Lesson Report-Advancing 2-Mar.14th

1. Unit 87  both, neither, none (of) : 87.A, B, C-> 87.1, 87.2   87.D, E-> 87.4, 87.5
Unit 88  all, every, whole: 88.A, B, C-> 88.1  88.D-> 88.2  88.E-> 88.3, 88.4
=> Pair Talk about two individuals, best friend and you, your parents/sister/brother using both and neither.
=> Pair Talk about your family, class or club using all, every, whole, and none (of)
2. Inside Reading  Unit 2 Megacities: Urban Planning
Reading The New Megapolis ☆What?: An article from Newsweek magazine about the rise of megacities
Reading Skill: Identifying Main Ideas vs. Supporting Details
-> Learn: Identify the main ideas and the supporting details when reading a text.
-> Apply-A. Check the main ideas
-> Apply-B. Write notes about the focus, writer’s purpose of each paragraph. => Pair
=> Apply-C Write the main idea of the entire article in within three sentences.

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