2. Show & Tell in Reported Speech-> Q&A => Report Writing
3. Tactics for Listening Unit 6 Gifts
Getting Ready: Pair When do you give gifts?
Listening-1: Find to whom and for what they’re going to give a gift, what they decided to buy and not to buy and why. => Pair 1~3, 4~6
Listening-2: Take memos to explain to whom and for what the speaker is looking for a gift and what he/she will do and why. => Pair 1~2, 3~4
=> Pair What gift/present were you given recently by who and for what occasion?
->The partner asks questions.
4. Read & Write-2 Unit 1 Trend: Why does something become popular?
Reading 1: The Popularity of Social Network #2
- Reading-1: Stay focus on the main points, check the main points, underline the signal words/subjects => Main Ideas-A, B
- Scan: Find the answers for Details
=> What do you think? Answer the Question-2 in three to five sentences like an Interview Test
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