MEL News February 2016

News-1 2016年度クラス編成
Primary-1 (小学5-6年生) 火・金曜日 4:50-5:40 (50分)
Primary-2 (小学5-6年生) 火・金曜日 6:00-6:50 (50分)
Junior-1E (中学1年生)   水・土曜日 5:45-7:30 (100分
Junior-1L (中学1年生)   火・金曜日 7:30-9:15 (100分)
Junior-2E (中学2年生)   月・木曜日 5:45-7:30 (100分)
Junior-2L (中学2年生)   月・木曜日 7:45-9:30 (100分)
Junior-3   (中学3年生)   月・木曜日 7:30-9:15 (100分)
Senior-1p (高校1-2年生) 水・土曜日 7:45-9:30 (100分)
Senior-2  (高校1-2年生) 火・金曜日 7:30-9:30 (120分)
Senior-3  (高校2-3年生) 木曜日 7:30-9:30, 土曜日 5:00-7:00 (120分)
Advancing-2(高校2-3年生)水・土曜日 7:30-9:30 (120分)

News-2 新入生対象体験レッスンのご案内
1回目 2月20日(土) 午後2:00-3:00
2回目 3月12日(土) 午後2:00-3:00
1回目 2月  6日(土) 午後2:00-3:00
2回目 2月13日(土) 午後2:00-3:00

News-3 2015年第3回英検実施報告  
1月24日(日)の英検はMEL Schoolから34名の生徒が受験しました。
MEL School以外で英検を受験した生徒さんは、成績表が届いたら結果をご報告ください。

Update 授業料を改定いたします
- Primaryコース (50分レッスン) 16,200円 (税抜15,000円)
- Junior, Senior-1p コース (100分レッスン) 32,400円 (税抜30,000円)
- Senior-2, 3, Advancing-1 コース (120分レッスン) 33,480円 (税抜31,000円)
注1 Junior-2,3クラスは3月、他のクラスは4月から改訂いたします。
注2 従来授業料とは別に頂いていた教材費(月500円~1,500円)は授業料に含まれます。
注3 登録サービス料は従来通り4カ月毎に3,240円です。

Update 今後の主な予定
TOEIC Bridge, TOEIC IPテストを3月15-16日に中3以上のクラスで実施します。


MEL School 三鷹

Lesson Report-Adv.2-Jan.30th

[1] Listening & Vocabulary: Kikutan-6K  Day 35 The Schengen Agreement 
The Schengen Agreement [ʃɛŋən] led to the creation of Europe's borderless Schengen Area. The treaty was signed on 14 June 1985 by five of the ten member states of the then European Economic Community near the town of Schengen in Luxembourg but was only partially implemented until 1995. The Schengen Area operates like a single state for international travel purposes with external border controls for travelers entering and exiting the area, and common visas, but with no internal border controls. It currently consists of 26 European countries covering a population of over 400 million people.
[2] Inside Reading-3 Unit 9 Business Competitive Instinct
- Review Research the unknown people and things
-> Identify what type of competition, such as personal, professional, national or business, each story demonstrates and the influence or consequence brought about by the competition.
- Review the summary of “1450; The Path to Literacy” and “2011; Going Green” in three sentences in the present tense. Use time words if appropriate. => HW by 1/29
“1450; The Path to Literacy” 
The first moveable printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in Germany in 1450 and spreads to other countries in Europe soon. As more books are printed with this technology, the number of schools increased and more people start to read and write, and as a result, the middle class is created.
“2011; Going Green”  
The world population reaches seven billion at the end of October, 2011, two year earlier than previously estimated. 
Now companies are trying to find ways to provide enough food and energy to meet the growing demand. 
- Study Words/Expressions/Grammar=> HW
[3] My Global Learning Program-3  The Pacific War
- China before 1937

Lesson Report-Adv.1-Jan.30th

1. Kikutan-6K  Day 39: Dogs in Germany
People in Germany can take their dogs anywhere, on a train or into a restaurant as long as they are registered.
Once registered, dogs can be taken to other countries if a pet passport is accompanied. 
Many dog owners buy insurance to cover accidents caused by their dogs.
2. Typing Practice-8 
 Free Typing Test E, Free Typing Test F, Advanced Typing Skills-5, Advanced Typing Skills-6
3. Inside Reading-2 Unit 8  Reading- 2  High School Society: Who Belongs Where?
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level 
B. Check the Answers: Put the sentences in a logical order. 
- C. Write synonyms of the informal words-> Check the chart on page 113.
- D. Dic diverse => Pair Talk about the diversity of the students/activities/events/backgrounds of your school or community in 90 seconds. Use diverse, diversity, diversify or diversified at least twice.
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
- E. Read the situations and opinions
=> Speak-1 your opinion on one of the situations that should have a rule in 60 sec.
=> Speak-2 your opinion on one of the situations that should not have a rule in 60 sec.
- G. Check the arguments on page 128 for “for” and “against”

=> Group Speak your opinion in 60 sec. => Q&A
4. Open Forum-1 Chapter 11 Math and Technology  #2 A lecture about human computers
- 1st Lis-thru.: Main Ideas, More Details-1 
- 2nd Lis-by Part: More Details-2 
=> Explain how the lecturer answered the student question in 120 seconds with three examples he used;
Q: It seems that people must have needed to calculate things before we had computers. How did they do that? 

Lesson Report Junior-3 January 30th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday
, January 30, 2016.
It's cloudy and cold today.
Tomorrow is the last day in January.
We have 11 months left this year. One month has already passed since the new year started.
Time flies!
As I told you, you have a quiz next time.
Try to memorize the sentences by reading them aloud as often as possible.
Once you remember these expressions, you will be able to use them.
Our speaker today was Chiaki.
She presented her speech, which she did at the school speech contest.
The next speaker is Yoshiki.
Get ready for your speech!

*Don't forget to bring your new Kiso-eigo next time!

< Lesson Review>

Small talk: Can you tell me about the best food you've ever eaten?
基礎英語 Lessons 143 & 144
Summarizing the story of the week
Bridge Work
Chapter 33 Unit 1 VIU #2 感情などに関することば‐2
Chapter 34 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  present and past participles

Have a wonderful weekend.
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 January 29th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's January 30, 2016.  
It's wet and cold today!
Picture Dictionary Topic46(4)を学習しました。
16 の単語をジャンルに分け、2チームで対決しました。 
Oxford Discover Student Book P164, 165の問題を解きました。
Oxford Discover Workbook P144, 145の問題を解きました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 46 (4)
Sing chant
Play categorize game (2 groups)
Oxford Discover Student book    Do P164, 165
Oxford Discover workbook P144,145

Have a super weekend! 
See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-1 January 29th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's January 30, 2016.  
It's a wet and cold day! 
Picture Dictionary
Topic 18(4)を学習しました。

This is Phonics 1 
Unit 6  P53Chantを唄いました。
Good work everyone!
Up and Away Student Book P17, 18 What is he/she?の文の復習、ペアワークをし、発表をしました。
Up and Away reader book 1c, P5-11を音読しました。

Lesson Review
Picture Dictionary Topic 18 (4)
Sing the chant
Play BINGO.  Use 15 words from Topic18, 5 months, 5 days of the week

This is Phonics 1 Sing P53,  read words and practice. 
Memorize phrases from topic and write on board (2 Groups)
Up and Away student book P17,18  What is he/she? Pair work.
Repeat sentences and present .
Up and Away reader  book 1c  P5-11

Have a wonderful weekend!  


Lesson Report Senior-1 January 29th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, January 30, 2016.
It's overcast today.
Have you ever done anything to help starving children?
Whatever the reason, it's not right to make young ones suffer from severe condition anywhere in the world.
Hope the article you read yesterday gave you an idea of how you can contribute to others who are in need.
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speaker is still Takeshi.
Try your best and get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Small talk: If you are told you can do whatever you want, what would you like to do?
基礎英語 Lesson 141 & 142
Bridge Work
Chapter 34 Unit 2  VIU #2 批評などに関することば p.143
Workbook page 98
Chapter 35 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2  Relative pronoun - whatever 
Exercise-2 #2

Have an awesome weekend!
See you on Tuesday.


Lesson Report Junior-1 January 29th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, January 30, 2016.
It's cloudy today.
What did you do in today's lesson?
You liked the story in Bridge Work?
Luna のFirst day at Ocean High SchoolでのRole play はみんな頑張りましたね!
You did a good job!

  <Lesson Review>
Questions, questions, and questions!
Bridge Work
Chapter 10 Unit 2
Key Communication test
Extra Reading  Friends from different countries
Chapter 11 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1 規則動詞の過去形 #1-6 
Exercise-1 #1 and 2
Grammar and Communication-2 過去形の疑問文、否定文
Exercise-2 #1-a.

Have an awesome weekend!

See you next week.


Lesson Report-Sr.2p-Jan.29th

1. Kikutan-4K  Day 37: The Secret Collection of Information
Many companies get information of our web access record whether we agree or not.
2. Typing Practice 
Free Typing Test E, Free Typing Test F Advanced Typing Skills-5, Advanced Typing Skills-6
3. Inside Reading-2  Unit 1  Reading-2  Understanding Philly’s Basement
- Check the summary (HW by Jan.29th)
=> ☆ Pair Tell the Summary in 90 sec. w/o the writing.

=> Reading Task Ground Penetrating System (GPR) (par.8) について下記以降を100字以内で説明しなさい。
> Study Sentences: [L3-P4] For example, in the mid-1800s ~ returned to the South.
[L48-P5] Until we figure out ~ man-eating hole might develop.
[P8] Ground penetrating radar ~ the receiver’s screen. (technical reading)=> Pair
[L90-P9] Their clever tunneling ~ in the city.
[L110-P10] Responder is equipped with ~ the pipe walls. 
[L115-P11] Locating problem is ~ the bulk of the job. 
4. Open Forum-1  Chapter 1 Communication #2 Lecture about Gestures
- Listening-by Part=> Take notes to explain in complete sentences.
=> Tell the summary of the lecture in 120 sec. Explain each of the three points.
- 3rd Lis w/Script-> Voca- be born with, be born to be/do sth: He was ~ to be a poet.= He was a ~ poet.
- correspond-correspondence: to match, be the same as, or similar to something
=> Thinking & Speaking Explain one of the points about gestures in 90 seconds
- Pronunciation: Contractions with Be
- Speaking Skill: Asking for help with Vocabulary  -> Ex-1,2/p.7
=> Speaking Practice: Describe to have the partner guess what the place/who the person is.

Lesson Report Junior-2 January 28th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, January 28, 2016.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Are you smarter than any other student in your class?
If so, you are the smartest student in your class.
Do you run faster than any other student in your class?
If so, you are the fastest runner in your class!
Our speaker today was Kotoko.
She talked about going to a shopping mall to buy clothes with her friends.
The next speaker is Momoka.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 23 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2 may, may not
Grammar and Communication-3  -er than any other ..., than I thought
Exercise-3 #1-a, 1-b, and 2
Let's check-1
Questions, questions, questions!
基礎英語 Lesson 139 & 140
Engage Unit 6  One of a kind
Introducing the topic
Vocabulary Jobs  page 55

Have an awesome weekend!
See you on Monday!

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report Junior-1 January 28th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Thursday, January 28, 2016.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
What did you do in today's lesson?
You liked the story in Bridge Work?
Lunaの転校初日のRole playはみんな頑張りましたね!
Good work!
次回はChapter 10 Unit 2 の Key Communication test です。

 <Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 10 Unit 2
Grammar in Use
Key Communication practice
Extra Reading  Friends from different countries
Chapter 11 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1 規則動詞の過去形 #1-6 
Exercise-1 #1 and 2
Questions, questions, and questions!

Have an awesome weekend!

See you next week.

Towako and Miharu

Lesson Report Junior-3 January 27th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday,
 January 27, 2016.

It's sunny and cold today.
It's much warmer than yesterday, though.
Do you mind getting on a crowded bus?
Have you ever seen a sinking ship?
We are learning new things every day.
The only thing you can do to use what you learned is to practice hard.
Try one little thing every day!
Our speaker today was Miyabi.
She talked about her school trip to Nara and Kyoto.
The next speaker is Chiaki.
Get ready for your speech!

< Lesson Review>

Small talk: Can you tell me about the person you admire the most?
基礎英語 Lessons 141 & 142
Bridge Work
Chapter 33 Unit 1 VIU #2 感情などに関することば‐2
Chapter 34 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  present and past participles

 Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report-Adv.1-Jan.27th

1. Kikutan-6K  Day 39: Dogs in Germany
People in Germany can take their dogs anywhere, on a train or into a restaurant as long as they are registered.
- register  to record a name on an official list; record, list, sign up: ~ a birth, company – (n) official list, cash ~
- assign  - to give/allocate; allot: ~ a room  - to give out or announce as a task: ~ homework  -appoint, as to a post or duty: ~ one to guard duty.  ->assignment
2. Typing Practice-7  
Free Typing Test D, Free Typing Test E, Advanced Typing Skills-3, Advanced Typing Skills-4
3. Read & Write-2 Unit 8 Stories  Reading 1: Nasreddin Hondja and the Candle
- Vocabulary  
-> Listen/Q-Classroom-> Main Ideas, Details
- Read-> Check MI/D, Underline the main ideas/events and important details to retell the story
=> Retell-1 the story in four to six sentences in the present tense.
4. Inside Reading-2  Unit 8  Reading- 2  High School Society: Who Belongs Where?
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level 
- A. Read the words in the box-> Fill in the blanks without reading (voca task) -> Read the text aloud.
=> B. Put the sentences in a logical order. Identify the topic of each sentence and sort them=> Pair
- C. Write synonyms of the informal words-> Check the chart on page 113.
- D. Dic diverse => Pair Talk about the diversity of the students/activities/events/backgrounds of your school or community in 90 seconds. Use diverse, diversity, diversify or diversified at least twice.
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
- E. Read the situations and opinions
  => Speak-1 your opinion on one of the situations that should have a rule in 60 sec.
  => Speak-2 your opinion on one of the situations that should not have a rule in 60 sec.
- G. Check the arguments on page 128 for “for” and “against”
  => Group Speak your opinion in 60 sec. => Q&A

Lesson Report Primary-2 January 26th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's January 27, 2016.  
It's a nice sunny winter day!
Picture Dictionary Topic46 (3)を学習しました。
BINGO gameでは月を合わせて25の単語を書きました。
Oxford Discover Student Book P162, 163の問題を解きました。
Oxford Discover Workbook P142, 143 の問題を解きました。

<Lesson Review
Picture Dictionary Topic 46(3
Sing chant
Play BINGO game.  
Oxford Discover Student book    Do P162,163
Oxford Discover workbook P142,143

Have a wonderful week! 


Lesson Report Primary-1 January 26th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
s January 27, 2016.  
It's a nice sunny day!
Picture Dictionary 
Topic 18 (3)を学習しました。 
This is Phonics 1 Unit 6 P53Chantを唄いました。
Up and Away Student Book P14,15,16 He is/ she isの文の復習、ペアワークをしました。
Up and Away reader book 1c, P1-5を音読しました。
ここにHe is, she isMr. Lee isの文がたくさん出てきました!

Lesson Review
Picture Dictionary Topic 18 (3)
Sing the chant
Work in 2 groups.  Each student memorizes 3 words / write 3 words on board
This is Phonics 1,    Sing P53,  read words from list and write words in notebook.  Group practice
Up and Away student book P14,15,16  He is, she is, Mr. Lee is….  Pair work. Repeat sentences. Make sentences 
Up and Away reader  book 1c  P1-5  

Have a wonderful week !  


Lesson Report-Sr.2p-Jan.26th

1. Kikutan-4K  Day 36: Steve Jobs
2. Typing Practice  
Lesson 7: Free Typing Test D,  Free Typing Test E, Advanced Typing Skills-3, Advanced Typing Skills-4
3. Read & Write-2  Unit 8 Stories  Reading 1: Nasreddin Hondja and the Candle
Listen/Q-Classroom-> Main Ideas, Details
- Read-> Check MI/D, Underline the main ideas/events and important details to retell the story
=> Retell-1 the story in four to six sentences in the present tense.
4. Inside Reading-2  Unit 1  Reading-2  Understanding Philly’s Basement
- Read-2 -> Understand the structure of the article=> Check Blog
Title (Understanding Philly’s Basement) and Par.1-2: Presenting the infrastructure problems in an old city, Philadelphia.
Subtitle-1 (An Underground Mystery) and Par.3-5: Showing the causes of the problems.
Subtitle-2 (Mapping the Depth) and Par. 6-10: Explaining the technologies to find the problems.
Subtitle-3 (OK, Now What?) and Par. 11-13: Introducing the new solutions for the problems.
=> Blog Write a summary of the article within five sentences.
=> HW by Jan.29th

Lesson Report Senior-1 January 26th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, January 26, 2016.
It's sunny and cold today.
Have you decided what you do on the weekend?
Do you remember what Sae talked about in her speech?
You can try whatever when you are young.
Why don't you try your best to be what you want to be in the future?
Our speaker today was Sae.
She talked about her New Year Resolution.
She is going to help her mom more this year than last year.
The next speaker is Takeshi.
Try your best and get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Small talk: What time do you usually get up?
基礎英語 Lesson 139 & 140
Bridge Work
Chapter 34 Unit 2  VIU #2 批評などに関することば p.143
Chapter 35 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  Relative pronoun - what 
Exercise-1 #3
Grammar and Communication-2  Relative pronoun - whatever 
Exercise-2 #1-a, 1-b
Cover to cover Unit 7
Part 2  An Unlikely Friendship
Write about things you look for in a friend

Have an awesome weekend!
See you on Friday.


Lesson Report Junior-1 January 26th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, January 26, 2016.
It's sunny and cold today.
Do you like the new character, Luna?
She's from Dalian, China.
In Ron's school, there are a lot of students from foreign countries.
Do you have any foreign students in your school?
Engage では面白いSloganがありましたね。

次回はKey Communicationのテストです。Get ready for it!

 <Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 10 Unit 2
Verbs to learn #19
Grammar in Use
Key Communication practice
Questions, questions, and questions!
Engage  Unit 7
This is me Exploring the topic 
Vocabulary  Clothes  Review
W46 a pair of ...
Living English  Reading Slogans  p. 70

Enjoy the rest of the week.

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Junior-2 January 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, January 26, 2016.
It's sunny and cold today.
Do you think Tokyo is one of the biggest cities in the world?
It may be one of the busiest, too.
What do you think Rick and Hannah are going to do to find Rah-rah?
What do you want to do when you finish the exams?
Do you usually go to karaoke?
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers today.
The next speaker is Kotoko.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 23 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  one of the ...
Exercise-1 #4
Let's check-1
Grammar and Communication-2 may, may not
Questions, questions, questions!
基礎英語 Lesson 137 & 138
Engage Unit 5  Living English
Listening What to do on the weekend  p. 53
Writing about the conversation of the three teenagers

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Thursday!

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report Junior-1 January 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, January 26, 2016.
It's sunny and cold today.
Do you like the new character, Luna?
She's from Dalian, China.
In Ron's school, there are a lot of students from foreign countries.
Do you have any foreign students in your school?
Engage では面白いSloganがありましたね。

 <Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 10 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  How long does it take ...?
Exercise-2 #3, 4, and 5
Verbs to learn #19
Grammar in Use
Questions, questions, and questions!
Engage  Unit 7
This is me Exploring the topic 
Vocabulary  Clothes  Review
W46 a pair of ...
Living English  Reading Slogans  p. 70

Enjoy the rest of the week.

See you on Thursday!

Towako and Miharu

Lesson Report-Adv.1-Jan.23rd

1. Kikutan-6K  Day 38  Denmark’s Social Welfare
Denmark is a highly social country where social welfare, health and education are all provided free. In order to sustain such costly programs and high living standard, Denmark’s tax rate is higher than most other countries.
2. Typing Practice-6 
- Free Typing Test C, D Advanced Typing Skills-1 => Advanced Typing Skills-2
3. Inside Reading-2  Unit 8  Reading- 2  High School Society: Who Belongs Where?
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level 
- A. Read the words in the box-> Fill in the blanks without reading (voca task) -> Read the text aloud.
=> B. Put the sentences in a logical order. Identify the topic of each sentence and sort them=> Pair
- C. Write synonyms of the informal words-> Check the chart on page 113.
- D. Dic diverse => Pair Talk about the diversity of the students/activities/events/backgrounds of your school or community in 90 seconds. Use diverse, diversity, diversify or diversified at least twice.
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
E. Read the situations and opinions
  => Speak-1 your opinion on one of the situations that should have a rule in 60 sec.
  => Speak-2 your opinion on one of the situations that should not have a rule in 60 sec.
- G. Check the arguments on page 128 for “for” and “against”
  => Write your opinion in five to eight sentences or 100 words. 
  => HW by Jan.25th
4. Open Forum-1 Chapter 11 Math and Technology 
#1 Radio Program about the Fibonacci Sequence
- Lis #3 w/Script -> Vocabulary 
- pinecone, seashell, knuckle  - spiral  
- It’s a series of numbers, and in the sequence, each number is the sum of the preceding two numbers.
- coincident  happening at the same time; simultaneous, synchronous  
-> coincidence: It was just (a) ~ . By (sheer) ~, …  <= happen to be/do at the same time
-> coincide to take place at the same time: The centers of concentric circles coincide. Our vacations coincided.
- intrigue   to make sb very interested; attract, delight, please : The idea ~d him. You’ve ~d me. 
(n) [ɪnˈtrig/ˈɪn trig] political ~   -> intriguing; interesting, alluring, appealing, exciting
- precede to go/come/happen before sth/sb in order; go ahead of: The resignation was ~ed by speculation. <-> succeed-> preceding: the years ~ the war, See the ~ chapter
-> precedent [prɛsɪdənt] an example/instance used to justify later similar occurrences ; example, model, standard.: 
set/establish a new ~ 
->precedence act of preceding/the condition of being precedent; priority: take ~ over the needs, in order of ~  
- decimal  based on tens/tenth: ~ point (小数点 ./US ,/UK)  ~ scale/system(10進法) ~ fraction(小数) 
- all the better  used for saying that if something is true or possible, it will be even nicer; better, improved:
 It’ll be so nice to see Ruth again, and if she can bring the children along, all the better. (ますます結構)
- Vocabulary-1, 2, 3  Adjectives with –ing and –ed Endings 
 fascinate, bore, confuse, exhaust, interest, intrigue, surprise, tire
=> Task Speak with the adjective with –ing and –ed ending, and the verb in 90 seconds.

Lesson Report-Adv.2-Jan.23rd

[1] Listening & Vocabulary: Kikutan-6K  
Day 35 Healthy Human Microbes [maɪkroʊb] microscopic organism esp a disease-causing bacterium
[2] Inside Reading-3 Unit 9 Business Competitive Instinct
- Skim the title, subtitles, photos and proper nouns (Capital, Italic), and predict what each section of the Timeline is about
- Reading Comprehension-> Identify the information to be looked for
=> Scan to find answers, note the line numbers
- Reading Skill: Understanding Time Signals - Learn
- Reading Skill  Understanding Time Signals
- Review a Skill  Summarizing a text using nontext elements (pictures, tables, charts, graphs)
-> Read the text -> Underline the time expressions (Reading Skill: Apply)
-> Mark the people and things mentioned
=> Research the unknown people and things by Jan.29th
-> Identify what type of competition, such as personal, professional, national or business, each story demonstrates and the influence or consequence brought about by the competition.
=> Write a summary of “1450; The Path to Literacy” and “2011; Going Green” in three sentences in the present tense. Use time words if appropriate by Jan.29th
[3] My Global Learning Program-3  The Pacific War
2. What brought Imperial Japan to the war? #2
=> Dis What do you think of the sentiment on and sensitivity over the war history? 

Lesson Report Junior-3 January 23rd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday,
 January 23, 2016.

It's overcast and cold today.
We're having another cold day.
Even in Okinawa, people are freezing cold, which doesn't happen so often.
If you watch news shows of America, you'll find NY freezing, too.
By the way, did you enjoy reading the following story about Maria and Fred?
What do you think Fred wrote in his text message ?
Our speaker today was Ami.
She talked about her school trips.
The next speaker is Miyabi.
Get ready for your speech!

< Lesson Review>

Small talk: What are you doing this weekend?
基礎英語 Lessons 139 & 140
Summarizing the week
Bridge Work
Chapter 34 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2 Relative pronouns   objects
Exercise-2 #2 

Stay warm!
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 January 22nd

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's January 23, 2016.  
It's cloudy and cold today!
Picture Dictionary Topic46(2)を学習しました。
Oxford Discover Student Book P158, 159 の内容を再度音読し、
P160, 161 の問題も解きました。
Oxford Discover Workbook P140,141の問題を解きました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 46(2)
Sing chant
Play word game
Oxford Discover Student book   Review story P158,159 and Do P160,161
Oxford Discover workbook P140,141

Have a nice weekend! 


Lesson Report Primary-1 January 22nd

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's January 23, 2016.  
It's cloudy and cold today! 
Please dont get sick!
Picture Dictionary
Topic 18 (2)を学習しました。

This is Phonics 1 
Unit 5 P37Chantを唄いました。
Silent e のミニテストP 51にチャレンジしました!
Good Work!
Up and Away Student Book P9,12,13 What is it?の文の復習、ペアワークをしました。
Up and Away reader book 1D P27,28,29 のComprehensionを学習しました。

Lesson Review
Picture Dictionary Topic 18 (2)
Sing the chant
Work in 2 groups.  Each student memorizes 3 words / word game

This is Phonics 1,    Sing P37,  read words from list.  Do P51 mini test
Up and Away student book P12,13  What is it?  
Pair work. Repeat sentences. Make sentences
Up and Away reader  book 1D  P27, 28, 29  True/ false, Comprehension
Have a nice weekend !  


Lesson Report-Sr.2p-Jan.22nd

1. Kikutan-4K Day 36  Steve Jobs
Steve Job made Apple the biggest company in the computer industry by his foresight for the future.
2. Typing Practice 
 Lesson 6: Free Typing Test C, Free Typing Test D,
 Advanced Typing Skills-1, Advanced Typing Skills-2
3. Inside Reading-2  Unit 1  Reading-2  Understanding Philly’s Basement
- Read-1=> Reading Comprehension/p.11: T/F
Underline the key words you try to look up. Mark the par. number, Correct false statements.
=> Blog: Write a sentence to describe what the text is about=> Pair
This article is about the problems of the old infrastructures in Philadelphia in the US and technologies to find those problems and fix them.
4. Open Forum-1  Chapter 1 Communication #2 Lecture about Gestures
- 1st Listening-thru-> Main Ideas, More Details
- 2nd Listening-by Part=> Take notes to explain in complete sentences.
=> Tell the summary of the lecture in 120 sec. Explain each of the three points.

Lesson Report Senior-1 January 22nd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, January 22, 2016.
It's sunny and cold today.
Did you eat what you had wanted to eat for dinner today?
Do you think you can do what you want to do on the weekend?
What you need to do right now is to get ready for the next school year.
By the way, did you enjoy talking with your classmates about what is important to be a good friend to someone?
Hope you learned some interesting aspects from your group members through the discussion.
Our speaker today was Kota.
He talked about what he had to do for the new year.
The next speaker is Sae.
Try your best and get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Small talk: What are you doing this weekend? What are you going to do if it snows?
基礎英語 Lesson 137 & 138
Bridge Work
Chapter 34 Unit 2  VIU #1 申込や参加に関することば p.143
Workbook page 97
Chapter 35 Unit 1
Grammar in Use  United Countries and Bodies  Review reading
Chapter 35 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  Relative pronoun - what 
Exercise-1 #1 and 2
Cover to cover Unit 7
Part 2  An Unlikely Friendship
Vocabulary in the context B
Talk about things you look for in a friend

Have an awesome weekend!
See you on Friday.
