆Talk about a lie you told/were told before. Describe the situation and Explain why the lie was made.
=> Discuss whether the lie was the best option in the situation or if there were better options.

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