How are you doing?
It's Friday, November 14th, 2014.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Does your mom sometimes ask you to do grocery shopping?
What did she have you do recently?
Does she let you watch TV during the meal?
Does your English teacher always make you read the textbook aloud?
Please remember how to use "make, let, and have".
Our speaker today was Yuma.
He talked about the exams next week.
The next speakers are Kaede and Mahiro.
The next speech is on Friday.
Get ready for your speech!
<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lesson 103 & 104
Bridge Work
Chapter 31 Unit 1Vocabulary in Use #2 文明や政治に関することば
Chapter 32 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1 Phrasal verbs
Exercise-1 Review
Grammar and Communication-2 使役動詞の使い方
Have a good weekend!
See you on Tuesday!
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