Lesson Report-Sr.2p-Jan.29th

1. Kikutan-4K  Day 37: The Secret Collection of Information
Many companies get information of our web access record whether we agree or not.
2. Typing Practice http://www.learntyping.org/ 
Free Typing Test E, Free Typing Test F Advanced Typing Skills-5, Advanced Typing Skills-6
3. Inside Reading-2  Unit 1  Reading-2  Understanding Philly’s Basement
- Check the summary (HW by Jan.29th)
=> ☆ Pair Tell the Summary in 90 sec. w/o the writing.

=> Reading Task Ground Penetrating System (GPR) (par.8) について下記以降を100字以内で説明しなさい。
> Study Sentences: [L3-P4] For example, in the mid-1800s ~ returned to the South.
[L48-P5] Until we figure out ~ man-eating hole might develop.
[P8] Ground penetrating radar ~ the receiver’s screen. (technical reading)=> Pair
[L90-P9] Their clever tunneling ~ in the city.
[L110-P10] Responder is equipped with ~ the pipe walls. 
[L115-P11] Locating problem is ~ the bulk of the job. 
4. Open Forum-1  Chapter 1 Communication #2 Lecture about Gestures
- Listening-by Part=> Take notes to explain in complete sentences.
=> Tell the summary of the lecture in 120 sec. Explain each of the three points.
- 3rd Lis w/Script-> Voca- be born with, be born to be/do sth: He was ~ to be a poet.= He was a ~ poet.
- correspond-correspondence: to match, be the same as, or similar to something
=> Thinking & Speaking Explain one of the points about gestures in 90 seconds
- Pronunciation: Contractions with Be
- Speaking Skill: Asking for help with Vocabulary  -> Ex-1,2/p.7
=> Speaking Practice: Describe to have the partner guess what the place/who the person is.

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